The STEFANO RICCI Company was founded in 1972 by Florentine designer Stefano Ricci. Passionate about ties, he decided to cre-ate his own designs at a very young age. His creations were immediately received enthusiastically when he first participated in the Pitti Immagine Uomo fashion exhibit in Florence. In this international setting the STEFANO RICCI tie collection emerged thanks to the innovative, yet very classic nature of his patterns. Stefano Ricci had transformed the role of the tie from a simple accessory item to a real protagonist of menswear.
STEFANO RICCI 品牌是由佛羅倫薩設計師 Stefano Ricci 先生於 1972 年創立。 Stefano Ricci 先生從小就喜愛收集領帶,青年時代開始,便立志打造一個屬於自己的領帶王國。當他首次在佛羅倫薩的 Pitti Immagine Uomo 男裝盛會登場時,他的領帶作品立刻受到熱烈的迴響。他的第一個領帶系列,不僅運用了創新的 “褶皺” 設計,還運用了獨特而經典的佩斯利圖案,也因此 STEFANO RICCI 成功的將人們一直以來視領帶為配角的觀念,轉化成男裝中的主角。
Today, the brand is run by Stefano Ricci, his wife Claudia and his two sons, Niccolò (C.E.O.) and Filippo (Creative Director). They are more than ever committed to bringing Italian fashion to the world, with 43 boutiques internationally including Milan, Paris, Florence, Monte-Carlo, New York, Beverly Hills, Moscow, Kiev, Doha, Tokyo, Seoul, Singapore, Shanghai, Beijing and Macao.
如今,Stefano Ricci 先生與他的夫人 Claudia, 還有他兩個兒子 Niccolo (C.E.O) 與 Filippo (藝術總監) 全心致力於對品牌的提升,以及將原汁原味的意大利時尚推向世界。至今其精品店已覆蓋米蘭、巴黎、佛羅倫薩、蒙特卡羅、紐約、貝弗利山莊、莫斯科、基輔、多哈、東京、首爾、新加坡、上海、北京、澳門等 43 多個國際一線城市。
澳門四季店:澳門望德聖母灣馬路四季酒店 1128 鋪
澳門凱旋門店:澳門新口岸皇朝區城市日大馬路 278 號
更多信息請登錄 Stefanoricci 的官方網站
年終和績效花紅 (Year end and performance bonus)
法定年假及法定全薪病假 (Statutory annual leave and sick leave)
薪婚假 (Marriage leave)
陪產假 (Paternity Leave)
出勤獎勵 (Attendance Incentive)
1. 全職 / 兼職 - 倉務員
全職薪酬:面議 / 兼職時薪:$60
2. 全職 / 兼職 - 時裝顧問 Fashion Consultant
全職薪酬:$12,500 - $18,000 澳門幣
兼職時薪:$70 起 (視乎經驗而定)
Major Responsibilities 主要職責:
Join in the daily store operations
參與日常店鋪運營Provide and maintain excellent customer service and a pleasant shopping environment consistent with brand image
提供並保持與品牌形象相匹配的優質對客服務及舒適的購物環境Maintain current and potential customers to establish client relationship
維護現有及潛在消費者,建立良好的客戶關係Keep customers informed on new products or services, changes, etc.
確保客人及時了解各項品牌信息包括新產品,服務或其它改變To handle client enquiries and concerns
處理顧客詢問及疑問Execute sales plans and participates in marketing events and promotion programs執行銷售計劃並能參與市場活動及促銷計劃
Keep records and reports on sales activities
記錄並彙報銷售數據Other duties as assigned
Requirements & Capabilities 任職要求:
At least 1 years of relevant experience in high-end fashion, luxury industry or in similar capacity
至少一年相關行業經驗Passion in retail industry with good selling skills
對零售行業充滿熱情及良好的銷售技巧Likes fashion and appreciates quality products
熱愛時尚及高品質的產品Fluent in Mandarin & Cantonese
有意者可填寫以下申請表格,或將個人履歷連同近照電郵至,標題註明 “應徵職位-由 提供”。
Interested applicants please send your resume with recent photo to, please quote the “job position - source from” in your e-mail subject title.
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