$10k - 20k, JSCM16R2, Retail 零售業, Freelance 兼職, JSCMPT1, M06BJ


UNIQLO macau jobscall.me recruitment ad 澳門招聘-01.jpg

UNIQLO 相信每一個人都能成就更美好的自己,



1. 多方位育成培訓︰你可放膽嘗試不同崗位,完整育成多項專業技能,以至行動力、思考力,一步步為自己的未來展開計畫

2. 憑實力持續晉升︰不論年齡、性別、背景,任何願意付出努力的人,UNIQLO 都提供各種機會 – 階段性目標定制、透明而公開的升職制度、每3個月挑戰1次晉升加薪!

3. 團隊合作和支持︰你會遇上充滿熱情和支持的團隊,為相同目標而一同努力合作、共同成長


1. 運營店舖 – 處理賣場和後台的各種業務︰包括賣場接待,試衣間接待,商品整理、陳列,收銀應對,保持店舖整潔等;管理庫存,資材訂購,驗收到貨商品,顧客留貨檢查、修改縫製商品等

2. 服務顧客 – 以你的專業幫助顧客找到最適合他們、能改變生活、帶來更美好生活的 LifeWear,持續努力為顧客帶來最好的服務體驗

3. 提出改變 – UNIQLO 視店舖為中心,不少商品和服務都是來自於店舖人才的意見。任何能創造更美好的改變,我們都會一同努力實現。作為最常直接感受顧客需求的你,可以隨時提出任何建議。


UNIQLO Management Candidate (Macau) (June 2025 Intake)

We are looking for people who are passionate and set ambitious goals to achieve our mission.

UMC is the starting point of your business leader journey.

An intensive hands-on masterclass to fast-track your way to global retail leadership.

It All Starts With Managing a Store

At UNIQLO, we see the sales floor as our center for understanding what our customers really want, confronting challenges head-on, and deriving actions to achieve rapid success. A global leader needs to be able to consider and execute business decisions on their own initiative. That’s why our UMC program places a strong emphasis on working in-store.

Immediately after joining the company, you will be assigned to the one of the stores, and will undertake a 12 month intensive training program to be Store Manager*.

  • 0 - 3 months

    Adaptation & learn basic tasks at store

  • 3 - 6 months

    Act as a trainer to new members & learn to do top sales products' planning

  • 6 - 9 months

    Act as a specific time person-in-charge to do planning & execution. Start to plan & execute weekly sales plan

  • 9 - 12 months

    Act as a day/week person-in-charge to do planning & execution for whole store. Learn & involve in human resources planning & P&L analysis

Further Development Opportunities

Each person designs their own career. After becoming a Store Manager and running a store, you will continue to set and review individual goals. Regular career reviews with human resources and managers are conducted every six months to confirm and clarify your goals. Regardless of your age or nationality, you will have opportunities to build on management experience cultivated at stores for further expansion and growth, including through overseas and headquarters assignments.

*Written & panel interviews will be conducted. Promotion opportunity every 6 months.

To Excel in This Role, You Are:

  • A degree holder from all disciplines under 2 years full-time working experiences are welcome;

  • Ambitious to make a difference with a clear sense of mission;

  • Customer centric mindset with strong commitment to contribute to UNIQLO's success;

  • A people-first advocate, keen on teamwork and helping others;

  • A UNIQLO fans with an eye for the fashion retail industry;

  • Motivated to experiment and tackle dynamic challenges, fueled by a strong desire to contribute to positive change and pursue an ideal;

  • Agile, ready to jump into a fast-paced environment and ever-changing industry;

  • Excellent communication skills in Cantonese and English

Challenge your possibilities at UNIQLO and make the world a better place through the power of clothing. Apply now, join UMC and step onto the world stage!

Recruitment Timeline

  • Jan to Apr 2025: Application period

  • Mar – Apr 2025: Selection and Interviews

  • May 2025: Offer Extension

  • June 2025: Program Commences

Please click the below link for application:


If you have any queries regarding the UMC Programme, please email us at recruit_moumc@uniqlo.com.hk.



  • 08:00 – 24:00 (每天 8 小時)

  • 每月例假8天,需輪班輪休



  • 每星期最少工作3天,每天工作4-8小時


  • 歡迎在學求職者申請

  • 可夜更工作優先


  1. 掃描上圖二維碼 或

  2. 親臨澳門各分店填寫申請表

如有問題可電郵至 mo_recruit@uniqlo.com.hk(所有收集得到的資料絕對保密及只作招聘用途)