$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, Freelance 兼職, JSCMPT1, Retail 零售業, JSCM16R3, M05BJ



Marketing Assistant Manager, Mannings Macau


  • Implementing marketing plans and programs to boost China tourist business and to ensure in-store retail marketing execute well.

  • Participate in all-around Tourist Campaign including ideas generation, supplier collaboration and campaign execution on how to build brand awareness and drive tourist traffic to Hong Kong & Macau etc.

  • Collaborating with agencies across China/Macau/Hong Kong , to strategize specific marketing initiatives and content, across various channels including social media and out-of-home.

  • Serving as a knowledge hub for Macau market insights, understanding consumer behaviour, purchase habits, and trends in Health and Beauty (H&B); promptly sharing ideas to HQ to unlock market opportunities.

  • Working closely with the Macau store operations team to pinpoint opportunities for improvement and drive execution excellence .

  • Regularly travel to China mainland and Hong Kong so that to work with peers, agency, and cross-team on tourist project.

  • Identifying potential local partners in Macau for cooperative plans.


  • 5 years of experience in Marketing or relevant commercial roles.

  • Familiarity with the Macau market and insights into both local and tourist behaviors.

  • Strong communication skills, high personal drive, meticulous attention to details, adept at collaborating with cross-functional teams, and capable of working independently.

  • Eligible to work in Macau and able to travel to China mainland and Hong Kong .

Interested parties please send full resume to jenny.chan@dfiretailgroup.com

All information collected will be treated in strict confidence and used for recruitment purpose only.

Trainer (Part-time)

Hourly rate: MOP 120

Role overview

This position is a critical team member to support the POS training rollout in Macau. This person is responsible to guide and deliver POS training and hands on practice to support team members to be fully prepared for POS cutover. The person will leverage on the training manual, PPT and test cases to ensure learning is transferred from learning environment into work.

Work location: Macau

Working schedule: 2-3 days per week

Working hour per week: 16-18 hours per week

Is this your next challenge in Retail Training?

  • Manage learning delivery to ensure a positive learning experience for all participating team members

  • Coach, guide and support team members during learning delivery, build upon their knowledge and experience to ensure they have the confidence to apply the learning at work

  • Monitor and collect feedback from team members for continuous improvement of courses and program content

  • Provide feedback, evaluation and follow-up to the L&D Project Lead on effectiveness of materials

  • Work together with L&D team members to track learning effectiveness and impact

  • Maintain expert knowledge of training programs logistic and systems usage

  • Deliver learning & development solutions, classroom or practice lab, according to plan

  • Receive positive feedback from team members and managers of the training delivered

  • Achieve the effectiveness metrics/measures of all learning & development solutions

  • Do you have experience in Retail Operations / Learning & Development?

  • Good command of presentation skills in both training delivery and business meeting settings

  • Desire to learn, always putting customer first, adaptability to change in a fast-paced environment

  • 1-2 years’ experience in learning & development with successful experience delivering learning & development solutions through instructional design concepts, adult learning concepts, and technology will be an advantage

  • Able to work according to the required training schedules

If you have the right skills and experience, this is an opportunity to build your career with Pan Asia’s leading retailer.

  1. Interested parties, please send your full resume to joindfimo@dfiretailgroup.com

  2. Wechat/Whatsapp: 6326 7575

DFI Retail Group is responsible for ensuring that all personal information collected from each Candidate presented to DFI Retail Group is used for recruitment purposes only and the data collection process is in accordance with all applicable laws and compliant with the Code of Practice on Human Resource Management.

To find out more about Our Businesses and Our People, please visit our website: www.DFIretailgroup.com

We are an equal opportunity employer. Personal data collected will be kept and handled confidentially by authorised personnel for recruitment purposes only. We will retain the applications of candidates not selected for a period of no more than 24 months. A copy of our Privacy Policy can be accessed by visiting our Company website.

Issued by The Dairy Farm Company, Limited


7-Eleven 於二零零五年初在澳門開設首間便利店。經過多年的努力發展,全線 7-Eleven 分店已遍佈澳門、離島各區,為市民提供全天候 24 小時最便利的零售服務。同時也為有志於零售行業發展的人才提供完善的培訓及晉升機會。




  • 對零售工作具興趣;

  • 廣東話流利及英文普通程度;(完成見習階段可直接晉升為店務經理)

  • 具相關零售工作經驗優先考慮


  • 協助零售店務及管理工作,確保分店營運、服務質素達致公司目標,(見習經理完成見習階段可直接晉升為店務經理)

店務組長 Shift Captain


  • 期望獲得晉升及發展空間;

  • 對零售工作有熱誠,具責任感;

  • 良好粵語,懂讀寫中文及簡單英文;


  • 協助零售店務管理工作

  • 確保分店營運、服務質素達致公司目標

工作時間 :

  • 每天基礎工作時數為9小時 (包括1小時休息時間),每週工作六天

  • 需輪班及通宵工作

食品服務專員 Food Services Specialist


  • 經驗不拘

  • 對零售工作有興趣


  • 依公司所定的食品衛生標準,維護店鋪食品安全

  • 協助維持店內環境衛生

  • 提供基礎的顧客服務

工作時間 :

  • 每天基礎工作時數為9小時 (包括1小時休息時間),每週工作六天

  • 需輪班及通宵工作

全職店務員 Sales Assistant


  • 經驗不拘

  • 對零售工作有興趣


  • 一般零售店務工作

工作時間 :

  • 每天基礎工作時數為 9 小時 ( 包括 1 小時休息時間 ),每週工作六天

  • 需輪班及通宵工作

兼職店務員 Part Time Sales Assistant


  • 經驗不拘

  • 對零售工作有興趣

  • 歡迎學生實習


  • 一般零售店務工作

工作時間 :

  • 彈性工作時間


  • 兼職時薪 MOP44-MOP59.5


  • 年終雙糧

  • 在職培訓

  • 有薪年假 12 天起

  • 醫療福利

  • 法定強制性假日

  • 退休金計劃

  • 離島交通津貼

  • 員工折扣優惠

  • 超時及夜班津貼

  • 員工介紹獎金

  • 銷售及表現獎金


  1. 招聘電郵 : joindfimo@dfiretailgroup.com(申請時請註明申請職位)

  2. Wechat / WhatsApp 至 6326 7575 查詢

  3. 亦可到全線 7 - Eleven 各分店填寫及提交職位申請表,申請時請註明申請職位。



萬寧是香港最大型的健康美容產品連鎖店,擁有超過 350 間分店,遍布香港及澳門,提供多元化及優質的中西式保健、個人護理、護膚及嬰兒產品,其宗旨為用心了解及照顧顧客各種需要,更積極推出創新先河的服務,帶領同業全力照顧社會大眾的健與美需要。


店務助理 ( 全職 / 兼職 )


  • 處理店舖之日常運作如散貨及收銀等

  • 提供優質的客戶服務


  • 初中或以上程度

  • 具零售服務行業經驗者可獲優先考慮

  • 喜歡跟顧客溝通及了解顧客需要

  • 需輪班工作


  • 12 - 19 天年假

  • 每月 6 天休息日

  • 醫療福利

  • 免供款退休計劃

  • 14 週產假

  • 銷售及服務奬金

  • 年終固定奬金

  • 氹仔地區津貼 MOP 1,000 ~ 1,500

  • 5 天侍產假

  • 集團購物優惠

  • 生日、結婚賀禮

  • 良好晉升階梯


  1. Wechat / WhatsApp 至 6326 7575 查詢

  2. 傳真:2835 2991

  3. 電郵:joindfimo@dfiretailgroup.com(申請時請註明申請職位)

  4. 親臨各萬寧店鋪遞交表格


澳門新苗超級市場一人有限公司創辦於 1990 年。是一家以經營零售超級市場,兼營出入口貿易以及商品批發的企業公司。1998 年開拓第一家分店起,發展到現在已是擁有 20 家連鎖超市分店。



  • 大專程度或以上,無需經驗

  • 高中畢業及一年零售管理經驗

  • 具領導才能,有責任心

  • 對超市零售業有熱情

  • 良好的溝通能力,勇於接受挑戰

  • 店鋪實習分店營運、環境管理、服務質素達致公司目標

  • 為期6個月在職培訓,成功通過考核後可晉升為分店副經理

  • 需24小時輪班工作

全職 包裝工


  • 年滿18歲

  • 執行麵包、蛋糕等產品的包裝、檢驗、出貨等工作

  • 生產環境日常清潔

  • 上班時間:6:30 - 20:30 (輪班工作)

全職 製品員


  • 年滿18歲

  • 執行麵包、蛋糕製作所有程序

  • 醃制肉類、準備所需材料

  • 生產環境日常清潔

  • 對食品行業有興趣

  • 具相關經驗者優先考慮

  • 上班時間:6:30 - 20:30 (輪班工作)

全職/兼職 收銀員、理貨員


  • 年滿 18 歲

  • 相關工作經驗者會被優先考慮

工作時間 :

  • 彈性工作時間

全職/兼職 生鮮食品理貨員


  • 年滿 18 歲

  • 能吃苦耐勞;相關工作經驗者會被優先考慮

全職/兼職 快餐服務員、廚師、廚師助理 ( 新苗美食部 )


  • 年滿 18 歲

  • 能吃苦耐勞;具廚房工作經驗為佳

全職 清潔工


  • 年滿18歲

  • 負責店鋪內外場的清潔

  • 及時解決突發性的清潔工作

  • 需操作洗地機

  • 氹仔上班

全職 肉類分割師、漁獲處理員、包裝機操作員


  • 年滿18歲

  • 能吃苦耐勞;具相關工作經驗為佳

全職 麵包、壽司師傅、學徒多名


  • 年滿 18 歲

  • 吃苦耐勞;有良好溝通能力,具相關工作經驗為佳

全職工作時間 & 薪金:

全職工作時間 :

  • 每週工作六天

  • 需輪班工作(收銀員、理貨員會有通宵班次)


  • 全職薪金面議

  • 兼職時薪 MOP42 - MOP45
    通宵班可達 MOP50


  1. 親臨分店遞交表格

  2. Wechat / WhatsApp 至 6326 7575 查詢

  3. 電郵:joindfimo@dfiretailgroup.com。申請時請註明申請職位。