$10k - 20k , $20k - 30k , Retail 零售業
Guest User · October 18, 2019
招聘日 - 澳門威尼斯人
Sales 售貨員 月入平均:$10,000 - $20,000 或以上 負責店舖日常運作,顧客服務及銷售工作
經驗不限 ,具顧客服務 / 服裝經驗優先考慮
Part Time Sales 兼職售貨員 時薪:$55 - $65
如未能於當天出席,可致電招聘熱線: 6243 0460 梁先生
或電郵履歷至 shoprecruit@ithk.com ,標題註明 “應徵職位-由 jobscall.me 提供”。
招聘日 - 澳門巴黎人
I.T 時裝顧問
兼職店舖助理 時薪 $55 起,視乎工作經驗和學歷而定
如未能於當天出席,可致電招聘熱線: 6243 0460 梁先生
或電郵履歷至 shoprecruit@ithk.com ,標題註明 “應徵職位-由 jobscall.me 提供”。
$10k - 20k , $20k - 30k , Retail 零售業
Guest User · October 18, 2019
$10k - 20k , $20k - 30k , Retail 零售業
Guest User · October 18, 2019
兼職店舖助理 時薪 $55 起,視乎工作經驗和學歷而定
6243 0460 梁先生
或電郵履歷至 shoprecruit@ithk.com ,標題註明 “應徵職位-由 jobscall.me 提供”。
$10k - 20k , $20k - 30k , Retail 零售業
Guest User · October 18, 2019
$20k - 30k , $30k - 40k , $10k - 20k
Guest User · August 28, 2019
$10k - 20k , $20k - 30k
Guest User · August 16, 2019
Retail 零售業 , $20k - 30k , $10k - 20k
Esther Wu · August 2, 2019
Our company cordially invites you to join us as a member of the company with the following job position and duties:
Marketing Executive Requirements and Job Responsibilities
Diploma or above
At least one year of working experience
Creative thinking: Strong sense in developing creative promotion concept
Able to liaise with suppliers and media agencies
Proficient in Microsoft office software
Having positive working attitude, responsible and self-motivated
Able to meet project deadline and equipped with good time management
Interested candidates please send full resume with recent photo and expected salary to Macau P.O. Box 182 or email to ck_enquiry@macauckstores.com , with subject “job position - source from jobscall.me”.
Guest User · July 31, 2019
$10k - 20k , $20k - 30k , $30k - 40k , $40k - 50k
Guest User · July 19, 2019
Guest User · July 12, 2019
$10k - 20k , Retail 零售業
Guest User · July 8, 2019
招聘日 招聘日期:7月3 - 10日 招聘時間:10:00 - 22:00
顧客服務員 兼職服務員 我們為你提供:
每月 8 天假期
月入高達 $12,000 起
有興趣者請到板樟堂 bossini 找店長洽。
Guest User · May 16, 2019
Retail 零售業 , $30k - 40k , $20k - 30k , $10k - 20k
Esther Wu · May 12, 2019
本公司是是一間香港上市公司, 專營高級鐘錶珠寶的零售業務, 旗下分店遍佈國內、香港、澳門及新加坡, 為配合發展, 現誠聘您成為我們的一份子。
招聘日 面試日期:2019年5月17日 (星期五) 時間:上午 11:30 至下午 1:30 及下午 2:30 至 4:30 地點:澳門殷皇子大馬路 71-75 號 及 南灣大馬路 514-540 號英皇南灣中心地下 2 號舖
有意應徵者請攜同近照一張、學歷證明及工作證明 (正及副本) 親臨以上地點面試 如未能於上述日期親臨面試,亦可將個人履歷表電郵至 ewjrecruitment02@emperorgroup.com 或致電 (853) 2872 2788 (內線) 103 或 105 向陳小姐查詢,標題註明 “應徵職位-由 jobscall.me 網站提供”
高級 / 營業代表 Sr. / Sales Executive
見習營業代表 Sales Trainee 有意加入鐘錶 / 珠寶零售行業者,經驗不拘
收銀文員 Cashier
店務助理 Store Assistant
新人奬金可高達: $7,000 優厚佣金
年假最高 14 天
$10k - 20k , $20k - 30k , $30k - 40k , Retail 零售業
Guest User · February 13, 2019
$10k - 20k , Retail 零售業
Guest User · January 13, 2019
Guest User · January 1, 2019
Fortuna Jet Fortuna Jet is a premium private jet operator incorporated in Macau.
Cabin Crew Job Duties Co-ordinating with and performing duties as assigned by the pilot in command and Administration Manager
Providing excellent customer service to passengers
Planning menus and ordering catering
Cleaning, restocking and maintaining order and cleanliness in the cabin at all times
Requirements Macau ID Holder
Minimum 3 years private jet or commercial airline First / Business Class experience
Strong knowledge of Gastronomy: Food and Beverage
Pleasant personality, self-motivated with strong communication and inter-personal skills
Strong proficiency in written & spoken English and Chinese
Willing to work flexible hours
Operations Coordinator Job Duties Interfacing with service provides regarding trip planning requirements
Preparing trip folders for pilot in command before flight
Coordinating trip logistics for flight crew and passengers throughout the flights
Scheduling flight crew to ensure compliance with company and FAA regulations regarding currency
Coordinating crew training to best accommodate flight schedule
Maintaining passenger profiles to ensure accurate and current information
Providing administrative support to the office
Requirements Macau ID Holder
Preference will be given to those with tertiary education or equivalent experience
Good command of written & spoken English and Chinese
Excellent computer skill and able to prioritise work orders with strong communication skill
Strong sense of responsibilities, detail-oriented and well orgainised
Willing to work on shift duty
We offer attractive remuneration package and excellent fringe benefits including Medical Scheme and Annual Leave to the right candidates.
Please apply with full resume together with present and expected salary, contact telephone number and availability to ops@fortunajet.com .
$10k - 20k , Retail 零售業 , $20k - 30k
Esther Wu · November 1, 2018
Guest User · August 13, 2018
Guest User · July 29, 2018
銷售員 多名 (兼職及全職均可) 職位要求:
銷售美容美髮產品 有美容美髮經驗者優先 經驗不限 待遇豐厚,多勞多得 男女不限
全職 (底薪 + 豐厚佣金 + 達標及超額獎金 + 酌情花紅 + 勤工獎 + 形像獎金 + 有薪年假)
兼職 (時薪 + 豐厚佣金 + 達標及超額獎金 + 勤工獎 + 形像獎金)
有意申請者,請將個人履歷連同近照電郵至 raisyinternationalhr@gmail.com ,標題註明 “應徵職位-由 jobscall.me 提供”。
$10k - 20k , $20k - 30k , $30k - 40k , $40k - 50k , Retail 零售業
Guest User · November 24, 2017
mi - tu 創立於1998年,香港首間專門店於2003 年開設, 現品牌更伸延到上海、北京、西安等, 澳門首間專門店於2014年12月開設在氹仔威尼斯人購物中心。 mi - tu 以靈巧精細的手工及百搭多變的款式,成功吸納了一群時尚而富品味的顧客。
歡迎瀏覽以下網址了解更多集團資訊: MAG Fashion Group:http://www.magfashiongroup.com/ mi - tu:https://www.facebook.com/mitu.HK
售貨員新人獎金 MOP2000 工作職責:
協助初級售貨員有關銷售工作 提供良好顧客服務 與客人建立良好關係 職位要求:
1年或以上銷售女裝經驗 高中程度 良好廣東話、普通話及英語 良好顧客服務及溝通技巧 處事獨立, 具領導才能及管理技巧 必須為澳門居民
資深售貨員 新人獎金 MOP2000 工作職責:
協助初級售貨員有關銷售工作 提供良好顧客服務 與客人建立良好關係 職位要求:
2年或以上銷售女裝經驗 高中程度 良好廣東話、普通話及英語 良好顧客服務及溝通技巧 處事獨立, 具領導才能及管理技巧 必須為澳門居民
店舖主管 / 助理店舖主管 新人獎金 MOP2000 工作職責:
督導銷售團隊達到/超出營業目標 管理店舖日常工作及領導員工 建立及維持愉快融洽的工作環境及氣氛 提供良好顧客服務 與客人建立良好關係 職位要求:
具3年或以上服裝零售管理經驗 高中程度 良好廣東話、英語及普通話 良好顧客服務及溝通技巧 處事獨立, 具領導才能及管理技巧 必須為澳門居民
本公司薪金福利優厚,有佣金制度,每月 8 天例假,10 天有薪年假,購物優惠及在職培訓等,有意者請把履歷及要求待遇電至 hr2@magfashiongroup.com 或致電 +853 6557 8954 / Whatsapp 至 +852 6014 1109 人力資源部預約面試。