Laboratory Technician for the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
(參考編號: FST/CEE/LT/03/2025)
The Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) of University of Macau invites applications for the position of Laboratory Technician (equivalent to Senior Administrative Assistant/Administrative Assistant) at a taxable monthly salary ranging from MOP25,380 to MOP43,240 (index 270 – 460).
>> 立即申請此職位 <<
Applicants on or before 20 March 2025
Laboratory Technician for the Faculty of Science and Technology
(參考編號: FST/LT/03/2025)
The Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) of University of Macau invites applications for the position of Laboratory Technician (equivalent to Senior Administrative Assistant/Administrative Assistant) at a taxable monthly salary ranging from MOP25,380 to MOP43,240 (index 270 – 460).
>> 立即申請此職位 <<
Applicants on or before 20 March 2025
Information Technology Officer/Information Technology Technician for the Information Management Section
(參考編號: ICTO/IMS/ITT/03/2025)
The Information Management Section of the Information and Communication Technology Office of the University of Macau invites applications for the position of Information Technology Officer/Information Technology Technician (equivalent to the rank of Administrative Officer/Senior Administrative Assistant) at a taxable monthly salary ranging from MOP34,780 to MOP52,640 (index 370 – 560).
>> 立即申請此職位 <<
Information Technology Technician for the Academic Computing and Technology Services Section
(參考編號: ICTO/ACTS/ITT/03/2025)
The Academic Computing and Technology Services Section of the Information and Communication Technology Office of the University of Macau invites applications for the position of Information Technology Technician (equivalent to the rank of Senior Administrative Assistant) at a taxable monthly salary ranging from MOP34,780 to MOP43,240 (index 370 – 460).
>> 立即申請此職位 <<
Senior Administrative Officer/Administrative Officer for the Rector’s Office
(參考編號: RTO/SAO/AO/01/2025)
The Rector’s Office (RTO) of the University of Macau invites applications for the position of Senior Administrative Officer/Administrative Officer at a taxable monthly salary ranging from MOP41,360 to MOP64,860 (index 440 – 690). This position will assist in the establishment of a medical school at the new Hengqin campus.
>> 立即申請此職位 <<
Senior Administrative Officer/Administrative Officer for the Centre for Pharmaceutical Regulatory Sciences
(參考編號: ICMS/CPRS/SAO/AO/02/2025)
The Centre for Pharmaceutical Regulatory Sciences, University of Macau (CPRS) of the Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences (ICMS) invites applications for the position of Senior Administrative Officer/Administrative Officer at a taxable monthly salary ranging from MOP41,360 to MOP64,860 (index 440 – 690).
>> 立即申請此職位 <<
Laboratory Technician for the Institute of Microelectronics
(參考編號: IME/LT/02/2025)
The Institute of Microelectronics of the University of Macau invites applications for the position of Laboratory Technician (equivalent to Senior Administrative Officer/Administrative Officer) at a taxable monthly salary ranging from MOP41,360 to MOP64,860 (index 440 – 690).
>> 立即申請此職位 <<
Laboratory Technician for the Faculty of Science and Technology
(參考編號: FST/LT/12/2024)
The Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) of University of Macau invites applications for the position of Laboratory Technician (equivalent to Senior Administrative Assistant/Administrative Assistant) at a taxable monthly salary ranging from MOP25,380 to MOP43,240 (index 270 – 460).
>> 立即申請此職位 <<
Business Intelligence and Analytics (Information Systems)
(參考編號: FBA/BIA/IS/FP/11/2024)
>> 立即申請此職位 <<
Business Intelligence and Analytics (Information Systems)
(參考編號: FBA/BIA/IS/FP/11/2024)
>> 立即申請此職位 <<
Educational Psychology
(參考編號: FED/EP/FAP/11/2024)
澳大教育學院提供不同範疇的學士、碩士和博士學位課程, 擁有國內外致力於新知識的發現、應用和傳播的知名學者。有關本學院的詳細介紹,請參閱https://fed.um.edu.mo/。澳大在2024/2025年《美國新聞與世界報導》全球最佳大學 (教育及教育研究學科) 中排名第20位。澳大教育學院矢志成為一所在澳門、大中華區,乃至其他地區引領教師教育的中心和具影響力的教育研究機構。
根據獲聘者的資歷,上述正教授職位之可科稅年薪由澳門元1,250,200(約美元154,350)起,副教授職位之可科稅年薪由澳門元1,052,800(約美元129,980)起。目前澳門的所得稅率最高為12%,符合條件者可獲一定程度減免,實際所得稅率約為5%至7%。除了具競爭力的薪酬外,大學還提供完善的福利,包括醫療保險、公積金、教職員宿舍/房屋津貼及其他津貼。詳情可瀏覽 https://career.admo.um.edu.mo/learn-more/。
>> 立即申請此職位 <<
Cognitive and Brain Sciences
(參考編號: ICI/CCBS/AP/11/2024)
澳門大學協同創新研究院認知與腦科學研究中心現公開招聘多名認知與腦科學的助理教授。認知與腦科學研究中心(下稱本中心)致力於推進大腦和語言認知、行為成癮和神經決策、腦功能影像和腦網絡圖譜以及兒童發育、認知老化和大腦疾病的研究。本中心重點促進澳大認知與腦科學的跨學科研究與合作,其中涵蓋神經影像和腦疾病、生物醫學科學、腦機接口、數據科學、心理學與語言、神經經濟學、計算神經科學和人工智能等研究領域。本中心由四個研究平台組成:神經影像(3T MAGNETOM Prisma fMRI/fNIRS/EEG/MEEG)實驗室、腦干預實驗室(rTMS/tDCS/經顱磁刺精準導航系統)、認知及行為資料收集實驗室和高性能計算平台。期待通過這些平台開展高價值的研究工作,產出具有世界影響力的關鍵科學成果和發明。
根據獲聘者的資歷,上述助理教授職位之可科稅年薪由澳門元855,400(約美元105,600)起。目前澳門的所得稅率最高為12%,符合條件者可獲一定程度減免,實際所得稅率約為5%至7%。除了具競爭力的薪酬外,大學還提供完善的福利,包括醫療保險、公積金、教職員宿舍/房屋津貼及其他津貼。詳情可瀏覽 https://career.admo.um.edu.mo/learn-more/。
>> 立即申請此職位 <<
Intelligent Sensing and Network Communication
(參考編號: IOTSC/CDF/ISNC/11/2024)
根據獲聘者的資歷,上述職位之可科稅年薪由澳門元1,250,200(約美元154,350)起。目前澳門的所得稅率最高為12%,符合條件者可獲一定程度減免,實際所得稅率約為5%至7%。除了具競爭力的薪酬外,大學還提供完善的福利,包括醫療保險、公積金、教職員宿舍/房屋津貼及其他津貼。詳情可瀏覽 https://career.admo.um.edu.mo/learn-more/。
>> 立即申請此職位 <<
Intelligent Sensing and Network Communication
(參考編號: IOTSC/AAP/ISNC/11/2024)
根據獲聘者的資歷,上述副教授職位之可科稅年薪由澳門元1,052,800(約美元129,980)起,助理教授職位之可科稅年薪由澳門元855,400(約美元105,600)起。目前澳門的所得稅率最高為12%,符合條件者可獲一定程度減免,實際所得稅率約為5%至7%。除了具競爭力的薪酬外,大學還提供完善的福利,包括醫療保險、公積金、教職員宿舍/房屋津貼及其他津貼。詳情可瀏覽 https://career.admo.um.edu.mo/learn-more/。
>> 立即申請此職位 <<
政治學 (公共行政) 副教授 / 助理教授
根據獲聘者的資歷,上述職位之可科稅年薪由澳門元855,400(約美元105,600)起。目前澳門的所得稅率最高為12%,符合條件者可獲一定程度減免,實際所得稅率約為5%至7%。除了具競爭力的薪酬外,大學還提供完善的福利,包括醫療保險、公積金、教職員宿舍/房屋津貼及其他津貼。詳情可瀏覽 https://career.admo.um.edu.mo/learn-more/。
>> 立即申請此職位 <<
Visiting Senior Instructor in Communication
(參考編號: FSS/DCOM/VSI/11/2024)
The Department of Communication of the Faculty of Social Sciences invites applications for a one-year contract in the position of Visiting Senior Instructor in Communication. We are looking for applicants to teach courses in specific areas of: Video Production, Documentary, Advanced Video Production, Workshop: Video. Additional courses may be assigned to match the teaching needs of the department, faculty, and university.
A taxable annual remuneration starting MOP524,520 (approximately USD64,760) will be commensurate with the successful applicants’ academic qualification and relevant professional experience. The current local maximum income tax rate is 12% but is effectively around 5% – 7% after various discretionary exemptions.
>> Apply for this job now <<
Senior Instructor of Portuguese
(參考編號: FAH/DPT/SI/11/2024)
The Department of Portuguese of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities invites applications for the position of Senior Instructor of Portuguese. The Department of Portuguese is an established and lively scholarly community. The Department offers an undergraduate degree in Portuguese Studies concentrating on Portuguese with selected courses in Language, Linguistics, Literature, Culture, History and Translation. At the undergraduate level, the Department also teaches Portuguese language within the Faculty of Law and offers elective courses in Portuguese as a foreign language to students from all faculties of the University. At the postgraduate level, the Department offers two Master programmes (i) Portuguese Language and Intercultural Studies; (ii) Translation Studies (Portuguese-Chinese), as well as one PhD programme covering different topics of Portuguese Studies.
A taxable annual remuneration starting from MOP611,940 (approximately USD75,550) will be commensurate with the successful applicants’ academic qualification and relevant professional experience. The current local maximum income tax rate is 12% but is effectively around 5% – 7% after various discretionary exemptions. Apart from competitive remuneration, UM offers a wide range of benefits, such as medical insurance, provident fund, on-campus accommodation/housing allowance and other subsidies. Further details on our package are available at: https://career.admo.um.edu.mo/learn-more/.
>> Apply for this job now <<
Full Professor of Portuguese Literature
(參考編號: FAH/DPT/FP/11/2024)
The Department of Portuguese of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities invites applications for the position of Full Professor of Portuguese Literature. The Department of Portuguese is an established and lively scholarly community. The Department offers an undergraduate degree in Portuguese Studies concentrating on Portuguese with selected courses in Language, Linguistics, Literature, Culture, History and Translation. At the undergraduate level, the Department also teaches Portuguese language within the Faculty of Law and offers elective courses in Portuguese as a foreign language to students from all faculties of the University. At the postgraduate level, the Department offers two Master programmes (i) Portuguese Language and Intercultural Studies; (ii) Translation Studies (Portuguese-Chinese), as well as one PhD programme covering different topics of Portuguese Studies.
A taxable annual remuneration starting from MOP1,250,200 (approximately USD154,350) will be commensurate with the successful applicants’ academic qualification and relevant professional experience. The current local maximum income tax rate is 12% but is effectively around 5% – 7% after various discretionary exemptions. Apart from competitive remuneration, UM offers a wide range of benefits, such as medical insurance, provident fund, on-campus accommodation/housing allowance and other subsidies. Further details on our package are available at: https://career.admo.um.edu.mo/learn-more/.
>> Apply for this job now <<
Full/Associate/Assistant Professor in Construction Management
(Reference No.: FST/CEE/CM/09/2024)
The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) of the Faculty of Science and Technology invites applications for the position of Full/Associate/Assistant Professor in the discipline of Construction Management.
A taxable annual remuneration starting from MOP1,250,200 (approx. USD154,350) for the position of Full Professor, MOP1,052,800 (approx. USD129,980) for the position of Associate Professor and MOP855,400 (approximately USD105,600) for the position of Assistant Professor will be commensurate with the successful applicants’ academic qualification and relevant professional experience. The current local maximum income tax rate is 12% but is effectively around 5% – 7% after various discretionary exemptions. Apart from competitive remuneration, UM offers a wide range of benefits, such as medical insurance, provident fund, on-campus accommodation/housing allowance and other subsidies. Further details on our package are available at: https://career.admo.um.edu.mo/learn-more/.
>> Apply for this job now <<
Associate/Assistant Professor in Finance
(Reference No.: FBA/FBE/AAP/09/2024)
The Department of Finance and Business Economics (DFBE) at Faculty of Business Administration (FBA) invites applications for the positions of Associate/Assistant Professor in Finance.
The actual remuneration is commensurate with the successful applicants’ academic qualification and relevant professional experience. The current local maximum income tax rate is 12% but is effectively around 5% – 7% after various discretionary exemptions. Apart from competitive remuneration, UM offers a wide range of benefits, such as on-campus accommodation or housing allowance, medical insurance, provident fund, and other subsidies. Further details on our package are available at: https://career.admo.um.edu.mo/learn-more/.