The St. Regis Macao 澳門瑞吉酒店

Hotel 酒店業, $20k - 30k, $10k - 20k, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂, $30k - 40k, M06DJ, F-JSCM1

The St. Regis Macao 澳門瑞吉酒店招聘


瑞吉品牌於 110 多年前首次設立豪華酒店,當時紐約瑞吉酒店開業。自約翰·雅各·阿斯特四世在紐約第五大道開設了其布雜建築藝術風格的酒店之後,瑞吉已經成為絕對典雅和定制服務的象徵。如今,瑞吉在全球 40 多個繁華都市開設了酒店。這些地方是潮流的誕生地,地域限制被打破,客人可體驗精緻的生活。我們誠邀您與瑞吉攜手譜寫未來的職業生涯。

The St. Regis brand first established luxury hospitality more than 110 years ago, with the opening of the St. Regis New York. From the moment John Jacob Astor IV opened the doors of his Beaux-Arts masterpiece on New York’s Fifth Avenue, St. Regis has stood as a symbol of uncompromising elegance and bespoke service. Today, with more than 40 of the best addresses around the world, St. Regis is a place where trends are born, boundaries are broken and guests can simply live exquisite. We invite you to explore careers at St. Regis.

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