Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, $40k - 50k, Hotel 酒店業, JSCMPT1, Freelance 兼職, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂, Design 設計, CS 客戶服務, HR 人力資源, Marketing 市場行銷及傳播, F-JSCM1, M06DJ

SJM Resorts, S.A. 澳娛綜合度假股份有限公司招聘


SJM Holdings Limited is the holding company of SJM Resorts, S.A. , one of the six companies authorized to operate casino games of fortune and other games of chance in casinos, under the terms of a concession granted by the government of the Macau Special Administrative Region in March 2002. SJM is the only casino gaming concessionaire with its roots in Macau.



  1. 監察員 Surveillance Operator

項目及活動推廣 Events and Promotions

  1. 助理經理 - 項目及活動推廣 Assistant Manager – Events & Promotions

  2. 主任 - 項目及活動推廣 Supervisor - Events & Promotions

  3. 專員 - 項目及活動推廣 Officer - Events & Promotions

文康社會事務部 Cultural Recreational & Social Services

  1. 副主任 Assistant Supervisor

貴賓服務部 VIP Services

  1. 主任 - 貴賓服務 Executive - VIP Services

展能及調研統計部 Performance Improvement and Research & Statistics

  1. 培訓主任 (負責任博彩) Training Supervisor (Responsible Gaming)

  2. 培訓主任 (博彩遊戲) Training Supervisor (Gaming Skill)

企業品牌發展及市場推廣部 Corporate Brand and Marketing

  1. 高級經理 - 製作 Senior Manager - Production

  2. 高級經理 - 市場發展及推廣 Senior Manager - Destination Marketing

  3. 高級經理 - 客戶關係管理及數據分析 Senior Manager - Digital CRM & Analytics

  4. 經理/助理經理 - 娛樂視聽Manager / Assistant Manager - Audio Visual

  5. 助理經理 - 活動推廣及娛樂策劃Assistant Manager - Events & Entertainment

  6. 助理經理 - 市場發展及推廣Assistant Manager - Destination Marketing

  7. 助理經理 - 客戶關係管理及數據分析 Assistant Manager - Digital CRM & Analytics

  8. 高級主任 - 數碼平臺管理, 創新及開發 Senior Executive - Digital Platforms & Innovations

  9. 高級主任 - 社交媒體及社群管理Senior Executive - Social Media & Social Community Management

  10. 高級主任 - 數碼績效營銷Senior Executive - Digital Performance Marketing

  11. 高級/ 主任 - 市場傳訊Senior / Executive - Marketing Communications

  12. 主任 - 品牌傳訊 Executive - Brand Communications

  13. 主任 - 娛樂視聽Supervisor - Audio-Visual

  14. 主任 - 市場發展及推廣 Executive - Destination Marketing

  15. 技術員 - 娛樂視聽Technician - Audio-Visual

  16. 專員 - 活動推廣及娛樂策劃 Officer - Events & Entertainment

可持續發展部 Sustainability

  1. 專員 - 可持續發展 Officer – Sustainability

  2. 協調員 - 可持續發展 Coordinator – Sustainability

設施管理部 Facilities Management 

  1. 值勤工程師 Duty Engineer

  2. 技術員 - 機電 Technician - E&M

供應鏈 (資訊科技系統, 項目及物流營運) Supply Chain (IT System, Project & Logistic Operations)

  1. 高級經理 - 供應鏈 (資訊科技系統) Senior Manager - Supply Chain (IT System)

  2. 主任 - 庫存管控 Supervisor - Inventory Control

  3. 主任 - 倉務 Supervisor - Warehouse

  4. 操作員 - 倉務 Operator - Warehouse

  5. 高級操作員 - 貨台運作 Senior Operator - Dock Operations

  6. 操作員 - 貨台運作 Operator - Dock Operations

  7. 送貨員 - 貨台運作 Runner - Dock Operations

角子機營運部 Slot Operations

  1. 服務代表 Service Representative

  2. 技術員 Technician

人力資源部 Human Resources

  1. 經理 - 薪酬及福利 Manager - Compensation & Benefits

  2. 高級分析員 - 薪酬及福利 Senior Analyst - Compensation & Benefits

  3. 協調員 - 薪酬及福利 Coordinator - Compensation & Benefits

電子博彩運作部 Electronic Gaming

  1. 服務代表 Service Representative

  2. 技術員 Technician

會計部 Finance & Accounts

  1. 助理 - 成本會計 Associate - Costing

  2. 審計員 - 非博彩審計 Auditor - Non-Gaming Audit

  3. 審計員 - 博彩審計 Auditor - Gaming Audit

保安部 Security

  1. 值班經理 - 營運 Shift Manager - Operations

  2. 主任 - 營運Supervisor - Operations

餐飲部 - 新葡京酒店 Food & Beverage - Grand Lisboa Hotel

  1. 行政餅房主廚 Executive Pastry Chef

  2. 侍酒師 Sommelier

供應鏈 (營運及服務) Supply Chain (Operations & Services)

  1. 助理經理 - 供應鏈 Assistant Manager - Supply Chain

  2. 主任 - 供應鏈 Supervisor - Supply Chain

  3. 專員 - 供應鏈 Officer - Supply Chain

銷售部 Sales

  1. 經理 - 銷售 (會展、商務及宴會) Manager - Sales (MICE & Corporate & Events)

  2. 經理 - 宴會管理 Manager - Event Management

  3. 主任 - 銷售 (會展、商務及宴會) Executive - Sales (MICE & Corporate & Events)

策略分析部 Strategic Analysis

  1. 助理經理 (商業及數據分析) Assistant Manager (Business Intelligence & Database Analytics)

  2. 高級分析員 (商業及數據分析) Senior Analyst (Business Intelligence & Database Analytics)

  3. 分析員 (博彩) Analyst (Gaming)

  4. 市場研究助理 Market Research Assistant

度假村臻尚市場拓展部 Resort Premium Market Development

  1. 經理 - 臻尚業務拓展 Manager - Business Development

  2. 助理經理 - 臻尚業務拓展 Assistant Manager - Business Development

  3. 主任 - 臻尚業務拓展 Executive Host - Business Development

  4. 主任 - 銷售支援 Executive Host - Sales Support

水療及康體部 Spa & Recreation

  1. 禮賓服務員 - 水療及康體 Concierge - Spa & Recreation

管家部 Housekeeping

  1. 主任 - 公共區域 Supervisor - Public Area

  2. 管家部調度員 Housekeeping Dispatcher

酒店營運部 Hotel Operations

  1. 服務員 - 禮賓 Agent - Concierge

  2. 服務員 - 前台 (全 / 兼職) Agent - Front Office (Full / Part Time)

  3. 服務員 - 衣帽間 Attendant - Cloak Room

餐飲部 Food and Beverage

  1. 經理 - 餐廳 (澳葡 / 粵菜) Manager - Restaurant (Macanese / Cantonese)

  2. 助理經理 - 餐廳 (中餐 / 西餐 / 娛樂場餐飲) Assistant Manager - Restaurant (Chinese / Western / Casino F&B)

  3. 主任 - 餐飲 (中餐 / 西餐 / 娛樂場餐飲) Supervisor - F&B (Chinese / Western / Casino F&B)

  4. 領班 Captain

  5. 服務員 Server

  6. 督導 - 食品安全及衛生 Supervisor - Food Safety & Hygiene

  7. 主任 - 食品安全及衛生 Officer - Food Safety & Hygiene

  8. 總廚 (中餐) Chef De Cuisine (Chinese Cuisine)

  9. 高級助理總廚 (中餐 / 葡國餐) Senior Sous Chef (Chinese / Portuguese Cuisines)

  10. 助理總廚 (中餐 / 西餐) Sous Chef (Chinese / Western Cuisines)

  11. 主廚 (中餐 / 西餐) Chef de Partie (Chinese / Western Cuisines)

  12. 助理主廚 (中餐 / 西餐) Demi Chef (Chinese / Western Cuisines)

  13. 廚師 (中餐 / 西餐) Commis Chef (Chinese / Western Cuisines)

  14. 助理總管事 Assistant Chief Steward

  15. 主任 - 管事 Supervisor - Stewarding

  16. 管事員 Steward


有興趣應徵者,可透過以下方式申請 Interested parties, please apply via:

APPLY NOW 快速申請職位:


$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, Hotel 酒店業, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂, Design 設計, F-JSCM1, M06CJ

Hotel Fortuna 財神酒店澳門招聘







  • 負責餐飲部的整體營運工作。

  • 具備不同菜系的餐飲管理經驗,定期進行菜單設計。

  • 制定部門的銷售目標、營運方案,監督部門的收支預算,控制成本等。

  • 與客戶建立良好的合作關係,增廣客源。

  • 對團隊成員作出領導、激勵及指導性工作。



  • 監管酒店管事部的日常運作和人手安排。

  • 指導員工正確使用洗碗機設備,確保工作有效地進行及逹到公司標準。



  • 管理食材、烹調食物。

  • 協助上司的工作,確保為客人提供優質的食物。

  • 執行與職責有關的其他工作。



  • 負責採購部的整體工作,管理團隊成員。

  • 管理及執行採購的正確程序,確保物品和服務符合規範的要求及標準。

  • 參與合同的談判工作,發掘、建立可靠的持續的供應渠道。



  • 負責工程部的整體工作。

  • 監督和管理酒店所有機電設備的運行狀況,指導團隊成員正確處理各類設備突發狀況,帶領團隊建立維護及預防的工作程序。

  • 對團隊成員作出領導、激勵及指導性工作。



  • 負責酒店客房及員工宿舍的水電、木工維修工作。



  • 領導接待處的培訓工作,提高員工的工作效率及服務水平。

  • 處理客人的要求及投訴。



  • 負責客人的入住及退房手續、付款處理等工作。

  • 為客人提供優質及個人化服務,以建立持久良好的關係,提升客戶忠誠度。



  • 負責提供接待服務,為客人辦理入住、退房等。

  • 具備較強的溝通協調能力、應變能力。



  • 管理及安排禮賓部的日常運作,確保完成所有分配的日常任務。

  • 負責禮賓部的人手及車輛的安排,處理突發情況。



  • 監督及安排客房服務員的日常工作。

  • 確保酒店公共區域和客房的清潔。



  • 負責房務部的文書及行政工作。

  • 具備良好的英文溝通能力,能夠進行日常的工作交流。



  • 整理員工制服、客房布草,將布草派送至不同樓層,定期統計制服和布草的庫存情況。




  • 負責整理房間的床鋪、替換床單及已用過之物品等,清潔客房樓層及周邊服務區域。



  • 保持酒店公眾地方的清潔衛生,如清潔洗手間、擦洗地板、吸塵等。



可親臨財神酒店人力資源部領取或遞交表格,亦可將個人履歷及要求待遇連同近照寄至︰澳門新口岸廣州街 63 號 財神酒店 人力資源部


查詢電話︰8790 2516


$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, Hotel 酒店業, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂, $30k - 40k, CS 客戶服務, F-JSCM1, M07AJ



$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂, IT 資訊科技, Others 其他行業, M06AJ

Angel Macau Ltd. 招聘


ANGEL is a global company dedicated to manufacturing and supplying playing cards, casino currency, table solution and gaming equipment to international casino markets for decades. We have established reputation on supplying high quality products and sophisticated services with major casinos, in Asia, the U.S. as well as Oceania region. As the sales branch of Angel Group in Macau, Angel Macau Limited has been providing casino playing cards, table games equipment, system, gaming chips and maintenance service to licensed casinos in Macau for many years.


Assistant Manager / Senior Associate - IT & System

SALARY: Negotiable


Responsible for the installation, setup, maintenance and reconfiguration of Gaming products. Provide technical customer support for clients within the region. Conduct product QA/QC testing and support the Company’s Research and Development division for related product development needs and requirements.


  • Installation, configuration and maintenance of Gaming products at the front end, including software.

  • Repair of faulty Gaming products in-house wherever possible. If in-house repair is not possible, able to liaise with vendors for necessary repairs.

  • Repair and maintain Gaming products within service inventory.

  • Customer training – able to train users on proper operation of Gaming products.

  • Provide timely technical support to customer

    • On site and/or remote technical support for installed Gaming systems.

    • Via email / telephone (During contracted support hours and after hours where relevant).

  • Support the Company’s global software systems test team’s QC process before new product releases and report bugs and issues to R&D in a formalized manner.

  • Working with the Global team to support system-related projects and provide any technical knowledge about operating systems, networking and security.

  • Support the Company’s Product Management and R&D divisions to suggest improvements to Gaming products

  • Responsible for completion and submission of required daily documentation, both written and electronic, including field service reports, time sheets, expense reports, etc.

  • Perform initial quality inspection of delivered gaming products to customer.

  • Perform final inspection to ensure proper operation after gaming product installation.

  • Some regional travel on very short notice is required.

  • Flexible working hours when required. Outside of standard office hours and days of the week.


  • BSc in Computer Science or related discipline

  • Macau ID Holder

  • Knowledge in Microsoft SQL Server databases (Microsoft Certifications preferred).

  • Knowledge in the Servers Operating systems especially in Microsoft Environment (Microsoft Certifications preferred).

  • Knowledge with the Network environments, infrastructures and the security, including the network protocols and the firewalls.

  • At least two to three years working experience in systems test & quality controls. Advantageous to have experience in Casino systems.

  • Experience in customer relations. Able to clearly express technical information to customers verbally and in writing.

  • Fluent in English, Cantonese, oral and written, required.

    Mandarin advantageous.

Note: The job description should not be interpreted as all-inclusive; it is intended to identify major responsibilities and requirements of the job. The incumbent may be requested to perform other job-related tasks and responsibilities than those stated above.

Assistant Manager / Senior Associate - Human Resources & Administration


Provide daily support to the HR & Admin Team to ensure efficient operation of the office and act as the point of contact of all employees, providing HR & Admin support and managing their queries.


  • Work with sensitive information with discretion to maintain confidentiality and security and ensure compliance with privacy policies and regulations.

  • Work closely with other administrative staff and supports other colleagues as needed

  • Present a positive and professional image for the organization

  • Manage travel arrangements for senior staff as well as overseas colleagues

  • Research as requested and compiles and summarizes information for reports or presentations.

  • Assist and ensure proper recruitment and onboarding procedures are in place

  • Ensure that deadlines are met and adapts to changing priorities

  • Coordinate logistics for meetings, including room setup and catering

  • Maintain physical and digital filing systems

  • Draft and edit letters, reports, and other documents

  • Answer phone calls and direct callers to appropriate personnel, schedules appointments, signs for incoming packages, and assist clients and other visitors

  • Respond to emails and other digital queries and correspondence

  • Input and update information in databases and spreadsheets

  • Use word processing and presentation software to create and edit documents.

  • Work with external vendors to ensure office equipment is in good working order and office supplies are always on hand

  • Any other ad hoc duties assigned by the Company


  • Macau ID holder

  • Bachelor degree

  • Proficiency in MS Office, Excel, Powerpoint, etc

  • Detail-oriented, able to multitask and have a positive attitude towards problem-solving.

  • Ability to handle sensitive, confidential information

  • Ability to work independently and in collaboration with others

  • Knowledge of basic Human Resources related procedures and Macao Labor Law


  • Monday to Friday: 09:00-18:00

  • 14 days paid Annual Leave per year

  • 6 days paid Sick Leave per year


  • Negotiable

  • ONE (1) month bonus per annum

Contact us to apply

Interested applicants please submit your resume to the following email: (contact person: Maggie) or contact us at +853 2871 7132 for any enquiries.

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, CS 客戶服務, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂, M06CJ

Emperor Cinemas 英皇戲院澳門招聘




為戲院注入精彩個性 為觀眾帶來無限精彩

英皇戲院 (澳門葡京人) 將引入澳門首家 IMAX 影院、MX4D 全感觀影院及 the CORONET 貴賓影院,以優越的禮賓服務,專業的影音設備及精緻的美酒佳餚,提供更優越的觀影享受。

英皇戲院積極推全電子化服務,365 日豁免網上訂票手續費,以電子戲票便捷入場,立即身驗﹗

About Emperor Cinemas

The burgeoning theatrical exhibition business of Emperor Group began in 2017 when the first Emperor Cinemas in Hong Kong opened its doors at the iconic Entertainment Building, Central, with a network of cinemas spanning across Tuen Mun, Ma On Shan , Tsim Sha Tsui, Tsuen Wan to its latest addition in Tseung Kwan O.

Innovating the cinema experience to excite and bringing moviegoers to an entertainment utopia.

Emperor Cinemas (Lisboeta Macau) will introduce the first IMAX Theatre, MX4D Theatre and the CORONET IN Macau, offering the audience a first-class luxurious viewing experience elevated with carefully crafted gourmet delights and an intimate setting.

Enjoy the digitalized cinemagoing experience with 365 days online ticketing service fee waiver and e-ticket admission convenience at Emperor Cinemas now!

WeChat 圖片_20210804162303.jpg




  • 提供優質客戶服務

  • 履行戲院日常事務、售票、帶位、驗票和散場工作

  • 協助提供餐飲服務,調配飲品,製作簡單食物

  • 戲院內所有操作安排及處理顧客查詢


  • 具有基本中英文的溝通能力

  • 對客戶服務工作有熱誠

  • 輪班輪休,並需於假期工作




  • 負責按編排準時播放電影及預告片

  • 確保戲院內之燈光及音響設備操作正常

  • 放映器材日常清潔、檢查及保養等


  • 守時、具責任感及能獨立處理工作

  • 高中畢業或以上程度,具有基本中英文的溝通能力

  • 對客戶服務工作有熱誠

  • 輪班輪休,並需於假期工作

餐飲服務主任 / 高級餐飲服務大使 / 餐飲服務大使



  • 提供優質客戶服務

  • 協助提供餐飲服務,調配飲品,製作簡單食物

  • 保持廚房整潔安全,以確保日常運作順暢


  • 具有基本中英文的溝通能力

  • 輪班輪休,並需於假期工作

  • 有團隊合作精神及對客戶服務工作有熱誠

  • 能同時處理多樣工作,主動及能獨立工作

  • 勤奮,守時,有禮及有責任感

  • 有良好溝通技巧及人際關係

Film Programming Assistant


  • Manage and plan daily, weekly and monthly film schedule of cinemas;

  • Input schedule and corresponding ticket price data into ticketing system

  • Attend exhibitor screening and provide insight and forecast on upcoming film release for booking selection;

  • Negotiate with distributor on booking terms and coordinate exhibition materials logistics;

  • Liaise with internal parties such as marketing and house booking team on sales planning and promotion to maximize box office revenue;

  • Source or curate alternative contents for cinemas such as film festivals;

  • Provide on-site support for cinema events;

  • Perform other ad-hoc duties as assigned.


  • University graduate

  • Good command of spoken and written English, Cantonese and Putonghua

  • Pleasant, proactive, highly organized, detailed-minded and able to work independently

  • Good communication and interpersonal skills

  • Love movies

  • Be a good team player

  • Immediate availability is preferred

Theatre Manager / Assistant Theatre Manager / Supervisor


  • Provide key support to the Operations Manager on cinema operations related matters.

  • Perform and monitor daily cinema operations including manpower arrangement, recruitment, payroll, roster & show-time scheduling, staff coaching, stock & cost control and etc.

  • In charge of the Cinema (include F & B); formulate, execute and review operating procedures and standards for the Cinema and F&B area.

  • Lead the team to deliver excellent customer service

  • Handle enquires and complaints in a professional manner.

  • Maintain all equipment and fixtures to ensure good working order and condition.

  • General administration tasks / reporting.

  • Support daily operations of the projection team.


  • University or College graduate

  • At least 5 years working experience of operations in cinema, retail, food & beverage or related businesses

  • In-depth knowledge of hospitality and customer service management will be a plus

  • Self-motivated, customer-oriented, energetic, hardworking and presentable

  • Knowledge in Microsoft Office & Chinese word processing

  • Good command of both written & spoken English and Chinese

  • Willing to learn and perform shift duty

  • Candidates with less experience will be considered for the position of Assistant Theatre Manager.





* 申請人提供之全部資料絕對保密及只作招聘用途 *

Hotel 酒店業, $20k - 30k, $10k - 20k, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂, $30k - 40k, M06DJ, F-JSCM1

The St. Regis Macao 澳門瑞吉酒店招聘


瑞吉品牌於 110 多年前首次設立豪華酒店,當時紐約瑞吉酒店開業。自約翰·雅各·阿斯特四世在紐約第五大道開設了其布雜建築藝術風格的酒店之後,瑞吉已經成為絕對典雅和定制服務的象徵。如今,瑞吉在全球 40 多個繁華都市開設了酒店。這些地方是潮流的誕生地,地域限制被打破,客人可體驗精緻的生活。我們誠邀您與瑞吉攜手譜寫未來的職業生涯。

The St. Regis brand first established luxury hospitality more than 110 years ago, with the opening of the St. Regis New York. From the moment John Jacob Astor IV opened the doors of his Beaux-Arts masterpiece on New York’s Fifth Avenue, St. Regis has stood as a symbol of uncompromising elegance and bespoke service. Today, with more than 40 of the best addresses around the world, St. Regis is a place where trends are born, boundaries are broken and guests can simply live exquisite. We invite you to explore careers at St. Regis.

Apply Now :

For application, please send CV to
For requires, please call 8113 3332 .

$10k - 20k, Hotel 酒店業, $20k - 30k, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂, Design 設計, CS 客戶服務, Marketing 市場行銷及傳播, GM 綜合管理, F-JSCM1, M07BJ


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企業審查員 Investigator - Corporate Investigations (ID: 1318BR)



  • 以專業嚴謹的態度,調查相關可疑個案及事件

  • 搜集各項資料及証據,並作出仔細分析及匯報

  • 為企業審查部準備有關調查報告及建議

  • 根據企業審查部的守則及指引,妥善處理相關可疑事件,以維持秩序

  • 執行所有審查事項,以保障公司,客戶及團隊成員之安全


  • 工作經驗:具相關企業審查工作經驗者優先

  • 教育程度:大學畢業或以上程度

  • 語言能力:良好英語, 普通話及廣東話

  • 電腦應用:熟練MS Office中/英文電腦軟件操作

Job Purpose: Responsible for conducting investigations of related incidents. Provide valid and accurate information, findings and reports to Corporate Investigations department.

Key Responsibilities

  • Conduct thorough and professional investigations for suspicious incidents and cases

  • Review and research evidence for analyzing the overall incident patterns

  • Provide analytical reports and recommendations to Corporate Investigations management

  • Handling the suspicious behaviors, fraudulent activities and relevant malpractices according to Corporate Investigations’ guidelines and procedures

  • Assume the overall investigation duty assigned by the department to ensure the company assets, guests and employees are protected

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Work experience in Investigation and relevant jobs is preferred

  • Education: Bachelor degree or above

  • Language Ability: Proficient in English, Mandarin and Cantonese

  • Computer Skills: Proficient in MS Office (Chinese and English)

收益監控審計員Auditor - Income Control (ID:48BR)



  • 主要負責娛樂場及賬房的收入進行日常審計工作

  • 按部門及政府條例規管下為各項娛樂場收益進行審核及匯報

  • 須製作日記賬、每日運作報告、調節表及審核文件(看實際收益是否與數據吻合)等


  • 工作經驗:具會計或金融業工作經驗者優先考慮

  • 教育程度:須持會計學、經濟學學士或相關商科學歷優先考慮

  • 技能 / 證書:熟悉審計工作

  • 語言能力:操及寫流利英語、廣東話及普通話

  • 電腦應用:熟識MS Office操作

Job Purpose: Responsible to compile and audit all income related issue, ensure all revenue records are accurate and discrepancies reported on a timely basis, control documents, consolidate shift reports and prepare regular revenue report against the monetary transaction.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Perform daily audit on Table games, Slots, Cage, VIP Services and Promotion.

  • Audit and report all Revenue in accordance with Departmental and Regulatory Standards.

  • Prepare journals, daily operating report, reconciliation and review documentation for compliance.

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Experience in accounting, finance or related business field experience preferred

  • Education: Bachelor degree in Accounting, Finance or related business field preferred

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Proficient in auditing knowledge and techniques

  • Language Ability: Good written and spoken English and Chinese

  • Computer Skills: Proficient in MS Office

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電(853)8986 6222

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8986 6222 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm

帳房出納員Cashier – Cage (ID:20BR)




  • 履行各項帳房出納事務,包括籌碼兌換、外幣交易、存款及信用卡安排等事宜

  • 處理現金﹑支票﹑信用卡等有關交易程序

  • 有效管理帳房文件及收據,按部門守則執行各項籌碼及現金兌換等行政程序

  • 負責以傳送員身份協助賓客在娛樂場內轉碼或執行各項 帳戶交易


  • 工作經驗:具帳房出納員、外幣兌換或銀行出納員工作經驗者為佳 (具外幣信用卡交易經驗者優先考慮)

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或以上程度(具會計或財務學士學位者優先)

  • 技能 / 證書:須具現金交易處理和流動現金結算知識及經驗

  • 語言能力:操流利廣東話,普通話及簡單英語

  • 電腦應用:熟識MS Office操作

Job Purpose

Perform various financial transactions promptly and accurately incompliance with gaming regulations and legal requirements. Responsible for assisting guests in performing relevant rolling and account transactions.

Key Responsibilities

  • Perform Cage transactions, such as, sale and redemption of gaming chips, foreign currency transactions, deposits and credit card arrangement, etc

  • Handle cash, cheque, credit card and other transactions effectively

  • Manage department documents and receipts according to company policy and transactions procedures

  • Responsible for assisting guests to perform rolling/account transactions as a delivery person

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Cage cashier, foreign exchange counter, or bank teller experience preferred (foreign currency and credit card transactions experience an advantage)

  • Education: Secondary school diploma or above (Bachelor degree in Finance and Accounting an advantage)

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Knowledge on cash payment handling and float reconciliation procedures

  • Language Ability: Fluent Cantonese and Mandarin, conversational English

  • Computer Skills: Proficient in MS Office

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電(853)8986 6222

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8986 6222 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm

客戶關係管理兼職數據助理 Part Time Data Assistant - Customer Relationship Management (ID:3903BR)


  • 負責透過使用和分析資料、利用機器學習模型以及建立活動工作流程來支援行銷策略活動,以增強與目標受眾的客戶關係。


  • 建立活動工作流程及開發

  • 分析及開發最佳的活動工作流程

  • 協助發現及解決與工作流程相關的問題

  • 維護數據管道以支援活動工作流程

  • 精通Python、SQL


  • 教育程度:電腦學和數據科學專業本科四年級或以上學歷

  • 語言能力:良好的英文和中文書寫和口語

  • 電腦應用:有使用 Python、SQL或其他機器學習/統計工具的經驗者優先

Job Purpose

  • Support marketing strategy campaigns by using and analyzing data, utilizing machine learning models, and building campaign workflows to enhance customer relationships with our target audiences.

Key Responsibilities

  • To build the overall campaign workflow and development

  • Analyze and develop optimized campaign workflows

  • Assist to troubleshoot and resolve complex workflow-related issues

  • Maintain data pipelines to support campaign workflows

  • Competent in Python, SQL

Competencies and Requirements

  • Education: Undergraduate Year 4 student or above in Computer Science and Data Science

  • Language Ability: Good written and spoken English and Chinese

  • Computer Skills: Prior experience working with Python, SQL, or other machine learning/statistical tool are strongly preferred

企業資訊管理專員 Specialist - Enterprise Information Management (ID:3898BR)

Job Purpose

The EIM Campaign Specialist is responsible for supporting the CRM promotional campaigns, ensuring that all related data pipelines, Python scripts and campaign workflows running on the platforms (eg. Airflow, Adobe Campaign) are operational. This role involves supporting ETL processes to extract customer profiles and transactional data from various databases, including SQL Server, MongoDB, ClickHouse, and Redis etc. The specialist monitors data integrity, addresses inquiries from various departments, collaborates with marketing teams, and conducts quality assurance testing before production rollouts. The EIM Specialist will also address queries regarding CRM promotional campaigns from various departments and communicates vital information within the team while being available for on-call support and working shift schedules as required.

Key Responsibilities

  • Provide support for data integration processes to ensure seamless Extraction, Transformation, and Loading (ETL) of data from multiple sources

  • Ensure that all CRM promotional campaign scripts or workflow in the campaign platform like Airflow or Adobe Campaign etc are running smoothly and troubleshoot any issues that arise

  • Actively monitor and validate ETL processes to maintain data integrity and accuracy

  • Serve as the primary contact for inquiries related to CRM promotional campaigns from various departments

  • Collaborate with marketing teams to understand campaign requirements

  • Develop and execute test plans to validate data integration processes, ensuring all functionalities meet business requirements

  • Perform quality assurance testing on all campaign-related scripts and ETL processes before rollout to production

  • Maintain the performance of data warehouse/data lake environments by identifying and resolving conflicts or inefficiencies in data management

  • Communicate essential information within the team to foster collaboration and maintain the knowledge base about promotional campaign and the experience of the related support cases

  • Availability for on-call support during critical production issues related to CRM campaigns

  • Willingness to work on shift schedules as required to provide continuous support for CRM campaigns

Competencies and Requirements:

  • Experience: Minimum 1 years working in an IT related position

  • Education: Diploma or degree in Information Technology or a related field.

  • Language Ability: Multilingual capabilities in English, Mandarin, and Cantonese preferred.


  • Knowledge of SQL queries, SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), Python programming are required

  • Understanding of database management systems and ETL (Extract, transform, load) framework

  • Experience with Airflow for workflow management are significant advantage

  • Strong analytical mindset with problem-solving aptitude

  • Ability to work under tight deadlines both independently and as part of a team

  • Willingness to learn new technologies and adapt to changing business needs

  • Familiar with IT processes and procedures

  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills

資訊科技營運專員 Specialist - IT Property Services (ID:3717BR)




  • 擔任資訊科技部門的代表,並滿足公司内部的需求

  • 透過支援中心電話、電郵或其他通訊渠道,並迅速地處理詢問並提供解決方案

  • 監察及維持服務紀錄,並確保完成支援服務

  • 需對資訊科技部門的日常運作產生影響的問題作出及時更正及匯報

  • 須與資訊科技相關的團隊協調安裝、設定及排除故障

  • 根據資訊科技部門指引,確保設備獲得適當的檢查、記錄、分配、分發及處置

  • 執行系統監控、檢查和預防性維護以維持服務的正常運作


  • 工作經驗:具最少一年相關酒店及娛樂場資訊科技工作經驗者優先考慮

  • 教育程度:須具資訊科技領域的文憑或大學畢業學歷

  • 語言能力:須操流利廣東話,普通話及良好英語

  • 需輪班及能在娛樂場/渡假村工作

Job Purpose

The IT Property Services Specialist is responsible for contact ownership, provide first tier support and service request management through IT hotline, email or IT service counter. He/she is the front-line contact person for all internal business users on all issues related to IT systems and services, this position carries out duties to provide technical support on IT hardware, software and business systems.

Key Responsibilities

  • Serve as the representative of the Information Technology Division to drive customer (internal user) satisfaction

  • Provide IT technical support to our customers (internal user)

  • Handle user incident / service requests over telephone, email, live chat, direct interaction or any other available forms of communication

  • Maintain service request log and track all service requests till completion

  • Escalate a critical issue that might cause concern to IT management

  • Coordinate the installation, configuration and troubleshooting with relevant IT fulfillment team

  • Follow the instruction of the IT asset management process to ensure the IT equipment is checked, recorded, assigned, distributed and disposed properly

  • To perform system monitoring, health check and preventive maintenance to maintain services uptime

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Minimum 1 year experience directly related to the duties and responsibilities specified. Proven track record in project implementation, deployment and business application support

  • Education: Diploma or degree in Information Technology field

  • Language Ability: Multilingual English/Mandarin/Cantonese preferred

  • Able to work on shift when required

  • Able to work in entertainment/integrated resort

Developer – Customer Relationship Management 客戶關係管理開發員 (3571BR)

Job Descriptions

  • Support marketing strategy campaigns by using and analyzing data, utilizing machine learning models, and building campaign workflows to enhance customer relationships with our target audiences

  • Assisting CRM Tech Senior Developer/ Senior Analyst in building campaign workflows based on business requirements

  • Assisting CRM Tech Senior Developer/ Senior Analyst in developing programs to perform automation & modelling tasks

  • Performing testing for campaign workflows, programs, automation tasks, etc.

Competencies and Requirements

  • Minimum 2-3 years of developer experience strongly preferred

  • Bachelor’s degree or above in Computer Science or IT related degrees

  • Fluent in written and spoken English and Chinese

  • Knowledgeable in programming, data analysis, and database manipulation skills

  • Prior experience working with Python, SQL are strongly preferred

機電設備助理項目經理 Assistant Project Manager (MEP) (ID:3842BR)




  • 按照制定的維護計劃,確保中央機房和HVAC設備、公用事業分配網路、一般機械設備和電氣系統等的操作和維護工作。

  • 定期檢查並確保技術人員的工作嚴格遵循既定的政策和程序,特別是關於安全問題。

  • 對設施和設備進行全面的能源審計,以發現改善機會。

  • 分析公用事業消耗資料並優化公用事業使用率。

  • 促進主要操作系統(如冷凍水機組、電力、HVAC等)的永續運作。


  • 工作經驗: 最少五年任職工程主任的經驗

  • 教育程度: 機械或機電工程大專畢業或同等程度

  • 語言能力: 能操良好廣東話和英語(能操普通話者優先)

  • 電腦應用:熟識微軟辦公軟件(具CAFM系統經驗者優先)

Job Purpose

Work closely and coordinate with cross functional teams within the organization to ensure smooth external and internal work flows for both WM and WP. Quality assurance and providing solution to standardize the maintenance and operation procedure among both properties. Conduct comprehensive energy audits of facilities and equipment to identify opportunities for improvement.

Key Responsibilities

  • Ensure the operation and maintenance works for the central plant and HVAC equipment, utilities distribution network, general mechanical equipment, and electrical systems etc. as per the developed maintenance program.

  • Conduct regular inspection and ensure works by technician follow strictly the established policies and procedures, especially in regards to safety issues

  • Conduct comprehensive energy audits of facilities and equipment to identify opportunities for improvement.

  • Analyze utility consumption data and optimize utilities usage.

  • To promote operating sustainability of major operation systems such as Chiller, Power, HVAC, etc.

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Minimum of 5 years of supervisory experience in Engineering or relevant fields

  • Education: Mechanical or Electro-Mechanical Engineering diploma or equivalent

  • Language Ability: Good Cantonese, Mandarin and English

  • Computer Skills: Proficient in MS Office (Experience with CAFM systems a definitive advantage)

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電(853)8986 6222

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8986 6222 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm

客房部協調員 Housekeeping Administration Coordinator (ID:140BR)



  • 為經理準備簡報會的資料和報告

  • 準備所有信件,文件及複印件及提交有關客房部的表格

  • 須負責輸入和翻譯文件,會議紀錄和監控存檔系統

  • 監察辦公室用品的庫存

  • 管理辦公室的文件、報告、信件、備忘錄、名片及其他有關業務的文件


  • 工作經驗:具最少兩年於大型機構擔任協調員工作經驗

  • 教育程度:中學或以上程度

  • 語言能力:能操良好廣東話,普通話及英語

  • 電腦應用: 熟識Ms Office軟件操作 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook (中文及英文)

Job Purpose: Provide secretarial and clerical support to the Assistant Housekeeper and help ensure the smooth operation of the Housekeeping Department.

Key Responsibilities

  • Prepares daily reports and relevant information for managers’ morning briefings.

  • Handles telephone calls, updates and follow-up logs for requests from team members.

  • Generates trace report for housekeeping and coordinates with Floor Supervisors or relevant team members for proper follow-up action and ensures all traces are completed accordingly.

  • Raises maintenance and all other job order requests for Housekeeping team members to the relevant departments.

  • Assists Floor Supervisors to reallocate room assignments for Guest Room Attendants via e-Housekeeping when required.

Competencies and Requirements:

  • Experience: Minimum of 2 years’ coordinator or related experience in a large organisation

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Basic Hospitality knowledge is preferred

  • Education: Secondary school diploma or above

  • Language Ability: Good English, Cantonese and Mandarin

  • Computer Skills: Basic MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook (Chinese and English)

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電(853)8986 6222

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8986 6222 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm

縫紉員 Seamstress - Uniform Room (ID:436BR)

主要職責:須在主任的領導下進行修改,修補及檢查團隊成員的制服等工作,以及處  理團隊成員所提出的要求。


  • 運用縫紉機進行制服的修改及修補等工作

  • 為團隊成員量度制服,確保及時完成制服修補的工作

  • 對於制服的回收及丟棄須保持準確的倉存記錄


  • 工作經驗:具最少一年於五星級酒店從事紡織品製造或裁縫的工作經驗

  • 技能 / 證書:具優秀的裁縫知識者優先考慮

  • 教育程度:小學畢業或以上

  • 語言能力:良好廣東話,普通話及英語

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電(853)8986 6222

廚房及洗衣房設備工程師 Engineer - Kitchen & Laundry (ID:3840BR)




  • 監督廚房和洗衣工程團隊進行所有廚房和洗衣設備的維護和維修工作。

  • 規劃並分配工作訂單給技術人員,準備所需的文件和狀態報告供廚房及洗衣房經理/機械總監審查。

  • 監控承包商的任何安裝、維修、維護和裝修工作,確保工作品質、程序和安全符合永利的標準。

  • 執行工程的質量控制機制,包括健康和安全、維修保養、服務標準、化學品的使用和工具、設備的維護和處理

  • 提出設備或工作程序的改進方案,以提高服務水平、生產率和降低成本


  • 工作經驗: 最少五年廚房和洗衣房設備維修經驗,且具兩年任職主任的工作經驗

  • 技能 / 證書: 對於廚房和洗衣房的設備、工具和維修有深入的了解,熟悉建築行業、建築法規和本澳政府規章

  • 教育程度: 大專畢業或以上程度

  • 語言能力: 能操良好廣東話和英語(能操普通話者優先)

  • 電腦應用:熟識微軟辦公軟件(認識BMS/CMMS系統者優先)

Job Purpose

To lead a team of technicians to perform repairs and maintenance of kitchen and laundry equipment. Ensure high-quality maintenance works are carried out on schedule and in accordance with procedures. Assist the Manager to manage the team and the work plans.

Key Responsibilities

  • Supervise the kitchen and laundry engineering team to carry out maintenance and repair works for all kitchen and laundry equipment

  • To plan and assign work orders to technicians and prepare the required documentation and status reports for manager/assistant director review

  • Monitor any installation, repair, maintenance works, and renovation works by contractors, to ensure work quality, procedures and safety are as per Wynn’s standards

  • Execute quality control mechanisms for Engineering, including health and safety, repairs and maintenance, service standards, use of chemicals and tools, equipment maintenance and handling

  • Propose improvement to installations or work procedures that lead to an increase of service level, productivity or cost reduction

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Minimum of 5 years kitchen and laundry maintenance experience, with 2 years in supervisor level

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Deep knowledge of kitchen and laundry equipment, tools and maintenance. Knowledge of a range of building trades, building codes and local government regulations

  • Education: Diploma or above

  • Language Ability: Good Cantonese and English (Mandarin an advantage)

  • Computer Skills: MS Office (BMS/CMMS systems an advantage)

貴賓服務副經理Assistant Manager - VIP Services (ID:188BR)

Job Purpose

Manage the daily operations of the VIP Services Team. Ensure the VIP guest experience is memorable by motivating Team Members to exceed guests’ expectations.

Key Responsibilities

  • Supervise VIP Services Team and coordinate with other related departments (Bell, Door & Valet and Front Office) to deliver high standards of quality, service and guest satisfaction in every aspect of the VIP guest experience

  • Inspect VIP guestrooms, ensure VIP suites are prepared for guests’ arrival and special requests are followed up

  • Know and understand the resort’s facilities and services

  • Monitor guests’ preference profiles and track their likes and dislikes

Competencies And Requirements

  • Experience: Minimum of 2 years’ restaurant or in-room dining experience and 1 year’s supervisory experience

  • Education: Secondary school diploma or above

  • Language Ability: Fluent English, Mandarin and Cantonese

  • Computer Skills: Basic MS Office

代客泊車員 Valet Attendant - Bell, Door & Valet (ID:101BR)




  • 須遵守交通規則並安全駕駛

  • 安全及妥善地停泊賓客的車輛

  • 小心保管車輛的鑰匙

  • 須履行高級代客泊車員所委派的工作


  • 工作經驗:具最少兩年的駕駛經驗;具一年客戶服務或代客泊車的工作經驗者為佳

  • 技能 / 證書:持有效澳門駕駛執照

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或等同學歷

  • 語言能力:良好廣東話及普通話;憧英語者優先考慮

  • 電腦應用:基本程度

Job Purpose: Park guest vehicles in a safe and orderly manner and provide efficient, professional and courteous service to all guests.

Key Responsibilities

  • Drive vehicles safely and follow traffic regulations

  • Park guests’ cars safely and properly

  • Secure the keys of parked cars

  • Assist and perform duties assigned by the Lead Attendant

Competencies and Requirements:

  • Experience: Minimum of 2 years’ driving experience; 1 year customer service or valet parking experience preferred

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Valid Macau driving license

  • Education: Secondary school or equivalent

  • Language Ability: Good Cantonese and Mandarin; English an advantage

  • Computer Skills: Basic

收益監控審計員 - 財務 Auditor - Income Control - Finance




• 主要負責娛樂場及賬房的收入進行日常審計工作

• 按部門及政府條例規管下為各項娛樂場收益進行審核及匯報

• 須製作日記賬、每日運作報告、調節表及審核文件(看實際收益是否與數據吻合)等




技能 / 證書:熟悉審計工作


電腦應用:熟識MS Office操作

Job Purpose

Responsible to compile and audit all income related issue, ensure all revenue records are accurate and discrepancies reported on a timely basis, control documents, consolidate shift reports and prepare regular revenue report against the monetary transaction.

Key Responsibilities

• Perform daily audit on Table games, Slots, Cage, VIP Services and Promotion.

• Audit and report all Revenue in accordance with Departmental and Regulatory Standards.

• Prepare journals, daily operating report, reconciliation and review documentation for compliance.

Competencies And Requirements

Experience: Experience in accounting, finance or related business field experience preferred

Education: Bachelor degree in Accounting, Finance or related business field preferred

Knowledge/Certificates: Proficient in auditing knowledge and techniques

Language Ability: Good written and spoken English and Chinese

Computer Skills: Proficient in MS Office

高級資料庫分析員 - 財務 Senior Database Analyst - Finance




• 利用資料庫的數據去準備定期報告

• 須編寫和更新數據,並維護資料庫

• 負責潛在客人和市場的分析

• 報告潛在的衝突、系統錯誤或糾正錯誤信息

• 根據發現的問題,提供相應可行的解決方案



技能 / 證書:須了解資料庫及數據分析



電腦應用:精通Excel, Power BI, AS400應用程式以及SQL資料庫技巧

Job Purpose

Mine the Company’s databases to provide information to management.

Key Responsibilities

• Prepare reports on a regular basis utilizing data from the player tracking system and other systems utilized on property

• Ability to write and update code, maintain database systems

• Analyse customer productivity reports and player segments

• Report potential conflicts, system errors or misinformation

• Provide feasible solutions based on problem findings

Competencies And Requirements

Experience: Minimum of 3 years’ database analysis and/or programming experience and be able to understand and work within that environment

Knowledge/Certificates: Must have an understanding of database structures and data mining technologies

Education: Bachelor degree in IT, Finance, or related business field is required

Language Abilities: Excellent in both written and spoken English, Cantonese/Mandarin

Computer Skills: Advanced Excel, Power BI, AS400 applications and SQL programming

客戶關係管理高級分析員(活動自動化和開發)Senior Data Analyst (Campaign Automation and Development) (永利澳門)(ID:3787BR)


  • 透過主動識別流程來改善機會和開發創新解決方案,在推動活動成功方面發揮至關重要的作用。


  • 分析業務需求並運用批判性思考來發展最佳化的活動工作流程

  • 使用Python 和SQL 設計和實作強大且可擴充的工作流程解決方案

  • 設定和設定 Airflow 環境以簡化工作流程管理

  • 與跨職能團隊合作,收集見解並使工作流程開發與業務目標保持一致

  • 主動識別流程改善領域並提出資料驅動的解決方案

  • 開發和維護資料管道以支援活動工作流程

  • 持續監控並優化工作流程效能,以確保最高效率

  • 檢視並解決與工作流程相關的複雜問題

  • 根據業務需求和技術可行性向利害關係人提供專家指導和建議

  • 記錄工作流程並維護全面的技術規範



  • 擁有 3-5 年開發工作流程和資料管道的經驗,專注於業務流程優化

  • 具備行銷自動化平台和資料視覺化工具的經驗

  • 在推動流程改善和交付可衡量的業務成果方面擁有良好的記錄

  • 有綜合度假村工作經驗者優先


  • 精通Python程式設計與SQL

  • Airflow 設定、設定和最佳化方面的經驗

  • 熟悉Linux作業系統和VSCode等開發工具

  • 了解 DevOps 平台與實踐

  • 了解敏捷開發方法以及在 Scrum 環境中工作的經驗

  • 教育程度:電腦科學、工程、商業或相關領域學士學位

  • 語言能力:能操流利廣東話及良好英語

  • 電腦應用:熟識Ms Office 2003或以上軟件操作,懂中文打字

Job Purpose

  • Play a crucial role in driving campaign success by proactively identifying opportunities for process improvement and developing innovative solutions

Key Responsibilities

  • Analyze business requirements and apply critical thinking to develop optimized campaign workflows

  • Design and implement robust and scalable workflow solutions using Python and SQL

  • Set up and configure Airflow environments to streamline workflow management

  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to gather insights and align workflow development with business objectives

  • Proactively identify areas for process improvement and propose data-driven solutions

  • Develop and maintain data pipelines to support campaign workflows

  • Continuously monitor and optimize workflow performance to ensure maximum efficiency

  • Troubleshoot and resolve complex workflow-related issues

  • Provide expert guidance and recommendations to stakeholders based on business needs and technical feasibility

  • Document workflow processes and maintain comprehensive technical specifications

Competencies and Requirements


Working Experience:

  • 3-5 years of experience in developing workflows and data pipelines, with a focus on business process optimization

  • Experience with marketing automation platforms and data visualization tools
    Proven track record of driving process improvements and delivering measurable business results
    Work experience in Integrated Resort strongly preferred


  • Strong proficiency in Python programming and SQL

  • Experience with Airflow setup, configuration, and optimization

  • Familiarity with Linux operating systems and development tools like VSCode

  • Knowledge of DevOps platforms and practices

  • Knowledge of agile development methodologies and experience working in a Scrum environment

  • Language Abilities: Fluent Cantonese, Mandarin, and good English

  • Education: Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Engineering, Business, or a related field

  • Computer Skills: Proficient in MS Office

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電 (853) 8986 6222

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8986 6222 during office hours
From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm


財務分析員 Financial Analyst (永利澳門) (ID:2545BR) 

Job Purpose:

  • Assist in preparing analysis and reports of different departments for management team

Key Responsibilities:

  • Complete the daily, weekly and monthly reports of key performance indicators and market trends

  • Maintain and design department’s statistical databases

  • Understanding of industry and environment, math and theory, company’s P&L statements and IT systems

  • Assist with ad-hoc and special projects

  • Other duties and responsibilities assigned

Competencies and Requirements:

  • Experience: 2 years finance experience

  • Education: Bachelor degree in Finance, Accounting, Actuarial or Business

  • Language Ability: Good written and spoken English and Cantonese

  • Computer Skills: Proficient in MS Office (advanced Excel), PeopleSoft, Cognos and AS400 applications is an advantage


For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8986 6222 during office hours
From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm

會籍會務代表Representative - Club Marketing (永利澳門) (ID:16BR) 



  • 以專業及親切的態度與賓客提供優質服務

  • 負責新會員招募計劃,協助新會員辦理會籍註冊流程

  • 向賓客推廣各項會員優惠資訊及回贈方案,安排獎賞換領事宜


  • 工作經驗:具娛樂場市場業務及客戶服務工作經驗者優先考慮

  • 教育程度:學士學位或同等學歷

  • 語言能力:操流利的廣東話、普通話及英語             

  • 電腦應用: 熟悉Ms Office軟件操作及中英文打字技巧


如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電 (853) 8686 6222 

Executive Director - Public Relations (Req ID: 3769BR)

Job Purpose:

We are seeking a dynamic and experienced calibre to lead our efforts in promoting Wynn as a one of a kind destination with a clear focus on penetrating the mainland China market, responsible for developing and implementing strategic public relations initiatives to enhance the reputation and visibility of Wynn. A strong background in public relations, marketing, and communications, with enriched connection and resource of China media outlets and influencers, and a proven track record of successfully promoting and positioning brands in the Chinese market are strongly desired

Key Responsibilities:

  • Develop and implement holistic PR and Communications strategies and campaigns to increase brand awareness and drive targeted customers.

  • Plan and devise media budget allocation.

  • Establish Wynn as a destination for targeted customers, with a focus on promoting our on-property experience and F&B outlets by creating compelling activities, content and messaging tailored to the Chinese market.

  • Owned and be able to further foster tight and positive relationships with China media outlets, journalists, influencers and industry partners, to secure press coverage and endorsements, which involves establishing and maintaining regular contact with key media representatives, pitching stories and press releases, and coordinating interviews and media coverage.

  • Secure Top industry awards while explore and expand presence in broader award scenes.

  • Plan and execute media events, press conferences, media fam trips, roadshows in China and other PR activities to showcase the brand's offerings.

  • Monitor and analyse PR metrics to measure the effectiveness of campaigns and make data-driven decisions to optimize results.

  • Manage a team of PR professionals and external agencies to execute PR campaigns and initiatives, while collaborate with internal teams, including marketing, sales, and operations, to ensure alignment and consistency in messaging and branding with overall business goals.

  • Ensure that all communication materials are aligned with brand standards and effectively convey the intended message to the Chinese audience.

  • Act as brand spokesperson where appropriate, take responsibility for handling the crisis communications component of crisis management.

  • Stay up-to-date on industry trends, market insights, and competitor activities to identify opportunities for growth and differentiation, and to ensure the company remains competitive and relevant in the market.

Competencies and Requirements:

Education: Bachelor’s degree in marketing, Communications, or related discipline

Experience: Minimum of 8 years of proven experience in digital marketing, public relations, or related roles, preferably with a focus on the China market.


  • Enriched connection and resource of China media outlets and influencers are highly desirable, strong interpersonal skills with the ability to further build and maintain relationships with key stakeholders, media outlets, influencers, and partners.

  • In-depth knowledge of China media landscape and Chinese social media platforms, including WeChat, WeChat Video channel, RED, and Weibo is a plus.

  • Familiarity with China's e-commerce landscape, including social commerce, Dianping and OTAs.

  • Strong understanding of Chinese consumer behaviour, cultural nuances, and market trends.

  • Demonstrated ability to develop and execute successful marketing strategies and campaigns.

  • Analytical mindset with proficiency in using data and analytics tools to measure campaign performance and make data-driven decisions.

  • Experience in organizing media fam trips and media visit trips.

  • Ability to work in a fast-paced, dynamic environment and manage multiple projects simultaneously.

  • Strong leadership skills with the ability to collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams and external partners.

  • Experience in content marketing and developing content strategies is preferred.

  • Language Ability: Excellent written and verbal communication skills in both English and Mandarin.

  • Work Location: Wynn Macau

Security Officer 保安員 30BR

Job Purpose

  • Monitor and patrol assigned areas of the resort and maintain order and safety for all guests and Team Members. Respond to emergency situations if they arise.

Key Responsibilities

  • Respond to disturbances and Control Room dispatches

  • Approach people who are engaged in prohibited activities

  • Take preventative actions to avoid loss, damage or accident

  • Report emergencies promptly to management

  • Direct traffic inside and outside the property

Competencies And Requirements

  • Experience: Previous security or surveillance experience an advantage

  • Education: Secondary school diploma or equivalent preferred

  • Language Ability: Good Cantonese and Mandarin

  • Computer Skills: Basic


  • 負責監控及巡邏渡假村內的指定區域,維持賓客及團隊成員的秩序及安全,並需處理所有緊急情況。


  • 主動應對混亂情況和處理一些被禁止於酒店或娛樂場內發生的活動

  • 須時常保持警惕及預測所潛在的問題

  • 須採取預防措施以避免造成任何損失、損壞或意外

  • 及時向管理部門報告所有緊急情況

  • 維持娛樂場內外的秩序


  • 工作經驗:具娛樂場保安員或系統監察操作員工作經驗者優先考慮

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或相等學歷為佳

  • 語言能力:須操流利的廣東話及普通話

  • 電腦應用:基本程度

F&B Culinary - 意大利餐主廚 Chef de Cuisine - Italian Cuisine (3574BR)

Key Responsibilities

  • To oversee and manage the kitchen’s daily operations cost-effectively and efficiently within budget

  • Monitor the quality of food production and consistency on a daily basis

  • Create monthly and seasonal menus in cooperation with the Restaurant Manager

  • Develop and implement an innovative business strategy to maximize revenue and productivity

  • Follow health and safety standards and strive for constant improvement to avoid health and injury hazards

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Minimum of 10 years’ Italian Culinary experience in luxury 5-star hotels or restaurants with exceptional dining experiences

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Excellent product knowledge of Italian Cuisine

  • Education: Secondary school diploma or equivalent

  • Language Ability: Good English, Cantonese and Mandarin

  • Computer Skills: Basic MS Office skills

F&B Stewards - 管事員 Steward (38BR)


  • 清洗和存放餐具,鍋及玻璃器皿

  • 須清潔和消毒廚房設備及工作範圍,包括烤爐,爐頭,地板和天花板等

  • 正確地使用,處理和儲存清潔劑

  • 掉去和處理廚房的垃圾


  • 工作經驗: 具一年或以上從事廚房工作者優先考慮

  • 技能 / 證書: 具如何正確使用,處理和儲存清潔劑的知識

  • 教育程度: 小學畢業或以上

  • 語言能力: 良好廣東話、普通話或英語

Key Responsibilities:

  • Clean, wash and store crockery, pots and glassware

  • Clean and sanitise kitchen equipment and work areas, including ovens, stovetops, floors and ceilings

  • Use, handle and store cleaning chemicals correctly

  • Remove and dispose of kitchen garbage

Competencies and Requirements:

  • Experience: 1 year as a kitchen worker an advantage

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Knowledge of correct use, handling and storage of cleaning chemicals an advantage

  • Education: Primary school or above

  • Language Ability: Good Cantonese, Mandarin or English

Tea Sommelier 侍茶師 (3172BR)

Job Description:

  • Select high-quality Chinese teas to serve at the resort’s restaurants and F&B outlets

  • Purchase, receive and manage the teas and maintain an inventory of popular, high-quality and profitable teas

  • Compile the tea list

  • Coordinate with restaurants and F&B outlets to develop tea lists that match menus and promotions

  • Practice tea and food matching

  • Control tea expenses and research ways to generate more revenue

  • Accept any other duties and responsibilities assigned by the Beverage Director

Competencies And Requirements:

  • Experience: Minimum of 3 years’ working experience in the tea industry, beverage management experience an advantage

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Familiar with tea growing and brewing, terminology, ceremony, taste and history of different tea types.

  • Education: Secondary school diploma or equivalent

  • Language Abilities: Fluent Cantonese and Mandarin, basic English

  • Computer Skills: Proficient in MS Office


  • 為渡假村內的餐廳及各餐飲營業點揀選高質素的茶葉

  • 為廣受歡迎、高質素及具利潤價值的茶葉進行採購、收貨及倉存管理等工作

  • 編制茶單

  • 須與餐廳及各餐飲營業點溝通協調,以便編制能與菜餚相配合的茶單

  • 須作茶與菜餚相配合的嘗試

  • 控制茶葉消耗量及研究能增加收益的方法

  • 須接受並履行所委派的工作


  • 工作經驗:具最少三年從事茶藝的工作經驗,有餐酒及飲品管理經驗者優先考慮

  • 技能 / 證書:熟悉茶葉的種植和沖泡技巧,以及不同茶類的術語,茶藝,鑒賞及茶的歷史由來等

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或等同學歷

  • 語言能力:能操流利廣東話及普通話,基本英語

  • 電腦應用:熟悉MS Office電腦軟件操作

學廚 - 餐飲 Commis - Food & Beverage (1226BR)

主要職責 Job Purpose

  • 須負責為廚房各工作站準備食物,為工作範圍和餐具進行清潔及消毒工作。此外亦須協助資深廚師和監督廚房雜工及幫工等工作。

    Prepare food at all kitchen workstations. Clean and sanitise work areas and equipment.

職位介紹 Key Responsibilities

  • 準備生肉,魚及蔬菜

  • Prepare raw meat, fish and vegetables
    Unload deliveries into stockroom and rotate products to avoid spoilage

  • 卸載產品並運送到倉庫,以避免損壞
    Coordinate with other Western kitchens to share and purchase inventory

  • 保持醬汁處於良好狀態
    Clean and tidy the kitchen and cookware

  • 協助廚師長於廚房內的食物分佈

職位要求 Competencies and Requirements

  • 工作經驗:具最少兩年於四、五星級西式餐廳的廚房工作經驗

    Experience: Previous kitchen experience an advantage

  • 技能 / 證書:對意大利式菜餚瞭如指掌;精通刀切技術

    Knowledge/Certificates: Product knowledge of international cuisine and accurate knife skills an advantage

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或等同學歷

    Education: Secondary school or equivalent

  • 語言能力:能操良好英語

    Language Abilities: Good Cantonese and English

前堂接待員 - 酒店 Service Agent - Front Office (12BR)

主要職責 Job Purpose

  • 前堂接待員主要負責所有前堂相關的職能,包括為客人登記入住及辦理退房手續、預訂房間及修改資料、提供城市活動及餐廳的資訊、景點的方向指引、檢查客房的狀態及解決客人的問題。

    The purpose of Front Office Service Agents is to perform all functions required by the Front Office, this includes and is not limited to registration of guests in and out, amending and making room reservations, giving city, activity and restaurant recommendations, providing directions, checking room status and resolving minor guest issues.

職位介紹 Key Responsibilities

  • 使用尊貴的歡迎語句款待來賓,並以高尚品牌的標準為來賓提供服務。以熱情、專業及好客的態度,公平地對待每一位客人

    Provide a luxurious Welcoming statement for the property, and service all guests to the standards expected of a Luxury Brand property. Treat all guests equally with a warm, professional and welcoming manner.

  • 確保時常保持出眾的專業態度以維護酒店服務標準,儀表、舉止及服務須達致永利及福布斯的最高服務標準

    Maintain Hotel Service Standard by ensuring that personal attitude is always exceptional, grooming, manners and service is always delivered to the highest luxury standard required by Wynn and rating companies such as Forbes.

  • 確保妥善地為客人預訂房間、登記入住、安排房間、準備門匙及歡迎禮包、收款及歡迎每位客人

    Ensure proper registration of guests, room assignment, guest reservations and details, prepare key and welcome packets, collect payments, and give appropriate hotel orientation for each guest.

  • 須注意所有細節,了解酒店每天的最新情況,為客人提供報價及推廣建議

    Show never attending attention to detail, be knowledgeable on all aspects of the Hotel on a daily basis, providing quotes for rates and upsell when possible, as well as recommendations for the guests.

  • 熟識客房位置、客房種類、客房價格、優惠、酒店設施、營業時間、特別推廣、宴會及活動等

    Be familiar with room locations, room types, rates, discounts, hotel facilities, hours of operation, special promotions, events and activities, etc.

職位要求 Competencies and Requirements

  • 工作經驗:具最少一年於四至五星酒店擔任前堂接待員工作經驗

    Experience: Minimum of 1 year Front Office experience in a 4 or 5 star hotel

  • 教育程度:須持畢業文憑或相等學歷,主修酒店管理及旅遊學士學位者優先考慮

    Education: Diploma or equivalent; major in Hospitality or Tourism preferred

  • 技能 / 證書:懂處理現金交易及基本會計知識

    Knowledge/Certificates: Cash handling and basic accounting

  • 語言能力:能操及寫流利廣東話、普通話及英語,懂其他國家語言者優先考慮

    Language Ability: Fluent spoken and written English, Cantonese and Mandarin. Other foreign languages an advantage

  • 電腦應用: 熟識Ms Office軟件操作,對Opera及Fidelio系統操作有一定認識

    Computer Skills: Proficient in MS Office; knowledge of Fidelio and Opera

知客 Hostperson (2128BR)

職位介紹 Key Responsibilities

  • 以親切有禮的態度接待賓客

    Greet restaurant guests in a warm, welcoming and courteous manner

  • 為賓客編配座位及介紹餐廳

    Make reservations and arrange table plans

  • 具優質客戶服務技巧,良好溝通能力,熟習電話禮儀

    Customer service orientated, excellent communication and interpersonal skills, good phone etiquette

  • 須輪班工作

    Able to work on shifts and be flexible regarding work schedules according to business demand

  • 須履行上級所委派的工作

    Assist and perform duties assigned by the superiors

職位要求 Competencies and Requirements

  • 工作經驗:具最少二年於四、五星級酒店、酒吧或餐廳之客戶服務工作經驗

    Experience: Minimum of 2 year customer service experience in a 4-5 star hotel, lounge or restaurant

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或以上程度

    Education: Secondary school diploma or equivalent

  • 語言能力:操流利廣東話及普通話,略懂英語

    Language Ability: Good Cantonese and Mandarin, basic English

  • 電腦應用:懂Micros軟件操作者優先考慮

    Computer Skills: Knowledge of Micros an advantage

初級調酒員 Junior Bartender (2129BR)

主要職責 Job Purpose

  • 負責為賓客介紹、調配及端上飲品;同時亦須維持酒吧的整潔。

    Introduce beverages to guests and prepare and serve drinks. Clean and tidy the bar and setup bar for service.

職位介紹 Key Responsibilities

  • 須作好酒吧區域的款客擺設

    Setup the bar for service

  • 經常保持酒吧及所有硬件設備的清潔整齊

    Clean and tidy the bar and equipment frequently

  • 須作出倉存管理及控制每月存貨

    Report stock levels and help control monthly inventory

  • 保持菜單及飲品單的整潔

    Keep menus and beverage lists in good condition

  • 熟悉菜單及飲品單內各貨品,以便向客人作出介紹及推薦

    Know and understand drink lists, menu items, products and services, and upsell alternatives

職位要求 Competencies And Requirements

  • 工作經驗:具最少一年於酒店及餐廳,從事客戶服務的工作經驗

    Experience: Minimum of 1 year related customer service experience in a hotel or restaurant

  • 技能 / 證書:熟識各類飲品及酒吧運作,具簡單現金處理經驗

    Knowledge/Certificates: Good product knowledge of beverages and bar operations; basic cash handling

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或以上程度

    Education: Secondary school diploma or above

  • 語言能力:能操流利廣東話及普通話、一般英文

    Language Abilities: Fluent spoken Cantonese and Mandarin, fair English

  • 電腦應用:懂Micros電腦軟件操作者優先考慮

    Computer Skills: Knowledge of Micros an advantage


請登入 申請職位。

如有任何查詢,可於辦公時間星期一至五早上 9 時至晚上 7 時致電 8986 6222 或電郵至

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, Hotel 酒店業, JSCMPT1, Freelance 兼職, GM 綜合管理, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂, Marketing 市場行銷及傳播, CS 客戶服務, HR 人力資源, F-JSCM1, M06DJ

Ponte 16 Resort, Macau 澳門十六浦索菲特酒店招聘


Ponte 16 is a world-class integrated casino-entertainment resort built over 2.3 hectares. Its architectural design draws inspiration from Macau’s unique East-West cultural pluralism, with a European/Portuguese design infused with traditional Chinese elements.

Ponte 16 has a five-star French hotel Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16, rises to a height of 18 floors with 408 rooms. The integrated resort offers diversified entertainment experience and a variety of exquisite dining pleasures.

We offer a challenging and passionate working environment with endless opportunities allows you to enhance your professional skills and achieve your professional goals. Join us now!

Chopper Cook 中餐砧板廚師


  • 負責中廚出品的日常切配工作

  • 控制食材成本及減少消耗量

  • 協助烹調食物並保持高標準的廚房衛生

  • 提供優質餐飲與服務予客戶,保持食物水準

  • 協助廚房一切目標、程序符合公司標準


  • 具2年或以上相關砧板經驗,酒店餐廳廚房經驗優先考慮

  • 工作態度良好,積極主動,具團隊合作精神,負責任

  • 具良好的衛生習慣,對烹飪有熱誠,善於團體合作

  • 具備一定的沟通技巧、良好粵語/普通話,有英語基礎



- 可透過電子郵件將履歷寄至人才與文化部(也稱為人力資源部),或

- 致電 (853)8861 7606(853)8861 7604 查詢


Western Commis 西厨厨師


  • Support the kitchen chef in the overall smooth operation of the kitchen ensuring prompt service at all times.

  • Participates in making food requisitions.

  • Ensures safe and correct use the equipment, tools and machinery.

  • Works in all areas of food preparation as and when directed.

  • Assists the kitchen chef in planning and organizing the section assigned to.


  • High school

  • Minimum 2 to 4 years’ experience in 4 or 5 Star hotel

  • Acknowledged managerial skills

  • Perfect knowledge of HACCP guidelines

  • Communication skills for all levels of talent/guests, confident, clear English

  • Confidently able to resolve problems and make decisions


Interested parties are welcomed to:

- Send their CV to Talent & Culture Department (also known as Human Resources Department) via e-mail:, or

- Enquire by calling (853)8861 7606 or (853)8861 7604

All personal data collected will be treated in strict confidence and used for recruitment purpose only.

Sales Executive 銷售主任


  • With Sales Manager plan sales strategy and implement tactics to achieve budget.

  • Establish new business and maintain existing business accounts through the preparation and execution of action plans.

  • Entertain prospects and existing key accounts with the view to sustain business and generate further sales.

  • Develop and maintain contact with business generators, meeting and convention planners, Visitors/Convention Bureau travel agents, tour operators, airlines, corporate accounts, Government Departments and other producers closely allied to Hotel Business.

  • Achieve monthly budget goals and new business targets.


  • Minimum of 2 years Sales management experience

  • A strong understanding of overall hotel business

  • Ability to study, analyze and interpret complex activities and/or information in order to improve new practices or develop new approaches

  • Strong oral and written communication skills


Interested parties are welcomed to:

- Send their CV to Talent & Culture Department (also known as Human Resources Department) via e-mail:, or

- Enquire by calling (853)8861 7606 or (853)8861 7604

All personal data collected will be treated in strict confidence and used for recruitment purpose only.

Restaurant Manager 餐廳經理


  • To have complete knowledge on the food / beverage / service available / preparation methods and time in section appointed.

  • Maintains consistency in quality of food and beverage / service / cleanliness of sections appointed.

  • Ensures effective communication within section appointed and with other divisions.

  • Recommends improvements in all aspects of their appointed sections as appropriate.

  • Reviews and understands guest feedback / outlet log books on operational issues / P&L statement in order to implement measures for improvement in food / beverage / service and identify training required.

  • Co-ordinate with the Chef in section appointed on planning of promotions / menu planning / staff training.

  • To monitor all costs and recommend/institute measures to control them


  • Min 5-year experience in hotel F&B operation in similar capacity, preferably with international hotel chain

  • Associate degree or above

  • Experienced in all aspects of restaurants service

  • Excellent leader and trainer with solid motivational and teamwork skills

  • Attention to detail and strong interpersonal skills to deal with diverse talent


Interested parties are welcomed to:

- Send their CV to Talent & Culture Department (also known as Human Resources Department) via e-mail:, or

- Enquire by calling (853)8861 7606 or (853)8861 7604

All personal data collected will be treated in strict confidence and used for recruitment purpose only.

Concierge Agent 禮賓員


  • Directs guests and visitors to any of the Hotel’s facilities.

  • To keep the cleanliness of the Concierge counter, equipment and storage, and responsible for the maintenance of all Concierge equipment.

  • Remains observant and responds to each guest who approaches the reception/Front Desk.

  • Maintaining good customer relationship. Implement for the provision of friendly and efficient service to all guests.

  • Provide for all guests with luggage storage. Ensuring the proper handling, storage, security procedures are followed.

  • Opens and closes car doors for guests whenever the opportunity arises. Loads and unloads guest’s luggage for arriving and departing guests.


  • Diploma or Degree preferably in hospitality or related field

  • Relevant experience in a similar position in a renown international hotel brand

  • Excellent oral and written skills in Mandarin and English

  • Excellent interpersonal & communication skills

  • Service oriented with an eye for details

  • Good presentation, influencing skills

  • Adaptable and flexible and able to embrace and respond to change effectively

  • Must be physically fit in order to lift and move luggage


Interested parties are welcomed to:

- Send their CV to Talent & Culture Department (also known as Human Resources Department) via e-mail:, or

- Enquire by calling (853)8861 7606 or (853)8861 7604

All personal data collected will be treated in strict confidence and used for recruitment purpose only.

Senior Digital Graphic Designer (Ref : CCMSDGD)

Job Highlights:

  • Branding, graphic design and multimedia promotion

  • Proficiency in Adoebe Creative Series

  • Develop and supervise a full range of creative material deliverables

  • Strong artistic sense with 5+ years’ relevant experience and willing to work over-time


  • Responsible for the creation of marketing communications materials, including key visual design, digital marketing materials, social media materials, graphic and logo design, photo shooting & retouching and multi-media/video materials

  • Carry out all design work idea and execute from the conceptual phase to the finished creative materials deliverables

  • Ensure the design is in line with company’s branding, products/services and target market

  • Create high-impact marketing materials to attract market audiences

  • Collaborate with other internal teams to provide constructive promotion advice and lead the design team to fulfill the project progress

  • Support and well-execute photo shooting to meet the design request for the end-user parties

  • Must be a team player and willing to work overtime, self-initiative & motivated, strong sense of responsibility and able to work under pressure to support any urgent/event task if requires


  • Degree holder in Graphic Design, Multi-Media, Visual Art or other related disciplines

  • 5-8 years’ relevant experience, with Agency background is a plus

  • Candidate with less experience would be considered as Digital Graphic Designer

  • Proficient in Adobe Creative Series – Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premier Pro, After Effects etc. on MAC

  • Knowledge of other 3D animation software, motion graphics and hands-on multi-media production (video editing, production and animation) would be definitely a bonus

  • Drawing and illustration skill is preferable

  • Creative with passion, artistic sense and willing to work under pressure and tight schedule

  • Good sense of photography

  • Good team player who can also work independently, with dynamic, proactive personalities and carry can-do attitude

  • Immediate availability is preferred

Interested parties please send your CV with expected salary to

Executive (Club Millesime) Floor Manager 行政樓層經理(5 days work)


  • Manages all operational tasks as well as their respective delegation and follow-up.

  • Provide exceptional concierge information to guests about local and area attractions, restaurants, theatres, special events and other available services. Information will be clear, concise and accurate.

  • Conducts daily walk-through to ensure LQA standards are implemented and delivered to every guest.

  • Personal involvement in the arrival, rooming, and departure of key/VIP guests.

  • Ensures that all Executive Floor Standard Operating Policies and Procedures are adhered. Monitor maintenance and development of the physical Executive Floor product.


  • Diploma or Degree preferably in hospitality or related field

  • Minimum three (3) years relevant experience in a similar position in a renown international hotel brand

  • PMS and Office software knowledge

  • Excellent oral and written skills in Mandarin and English

  • Excellent experience in both Front Office and Food & Beverage operations

  • How to manage guest experience, understands and can use reporting RPS, etc.


Interested parties are welcomed to:

- Send their CV to Talent & Culture Department (also known as Human Resources Department) via e-mail:

All personal data collected will be treated in strict confidence and used for recruitment purpose only.

Revenue Manager 收益經理 (5 days work)


  • Responsible for maximizing yield for all room reservations, ensuring up selling during demand periods and conversion over need periods.

  • Responsible for all relative Revenue, forecast and competitor set analyze reports.

  • Devise and recommend pricing strategies maximizing revenue from a rate and occupancy perspective.

  • Oversee reservation team.


  • Excellent computer and analytical skills.

  • Able to interpret financial/market data in a concise way and produce optimal pricing strategies for all segments.

  • Confident and able to make prompt decisions timely.

  • Good communication and coordination skills.

  • Knowledge of the revenue system IDEAS will be an advantage.


Interested parties are welcomed to:

- Send their CV to Talent & Culture Department (also known as Human Resources Department) via e-mail:

All personal data collected will be treated in strict confidence and used for recruitment purpose only.

Reservation Agent 預訂文員 (5 days work)


  • Sell the AccorHotels products and services using up-selling and suggestive selling techniques.

  • Promote the Hotel’s products and services.

  • Prepare and execute action plans which increase reservation sales and associated business.

  • Record and process reservations made by phone/fax/email.


  • Problem solving, reasoning, motivating, organizational and training abilities

  • Possess the language and write skills, and type and operate the computer skillfully


Interested parties are welcomed to:

- Send their CV to Talent & Culture Department (also known as Human Resources Department) via e-mail:

All personal data collected will be treated in strict confidence and used for recruitment purpose only.

Assistant./ Marketing & Communications Manager 市場傳訊副經理/經理 (5 days work)


  • Assist to drive group online branding, social media initiatives and digital related promotions;

  • Manage web and mobile e-commerce site operation, eDMs, interactive designs and content management;

  • Ensure all digital marketing and e-commerce initiatives reflect brand positioning;

  • Manage hotel Social Media channels to promote hotel.

  • Basic Photoshop or other online design software knowledge.

  • Enhance awareness and guests engagement through all possible channels and resources, to reach the business oriented result for F&B / Spa / Fitness.

  • Skilled in the photo and short video shooting and editing will be preferred.


  • University graduate in e-Commerce, Marketing or related principle;

  • Minimum 2 years’ e-Commerce or social media marketing experience, candidate from luxury, hospitality sector or digital agency is preferred;

  • Excellent communication skills in spoken English, Chinese and Cantonese;

  • Excellent English and Chinese writing;

  • Creative with strategic mind, dynamic, passionate in branding and digital;

  • Good computer knowledge and internet skills;

  • Less experience will be considered as E-Commerce Officer.


Interested parties are welcomed to:

All personal data collected will be treated in strict confidence and used for recruitment purpose only.

Sr./Technician 資深/工程技工(5天工作)


  • To execute all works assigned in accordance with the guideline and policies and procedures, especially in relation to fire and life safety.

  • Be familiar with all the mechanical systems, its operating requirement and characteristics, so as to operate in strict compliance with requirement.

  • To attend to guest request and complaints promptly and efficiently to avoid inconvenience or discomfort.

  • To practice and make recommendations to engineer on energy conservation improvement.

  • To perform all other duties as may be assigned by DIR of ENG, Asst. DIR of ENG

  • To inspect all mechanical systems and make operation status records as per inspection list To correct and report operation deficiency, unusual events and safety hazards conditions to engineer To feedback and make recommendations to engineer for needs of system and plants modification, upgrading, methods of operation or repairs, etc. that could improve efficiency and productivity.

  • To maintain tools and equipment properly and keep the workplace cleans and tidy.


  • Good knowledge and hand on skills of mechanical system operation, repair and maintenance

  • Knowledge and skill of repair and maintenance of laundry plant, kitchen equipment, pump, etc.

  • Knowledge of water treatment testing / analysis

  • Good knowledge of steam and town gas

  • Technical vocational institute training in general mechanical repairs & maintenance

  • Min2-3 years working experience in mechanical system preferably with hospitality industry

  • Skill of lathe machine, shearing machine operation

  • Skill of diesel oil generator maintenance

  • Skill of electrical & gas welding will

  • Skill of pipe work installation

  • Ability to communicate fluently in the primary language of the workplace both verbally and nonverbally

  • Sound judgment, and strong decision-making, problem-solving and follow up skills


Interested parties are welcomed to:

All personal data collected will be treated in strict confidence and used for recruitment purpose only.

Marketing & Communications Officer 市場傳訊主任 (5 days work)


  • The Marketing Communications Officer assists in drawing up the Marketing & PR action, advertising and media plan in conjunction with Marketing Communications Manager.

  • Handles hotel printed and e-version collaterals and hotel’s monthly newsletter in conjunction with Marketing Communications Manager and Graphic Designer.

  • Responsible for distribution of press releases to both local and regional magazines and newspapers.

  • Revises and updates the press kit both in English and Chinese, as well as translates between Chinese and English for all marketing materials.

  • To arrange and attend internal and external social events, press conference, press interviews when required, as well as closely coordinates social cultural events and entertains media in conjunction with Marketing Communications Manager.


  • Knowledge and experience in Internet and other major computer programs.

  • Knowledge in e-commerce, mass communication, creative graphic design, innovative copy writing, and editing.

  • Knowledge of local & international market.

  • University Degree in related subjects preferred.

  • Excellent written and spoken Mandarin & English are a must.

  • Good computer skills with minimum requirement in use of Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office, Internet and other popular software.

  • Good interpersonal & communication skills.

  • Ability to work independently and under pressure


Interested parties are welcomed to:

All personal data collected will be treated in strict confidence and used for recruitment purpose only.

Senior Property Manager (Ref : SPROPMGR)

Job Description:

  • Assistant to Director of Property Management to manage all aspects of assigned properties

  • Participates as an active and contributing member of the Management Group and other sub-groups as appropriate

  • Make recommendations to the Management to identify the strategic goals of the department and, once set, determine path to implement goals

  • Maintains a constructive and highly interactive relationship with the other departments to maximize asset value and streamline operations process and procedure, including but not limited to:

  • Accounting on budgeting, monthly and annual reporting, reforecasts, etc.

  • Risk Management on insurance, crisis preparedness and avoidance

  • Legal Department on government regulation and legal matters at the property level

  • Human Resources on employment related issues

  • Procurement on project management and contractor performance to ensure all projects are completed timely and accurately

  • Facilitate in the establishment and implementation of Policies & Procedures to ensure efficient operations

  • Providing leadership, training, coaching and guidance to the teams

  • Perform any ad-hoc duty as assigned


  • Degree holder in Property / Housing / Real Estate Management or equivalent

  • At least 10+ years' experiences of Property Management in Casino/ Hotel /shopping malls/ commercial properties and retail shops

  • Customer-oriented, with excellent interpersonal and communication skill

  • Proven leadership and management skills in dealing with complex projects and personnel situations.

  • Excellent command of both spoken and written English and Chinese, knowledge of Putonghua is an advantage.

  • Proficiency in PC knowledge (MS office, Word, Excel) and Chinese Word Processing


Interested parties please fill up the job application with expected salary to

Beauty Therapist 美容師 (5 days work)


  • Performs all massage, body treatments, and aesthetic services as certified or trained to do so.

  • Ensures individualized guest service through acknowledging and responding to needs and expectations.

  • Reviews guest’s medical history/ waiver and all information in Spa Soft, prior to performing each treatment.

  • Maintains cleans and neat work environment at all times, ensuring equipment for body treatments and personal equipment in safe working order.

  • Maintains proper supplies of professional products, towels, and other supplies in treatment rooms.

  • Possess thorough knowledge about all aspect of spa’s operations including telephone usage, guest relations, retail sales, and spa services and facilities.

  • Ensures proper stocking of all spa amenities, toiletries, and linen items.

  • Assists members and guests with the use of sauna, steam, experience shower, etcetera.

  • Handles guest complaints and solves problems to the degree possible.

  • Works with related hotel departments to ensure efficiency in meeting guest needs.

  • Contributes to the team environment by assisting spa colleagues in all areas.

  • Follow all safety and sanitation policies.


  • Must be guest-oriented, have a vibrant personality, and radiate enthusiasm to assist people

  • Proficient in Mandarin (verbal and written) with a second or third language is an asset

  • Computer literacy in Windows, MS Office Word, Excel, Opera PMS System, and Spa Soft is recommended

  • Diploma or degree in hospitality or related field is an asset

  • Must be flexible in terms of working hours, and able to work with little or no supervision

  • Immaculate presentation and grooming

  • Macau residents have advantages.


Interested parties are welcomed to:

  • Send their CV to Talent & Culture Department (also known as Human Resources Department) via e-mail:, or

  • Enquire by calling (853)8861 7606 or (853)8861 7604

All personal data collected will be treated in strict confidence and used for recruitment purpose only.

Concierge Supervisor 禮賓部主管 (5 days work)


  • Assist Chief Concierge to supervision all operational tasks as well as their respective delegation and follow-up.

  • Lead to ensure LQA standards are implemented and delivered to every guest.

  • Aware of VIP visitors and loyalty guests, provide an effective communication with operation team for the arrival, departure and special needs, offer them a polite and courteous personal service.

  • Handles guest and talent enquiries in a courteous and efficient manner, reporting complaints or problems if no immediate solution can be found.

  • Be familiar with all guest services, daily events and functions within the hotel and to ensure that all Concierge colleagues are also adequately furnished with such information.

  • Ensures the cleanliness of the Concierge counter, equipment and storage room, and responsible for the maintenance of all Concierge equipment.

  • Sharing daily pre-shift briefing to talents on transport requirement, arrival and departure of VIP guests, functions/ events and special attention that is needed.

  • Implement with high visibility with guests and colleagues, ensure that guest and colleague concerns are resolved in a professional and timely manner.

  • Carries out any other reasonable duties and responsibilities as assigned.


  • Diploma or Degree preferably in hospitality or related field

  • Minimum one (1) years relevant experience in a similar position in a renown international hotel brand

  • Good oral and written skills in Mandarin and English

  • Familiar with LCAH processes or other loyalty program

  • Strong organizational & leadership skills

  • Excellent interpersonal & communication skills

  • Service oriented with an eye for details

  • Confidently able to resolve problems and make decisions

  • Good presentation, influencing skills

  • Adaptable and flexible and able to embrace and respond to change effectively

  • Effective management style, hands-on and approachable.

  • Must be physically fit in order to lift and move luggage

  • Macau residents have advantages.


Interested parties are welcomed to:

  • Send their CV to Talent & Culture Department (also known as Human Resources Department) via e-mail:, or

  • Enquire by calling (853)8861 7606 or (853)8861 7604

All personal data collected will be treated in strict confidence and used for recruitment purpose only.

Sr./VIP Club Agent (資深/索菲特行政樓層接待員)
(5 days work)


  • Responsible to check in, check out and room change procedures and ensures all data are entered completely into the hotel systems in accordance with reservation.

  • Registers and rooms all arrivals according to established procedures.

  • Ensures guest services specified by superiors and guests requests are promptly and courteously met.


  • 2 year experience in guest / customer service, or an equivalent working experience.

  • High School or Vocational Certificate in Hotel Administration, Hotel Management or equivalent

  • Able to speak, read and write English and Chinese. Knowledge of spoken Cantonese will be an advantage.

  • Proficient in the use of Front Office OPERA System.

  • F&B operation experience is an advantage.

  • Macau residents have advantages.


Interested parties are welcomed to:

  • Send their CV to Talent & Culture Department (also known as Human Resources Department) via e-mail:, or

  • Enquire by calling (853)8861 7606 or (853)8861 7604 during office hours: Mon-Fri, 9:00am -6:00pm

All personal data collected will be treated in strict confidence and used for recruitment purpose only.

FO Supervisor 前堂主管 (5 days work)


  • Co-ordinate all arrivals and departures, monitoring waiting times, always keeping every guest informed and ensuring that they are as comfortable as possible. Meet and greet VIP guests.

  • Ensure LQA standards are implemented and delivered to every guest.

  • Handles guest and talent enquiries in a courteous and efficient manner, reporting complaints or problems if no immediate solution can be found.

  • Ensures the receptionist operate with suitable sales attitude, and that all talents are aware of the Hotel’s facilities, services and focal selling points to professional present to guest at every appropriate opportunity.

  • Detailed hotel product knowledge, up-to-date with VIP arrivals & events within the hotel and the destination.

  • Ensure that there is adequate talent coverage at the Front Desk at all times; and be present at the Front Desk whenever possible.

  • Ensure that the entire Front Office and the surrounding areas and including Lobby, Concierge and Front Desk is continuously clean and tidy.

  • Be fully competent in all reception and cashier duties, and cover all shifts if required.

  • Deal with room moves and other special guest requirements, maintain amicable and co-operative working relations with all other departments, and ensure seamless communication.

  • Follow up on cancellations and no shows and late charge when appropriate.

  • Liaise with Concierge to ensure swift baggage dispatch and collection.

  • The Front Office Supervisor may be required to carry out other duties, directed by the Assistant Front Office Manager.


  • Diploma or Degree preferably in hospitality or related field

  • Minimum one (1) year relevant experience in a similar position in a renown international hotel brand

  • PMS and Office software knowledge

  • Excellent oral and written skills in Mandarin and English

  • Analytical skills a must combined with creativity and initiative

  • Excellent interpersonal & communication skills

  • Service oriented with an eye for details

  • Confidently able to resolve problems and make decisions

  • Adaptable and flexible and able to embrace and respond to change effectively

Floor Supervisor 樓層督導員 (5 days work)


  • Patrol and be responsible for public area and inspect ensure hotel area cleanliness up to the standard set up by the hotel. And ensuring maximum guest satisfaction and adhering to standard required by our hotel.

  • To work on a rotation basis within Housekeeping. To cleaning and upkeep carpets, upholstery and hard flooring in accordance to Hotel standards.

  • To respond to paging and follow up where cleaning is needed.

  • Arrange to general cleaning of restaurants, offices and public area assigned to him/her periodically by shampooing carpet, dusting and cleaning chandeliers, ceiling, A.C grills and other hard to reach fixtures and places asides form performing his daily cleaning duties.


  • Experience in HSKP for 2 years will be preferred have Housekeeping PA management working experience

  • Familiarity Housekeeping chemicals and cleaning SOP

  • Interpersonal skills to deal with talent issues

  • Skill to communicate and coordinate

  • Good logic and operational capability

  • Skill to office software


Interested parties are welcomed to:

  • Send their CV to Talent & Culture Department (also known as Human Resources Department) via e-mail:, or

  • Enquire by calling (853)8861 7606 or (853)8861 7604

All personal data collected will be treated in strict confidence and used for recruitment purpose only.

Engineering Supervisor 工程主管 (5天工作)


  • Report the regular work to Assistant Director of Engineering and Duty Engineer.

  • To develop and implement designed plan for equipment maintenance, take the lead in the processing of emergency maintenance train talent within department.

  • To provide supervision and guidance and on the job training to associates and to follow up on work progress to ensure that it is properly carried out and completed on time schedule with acceptable quality. Constantly review & inspect completed works (preventive and work request) for any deficiencies that need to be follow up for accuracy and completeness.

  • Treat complaints of harassment and discrimination promptly and confidentially.

  • Treat customers and colleagues from all cultural groups with respect and sensitivity.

  • Identify and deal with issues which may cause cross cultural conflict or misunderstanding.


  • Full understanding and knowledge of engineering operation in hotel

  • Good coordination ability of organization

  • Practical experience in the field of M & E system pertaining to hotel operation

  • Diploma in either Mechanical or Electrical engineering or equivalent

  • Min 5 years of operation experience in hotel in similar capacity, preferably from international hotel chain

  • Ability to communicate fluently in the primary language of the workplace both verbally and nonverbally Fluent in English is encourage/required (depending on guest contact level)

  • Some industrial experience is desirable

  • Sound judgment, and strong decision-making, problem-solving and follow up skills


Interested parties are welcomed to:

  • Send their CV to Talent & Culture Department (also known as Human Resources Department) via e-mail:, or

  • Enquire by calling (853)8861 7606 or (853)8861 7604

All personal data collected will be treated in strict confidence and used for recruitment purpose only.

Executive Floor (Club Millesime) Supervisor 行政樓層主管(5 days work)


  • To assist Club Millesime Manager to manage for all activities at the Club Millesime, lead the shift to complete the tasks.

  • Responsible to check in, check out and room change procedures and ensures all data are entered completely into the hotel systems in accordance with reservation.

  • Be good knowledgeable with brand standard and implement it.

  • To implement the department’s SOP, P&P, rules and regulations, to ensure that standards are in accordance with the operations manual.

  • Maintains a steady flow of communication to Club Millesime Manager and other section supervisors.

  • Make recommendations to management on equipment, work methods, supplies and decorations.

  • Prepare and check various daily and monthly records and reports, and other reports as required.

  • Supervises and guides Club Millesime Agent to ensure that hotel’s policies and procedure are adhered to.

  • To assist manger to supervises Club Millesime operation and workflow to maximize guests’ satisfaction.

  • To ensure all Club Millesime Agent adhere to the Hotel rules and regulation.

  • To supervise and delegate duties to all Club Millesime Agent within the section and to prepare their work schedules as required.

  • Observe associate’s performance and give the feedback or direct correctly, report their performance to the manager impersonality.


  • Diploma or Degree preferably in hospitality or related field

  • Minimum one (1) years relevant experience in a similar position in a renowned international hotel brand

  • PMS and Office software knowledge

  • Excellent oral and written skills in Mandarin and English

  • Excellent experience in both Front Office and Food & Beverage operations

  • Familiar with LCAH processes or other loyalty programmer


Interested parties are welcomed to:

  • Send their CV to Talent & Culture Department (also known as Human Resources Department) via e-mail:, or

  • Enquire by calling (853)8861 7606 or (853)8861 7604

All personal data collected will be treated in strict confidence and used for recruitment purpose only.

Food & Beverage Server餐飲服務員 (5 days work)


  • 對食品和飲料菜單有很好的了解

  • 及時準確地接受食品訂單、配送食品和飲料

  • 以資訊豐富且有用的方式幫助客人了解菜單

  • 遵守酒店政策、程序和服務標準

  • 其他指派的職責


  • 初中畢業或以上

  • 學習能力強

Sr./Telephone Operator 總機接線生 (5 days work)


  • Handles guest and talent enquiries in a courteous and efficient manner, reporting complaints or problems if no immediate solution can be found.

  • Deliver all guests’ messages, mail and fax are handled and distributed properly.

  • Ensure the efficient and prompt handling and delivery of all guest requests throughout the hotel.

  • Handle the room reservation during Reservation’s absence.


  • Diploma or Degree preferably in hospitality or related field

  • At least 1 years of relevant experiences in luxury hotel

  • Excellent interpersonal & communication skills

  • Adaptable, flexible and able to embrace and respond to change effectively

  • Fluent in spoken English, Mandarin and Cantonese

Sr./Guest Service Agent 前堂接待員 (5 days work)


  • Provide front of the house guest services to guests.

  • Attend to all arriving and departing guests.

  • Maintain and update guests’ profiles accurately.

  • Ensure all brand standards and service standards are delivered to guests in order to achieve guest satisfaction.


  • Diploma or above in hospitality management.

  • Good customer services, communication and upselling skills.

  • Good communication skills in both written and spoken English, Mandarin or Cantonese.

  • Knowledge of Opera Systems is an advantage.

  • Flexible work hours & overnight shift required.

Guest Relation Officer 賓客關係主任 (5 days work)


  • Remains observant and responds to each guest who approaches the hotel.

  • Maintains high visibility with guests and colleagues, ensure that guest and colleague concerns are resolved in a professional and timely manner.

  • Stand by in the Front Desk or lobby area, to assist Front Office Operating department to provide service at critical guest flow time.

  • Coordinate and escort guest for the arrival, stay and departure experience to ensure a seamless experience.

  • Review all loyalty/VIP guest incidents and ensure proper follow up is completed with the relevant departments.

  • Coordinates with Front Desk, Executive Floor, Concierge and Service Center to ensure a smooth operation and the highest level of guest satisfaction.


  • Diploma or Degree preferably in hospitality or related field

  • At least 1 years of relevant experiences in luxury hotel

  • Excellent interpersonal & communication skills

  • PMS and Office software knowledge

  • Adaptable, flexible and able to embrace and respond to change effectively

  • Fluent in spoken English, Mandarin and Cantonese

Duty Manager 值班經理 (5 days work)


  • Attends to referred and handles guest enquiries in a courteous and efficient manner and reports guest complaints or problems to next level supervisor for necessary action and assure follow up with guests.

  • Detailed hotel product knowledge, up-to-date with VIP arrivals & events within the hotel and the destination.

  • Presence in the lobby area all the time, support Front Desk or Concierge operation initiatively, and ensure both colleagues and facilities/equipment are in good condition.

  • Coordinates management of the Front Desk, Executive Floor, Concierge and Service Center to ensure a smooth operation and the highest level of guest satisfaction.


  • Minimum 5 Years’ experience in 5 star Luxury Hospitality required

  • Strong experiences in Rooms division.

  • Must be well-presented and professionally groomed at all times.

  • Excellent leader and trainer with solid motivational and teamwork skills.

  • Good communication skills in both written and spoken English, Mandarin or Cantonese.

  • Previous Accor experience and worked in Asia would be a plus.

Assistant Restaurant Manager 餐廳副經理 (5 days work)


  • Give direction to the entire food & beverage operational departments, which include Banquets, Restaurant, Room service, Lounge, Bakery, and the Kitchen

  • Focus on achieving hotel profitability through revenue generation and effective cost controls

  • Evaluate changes in guest needs, the guest mix and competitive set, to recommend appropriate product/service and operational changes as necessary

  • Develop and train F&B operational managers and supervisors, analyzing current trends and making recommendations accordingly


  • Minimum of 3 years food and beverage management experience, preferably in the luxury setting

  • A strong understanding of operational controls, budgeting, forecasting, menu engineering, sales, and marketing

  • Strong oral and written communication skills in English and Chinese

  • Ability to train and develop team members

  • Ability to work effectively in a team environment and take initiative

  • Excellent organizational, leadership & analytical skills


Interested parties are welcomed to:

All personal data collected will be treated in strict confidence and used for recruitment purpose only.

Restaurant Supervisor 餐廳主管 (5 days work)


  • Direct and supervise the team in operations and service delivery according to hotel standards

  • Provide quality service to guests and surpass their expectations

  • Enhance the effectiveness of kitchen and services team; smooth operations of work section assigned

  • Ensure the cleanliness of the restaurant, tableware and silverware are properly placed and set up


  • High Diploma or above

  • Minimum 3-5years relevant experience in Hotel or F&B industry, with at least 1 year in supervisory level

  • Knowledge of western dining cuisine and wine is an advantage

  • Service oriented with outgoing personality, self-motivated

  • Good command of spoken English and Cantonese, Mandarin is desirable


Interested parties are welcomed to:

All personal data collected will be treated in strict confidence and used for recruitment purpose only.

Captain 餐廳領班 (5 days work)


  • In the absence of a Manager, conducts shift briefings to ensure hotel activities and operational requirements are known.

  • Endeavour to resolve all complaints during shift and logs all complaints in log book for further follow up.

  • Supervise cash handling and banking procedures.

  • Supervise the maintenance of service equipment.

  • Monitor standards of guest facilities and services.

  • Control stock and monitor security procedures.

  • Assist with menu and wine list creation.


  • Good oral and written communication skills

  • Experienced in all aspects of restaurants service

  • Hotel Restaurant Management graduate

  • Minimum 1 - 2 years Hotel experience with at least 1 year in a International operation environment


Interested parties are welcomed to:

All personal data collected will be treated in strict confidence and used for recruitment purpose only.

HR Coordinator (Ref: HRCOR) 人力資源協調員

Job Description

  • Perform full spectrum of HR functions including recruitment, training, employee relations, compensation and benefits, expatriate management and payroll.

  • Assist to Human Resources Manager to conduct staff interview or counseling, organize staff activities, deal with the recruitment media, closely work with the external organizations or subsidies on HR related matters.

  • Support all HR tasks and Ad-hoc projects


  • Degree holder in Human Resources Management or relevant disciplines, with 1-2 years relevant working experience is preferred.

  • Experience in mass recruitment, handling imported labor affairs and liaising with government bodies and agencies for work permit application/renewal is an advantage

  • Well-versed in Macau Employment Ordinance and related statutory ordinances

  • Proficiency in PC knowledge (MS office, Word, Excel) and Chinese /English Word Processing

  • Good command of written and spoken Chinese and English, knowledge of Putonghua is an advantage

  • Good attitude with a strong interpersonal skills, and capable to deal with all levels of staff

  • Excellent communication and presentation skills

  • Self-motivated, detail-minded, well-organized and able to work independently.

Interested parties please fill up the job application with expected salary to

Human Resources and Talent Development Manager 人力資源及可持續發展經理


  • Involve in managing activities such as job design, employee relations, performance management, training & development and talent management

  • Assist VP to develop and implement HR strategies and initiatives aligned with the overall business strategy

  • To conduct annual training and development needs assessment.

  • To develop training and development programs and objectives.

  • To train and coach managers, supervisors and others involved in employee development efforts.

  • To plan, organize, facilitate and order supplies for employee development and training events.

  • To update and maintain organizational communications such as internal bulletin boards and memos to ensure employees have knowledge of training and development events and resources.

  • To conduct follow-up studies of all completed training to evaluate and measure results.

  • To evaluate the effectiveness and modify the programs as needed.

  • Exemplifies the desired culture and philosophies of the corporate.


  • Bachelor's degree or above in Human Resources or relevant field.

  • 5+ years of experience designing and implementing employee development programs.

  • A creative and analytical mind, self-motivation, strong organization, communication and interpersonal skills, and be able to work under pressure

  • Ability to evaluate and research training options and alternatives.

  • Ability to design and implement effective training and development.

  • With a can-do mindset, practical sense in thinking and problem solving.

  • Familiar with Macau Employment Ordinances is a plus.

Interested parties please send CV with expected salary to

Order Taker 接單員 (5 days work)

Job description:

  • To handle and log all incoming calls. / inquiries related to Housekeeping operations.

  • Follow up on guest requests, dispatch orders to concerned colleagues in system accordingly and ensure the requests are completed up to guest satisfaction

  • Provide general administrative support to the Housekeeping team

  • Keeps files and records in good order to enable you to locate information as requested.


  • Minimum 1 year working experience in housekeeping or other related hotel operations

  • Positive, helpful attitude and excellent telephone manner

  • Strong oral and written communication skills, preferably in both Chinese and English

  • Good computer skills

  • Shift duty is required

保安員 (Ref: SQGUARD)


  • 負責物業保安工作包括巡邏、出入口控制及出入人士資料登記

  • 負責執行公司之安全指引及規則,以確保娛樂場及酒店正常營運

  • 負責檢查及確保物業內之各項安全設施運作正常,並執行各項有關之緊急應變程序

  • 防止物業範圍內發生盜竊、火警、惡意破壞及非法行為及/或任何危害公司、員工及/或客人之行為

  • 需時刻保持高度警覺,維護公司資產及提供安全環境予客人及員工

  • 於需要之情況下,協助執行執法機構之指引


  • 小學程度或以上

  • 具1-2年保安工作經驗

  • 體魄強壯

  • 具娛樂場/酒店保安之相關經驗或曾任職紀律部隊者優先考慮

  • 良好的溝通能力,能講普通話更佳

  • 需二十四小時輪班工作

  • 可即時上班者優先

Interested parties please send CV with expected salary to

Chef 西餐廚師 (Ref: MJCHEF)


  • 按預定的菜單及食譜製作食物,並確保所出品食物的質量及衛生合符公司標準

  • 監督食物質量及成本,保證顧客最高的滿意度

  • 協助制定餐單之菜單。協助主廚改進食物之烹飪方法

  • 專責特色菜之出品,並確保所有廚師能按食譜烹煮菜單上的所有項目

  • 負責準備食物素材,如切菜、清洗、裁切、烹調、裝飾等

  • 定期檢查及確保食物素材新鮮及供應充足,並於缺貨前通知採購部補貨

  • 經常拭擦工作枱及用具以確保工作範圍清潔及衛生。按指引及程序定時清洗及消毒切板、工作枱及爐具


  • 1 年廚房經驗以上

  • 積極正面的工作態度,有團隊合作精神

  • 持西餐基礎或專業烹調證書課程優先考慮

  • 須夜班工作,可即時上班者優先考慮

  • 有澳門工作經驗和懂廣東話者優先

Interested parties please send CV with expected salary to

服務大使 Service Ambassador (Ref: VIPAMB)


  • 主動與客人溝通、介紹本娛樂場及酒店之特色、設施、所享優惠及其使用方法,並鼓勵客人成為會員。

  • 為客人講解及辦理會籍申請、協助兌換籌碼、領取禮品及協助完成公司之推廣活動等工作。

  • 協助接送客人穿梭往返碼頭及娛樂場酒店。

  • 主動為客人解答查詢、提供適當協助及優質的客戶服務。

  • 支援主管處理娛樂場場內之一般運作及文書工作。

  • 協助貴賓廳辦理酒店入住手續。


  • 具中五畢業或以上程度。

  • 樣貌端莊整潔,有團隊精神、善於與客人溝通;談吐、待人有禮,性格開朗及態度誠懇親切。

  • 操流利的廣東話或普通話,懂基本英語應對更佳。

  • 須二十四小時輪班工作。

  • 有相關工作經驗者優先。

Interested parties please send CV with expected salary to

冷氣技工 Technician (Ref: PROPTECH)


  • 向值班工程師或組長匯報工作事項

  • 負責公司物業範圍內一般機電工程之安裝、維修及保養工作

  • 正確並有效地執行上級所委派的工作

  • 協助執行工程任務及已計劃之維修項目

  • 報行空調系統中日常出現的突發維修任務

  • 需按照值班工程師所編排的更次依時上班

  • 維持所有電機房及工作室之整潔

  • 善用及妥善保管工作用具及耗材


  • 需具備三年以上空調系統或屋宇設備相關的工作經驗

  • 良好普通話及廣東話的表達溝通能力

  • 能獨立工作及具有責任感

  • 需輪班工作

  • 持有電機、機械、空調系統安裝與維護、屋宇設備或其他相關課程證書或職業資格證照

  • 熟悉水泵、中央空調系統、分體式空調機、VRV空調機設備的工作原理及維護工作者優先考慮

Interested parties please send CV with expected salary to

Property Manager 物業管理經理 (Ref: PROPMGR)


  • Assistant to manage all aspects of assigned properties;

  • Participates as an active and contributing member of the Management Group and other sub-groups as appropriate;

  • Make recommendations to the Management to identify the strategic goals of the department and, once set, determine path to implement goals;

  • Maintains a constructive and highly interactive relationship with the other departments to maximize asset value and streamline operations process and procedure, including but not limited to:

    • Accounting on budgeting, monthly and annual reporting, reforecasts, etc.;

    • Risk Management on insurance, crisis preparedness and avoidance;

    • Legal Department on government regulation and legal matters at the property level;

    • Human Resources on employment related issues;

    • Procurement on project management and contractor performance to ensure all projects are completed timely and accurately;

  • Facilitate in the establishment and implementation of Policies & Procedures to ensure efficient operations

  • Providing leadership, training, coaching and guidance to the teams

  • Perform any ad-hoc duty as assigned


  • Degree holder in Property / Housing / Real Estate Management or equivalent;

  • At least 8+ years' experiences of Property Management in Casino/ Hotel /shopping malls/ commercial properties and retail shops;

  • Customer-oriented, with excellent interpersonal and communication skill;

  • Proven leadership and management skills in dealing with complex projects and personnel situations.

  • Excellent command of both spoken and written English and Chinese, knowledge of Putonghua is an advantage.

  • Proficiency in PC knowledge (MS office, Word, Excel) and Chinese Word Processing

Interested parties please fill up the job application with expected salary to

F&B Manager 餐飲經理 (Ref : FBMGR)


  • Plans, organizes, supports, controls, and evaluates the operation of the Food & Beverage Department. Accomplishes the targets set forth by the company through the management of the department heads.

  • Monitor the staff performance and manage to maintain a team of highly motivated staff in order to ensure endeavoring high quality services to the customers.

  • Assist to solve customer complaints & staff’s grievances in a timely and effective manner

  • Establish staff training & establish succession plan for F&B Director.

  • Adherence to all relevant policies and procedures whereby F&B cost & supplies can be requisitioned & charged

  • Keep the cost compiling with budgets & the operations in a profitable manner (e.g. by ensuring minimum manpower)

  • Undertake any other duties as requested by the Director of Food & Beverage


  • Degree holder in hotel management, catering or related disciplines

  • With 8 years or above hands-on experience in managing food servicing operations in Hong Kong or Macau, from casino environment or hotel restaurant operations.

  • Good command of both English and Chinese (Putonghua and Cantonese)

  • Proficiency in MS office applications

  • With strong leadership skills and excellent communications skills in building good relationships at all levels within the organization and extra partners

  • High level of motivation and discipline to achieve business objectives and common goals, and adopts and implements new approaches and practices to meet changing circumstances

Interested parties please fill up the job application with expected salary to

Senior Marketing Executive, Corporate Communications and Marketing (Ref : MSMKTSEXE) 市場推廣高級主任


  • Assist to develop, coordinate and implement digital marketing campaigns as well as seasonal sales promotions based on content driven themes

  • Develop and coordinate in the production of corporate and marketing collateral to ensure effective communication

  • Support online and offline marketing campaigns execution and coordinate with different internal and external parties on the promotions and events

  • Gather updated travel information of Macau, establish and maintain the external merchant network for developing video marketing content

  • Support social media campaigns, digital marketing programs and content development

  • Support on data consolidation, marketing intelligence report and other marketing reports as needed

  • Provide administrative support to maintain the updated marketing information of the in-house media channels and website

  • Perform any ad hoc project as assigned


  • Degree holder or above in Marketing, Branding or Communications, Business Studies or related discipline

  • Willing to learn, energetic, self-motivated, proactive and showing interests in social media

  • Strong team player and highly collaborative, capable of multi-tasking and able to work under pressure

  • Good command of written English and Chinese

  • Attentive to details

  • Willing to work overtime and on holiday to support the marketing campaigns and should possess with a can-do attitude

Interested parties please fill up the job application with expected salary to

COOK1 (Ref : 168COOK1) 中餐廚師


  • 具中菜之食品烹調技巧

  • 能獨立炒鑊及處理所有切配工作

  • 熟悉醃肉食品及有關之處理程序

  • 安排及協助清洗廚房、爐具及器皿及保持廚房清潔衛生

  • 協助主廚處理一切廚房內之日常運作及獨立處理各項事宜


  • 需輪班工作

  • 具有廚房工作經驗及炒爐經驗

  • 有砧板及麺檔工作經驗

  • 滬粵菜廚師優先

  • 吃苦耐勞,工作勤奮,主動性強

  • 積極的工作態度及有團隊合作精神,對人有禮貌

  • 有澳門工作經驗

有興趣的求職者請到 填寫好職位申請表

Chef (Ref : MJCHE) 西餐廚師


  • 按預定的菜單及食譜製作食物,並確保所出品食物的質量及衛生合符公司標準

  • 監督食物質量及成本,保證顧客最高的滿意度

  • 協助制定餐單之菜單。協助主廚改進食物之烹飪方法

  • 專責特色菜之出品,並確保所有廚師能按食譜烹煮菜單上的所有項目

  • 負責準備食物素材,如切菜、清洗、裁切、烹調、裝飾等

  • 定期檢查及確保食物素材新鮮及供應充足,並於缺貨前通知採購部補貨

  • 經常拭擦工作枱及用具以確保工作範圍清潔及衛生。按指引及程序定時清洗及消毒切板、工作枱及爐具


  • 1年廚房經驗以上

  • 積極正面的工作態度,有團隊合作精神

  • 持西餐基礎或專業烹調證書課程優先考慮

  • 須夜班工作,可即時上班者優先考慮

  • 有澳門工作經驗和懂廣東話者優先

  • 必須年滿21歲

有興趣的求職者請到 填寫好職位申請表

F&B Server (Ref : FBSERVER) 餐飲服務員


  • 負責娛樂場內餐飲部或中西餐廳內工作,包括佈置及清理餐桌、為顧客帶位或安排座位、點餐、端送食物和飲品、收銀等

  • 以專業及有善的服務態度回應客人的需求

  • 主動向客戶提供適當的協助及優質的服務


  • 高中畢業或以上。

  • 有相關工作經驗者優先。

  • 有活力、樣貌端莊整潔,有團隊精神、有責任感。

  • 善於與客人溝通、待人有禮及態度誠懇親切。

  • 操流利廣東話、中文書寫良好、略懂基本英語及普通話。

  • 須輪班工作。

有興趣的求職者請到 填寫好職位申請表


Interested parties are welcomed to:

- Send their CV to Talent & Culture Department (also known as Human Resources Department) via e-mail:, or

- Enquire by calling (853)8861 7606 or (853)8861 7604

All personal data collected will be treated in strict confidence and used for recruitment purpose only.



- 可透過電子郵件將履歷寄至人才與文化部(也稱為人力資源部),或

- 致電 (853)8861 7606 或 (853)8861 7604 查詢


$10k - 20k, Freelance 兼職, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂, Admin 行政, JSCMPT1, M06CJ

MACAU SLOT 澳門彩票有限公司招聘

澳門彩票 macau recruitment ad 澳門招聘-01.jpg

澳 門 彩 票 有 限 公 司 創 建 於 1 9 8 9 年 ,為 亞 洲 首 間 合 法 之 足 球 及 籃 球 博 彩 彩 票 專 營 公 司 , 業 務 主 要 是 為 本 地 及 海 外 客 戶 提 供 足 球 及 籃 球 博 彩 服 務 。

Banner - Macauslot.jpg

Cashbetting Department 現金投注部 (歡迎在讀大學生應徵)

  • 時薪票務助理(兼職)

► 了解詳情 DETAILS

Customer Service Department 客戶服務部 (歡迎在讀大學生應徵)


► 了解詳情 DETAILS

Internal Audit Department 內部審核部

  • IT Audit Manager(資訊科技審計經理)

► 了解詳情 DETAILS


Information Technology Development Department 資訊科技發展部

  • Business Analyst

► 了解詳情 DETAILS



記得點擊 "職位空缺" 申請職位,本司職員會盡快處理您的申請。

如有任何疑問,歡迎致電 8988 9688 查詢。


$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, $40k - 50k, $50k - 100k, Marketing 市場行銷及傳播, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂, M05AJ

澳門萬國控股集團 Multinational (Holdings) Group 招聘


$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, Education 教育, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂, M06AJ


「持續教育課程」導師 macau recruitment ad-01.jpg




  1. 持澳門永久性居民身分證

  2. 對學員有耐性和負責任、對教學有熱誠

  3. 具備專科資格證明或持有相關證書

  4. 接受持教導師申請安排

  5. 固定時間上課 (可協商,課程可安排於早上 12:00 - 晚上 9:30 期間進行)

  6. 有關教學經驗優先

  7. 曾擔任持教課程導師更佳




$10k - 20k, Admin 行政, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂, M07BJ



SamLong International Engineering Trading Co., Ltd was established in July 2018, focusing on gaming FF&E equipment supplies, hotel furniture, accessories, electronic devices and etc. Our team leader, Mr. Sam Long has rich experience and a professional design and production team. Mr. Sam Long has experience in the fields of Macau and Overseas Casino FF&E for almost 20 years. We are now from a manufacturer turned into a direct supplier, which avoids the price difference from the agency, and provides more convenient and high-quality products and services for the gaming industry.




  • 高等教育

  • 英語、貿易、博彩等相關專業,

  • 2年或以上經驗優先,熟悉辦公軟件,

  • 英語需聽說讀寫,廣東話良好,普通話一般;

  • 需持有澳門ID 


  • 收發轉達郵件並協助解決問題

  • 負責協助產品報價、處理標書文件、翻譯、外貿跟單等

  • 保持和客戶良好溝通,熟悉海外出貨流程

  • 溝通能力良好,需與各部門保持良好合作




  • 高等教育

  • 人力資源,工商管理,會計學等相關專業,

  • 英語良好,廣東話良好,普通話一般;

  • 需持有澳門ID 


  • 文件資料的管理、歸類、整理建檔和保管工作

  • 處理公司財務事宜,處理客戶咨詢事宜並協助解決問題

  • 跟進訂單全程(下單,採購,生產,收款)

  • 負責處理全盤賬目及日常財務覈算、應收應付賬款相關工作



有意者請發簡歷至 並抄送 &


$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, $40k - 50k, Hotel 酒店業, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂, Design 設計, CS 客戶服務, GM 綜合管理, Marketing 市場行銷及傳播, F-JSCM1, M07CJ



平面設計師 Graphic Designer – Communications (ID:1056BR)



  • 設計,管理和制作視覺創意和印刷材料(中英文)

  • 協助建立和維護公司的品牌標識

  • 根據公司標準,保持一致性的創作

  • 與其他部門保持聯繫,以接收和提供其創意簡報

  • 能同時管理多個項目,懂安排優先工作次序和具及時處理問題的能力

  • 須履行推廣傳訊高級平面設計師所委排的工作


  • 工作經驗:具至少3年平面設計經驗(印刷管理經驗者優先)

  • 技能 / 證書:懂InDesign 及 Illustrator 電腦軟件操作

  • 教育程度:持平面設計學士學位

  • 語言能力:能操及寫良好的廣東話及英語

  • 電腦應用:精通 Mac 和 PC電腦軟件操作,及排版、圖形設計、動態影像和照片編輯軟件應用,如 Adobe Photoshop、Adobe Illustrator 和 InDesign。

  • 熟悉 AI 設計軟體(如 Midjourney、 等)優先考慮

Job Purpose: Maintain, develop and produce visual creative and printed materials.

Key Responsibilities

  • Assist in developing and producing visual creative and printed materials

  • Maintain the company’s brand identity manual

  • Liaise with internal departments to receive and deliver their creative briefs

  • Manage design projects and follow through on issues in a timely manner

  • Work with vendors to ensure correct execution of production requirements and quality control

  • Perform duties as assigned by the Manager – Graphic Arts & Creative Design and assume responsibilities in his/her absence

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Minimum 3 years of experience as a graphic designer, preferably with experience in casino/ hotel/ hospitality creative services

  • Education: bachelor’s degree in graphic design or above

  • Language Abilities: Good written and spoken English and Cantonese

  • Computer Skills: Proficient in Mac and PC, Fluency in current graphic design practices such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and InDesign. Knowledge and Familiar with AI design software (Midjourney, and etc) would be an advantage.

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電(853)8889 1188

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm

系統監察操作員 Operator – Surveillance (ID:3605BR)




  • 負責透過閉路電視攝錄系統及設備監察整個娛樂場活動

  • 負責進行例行監測和透過閉路電視監視錄像審查整個娛樂場及博彩區的可疑及非法活動

  • 儲存所有錄像證據

  • 完成所有文件及電子記錄工作,以作證據、報告及記錄保存之用

  • 於有需要時,開展相關的工作項目

  • 須按照部門制定進行監察,並能提供相關報告

  • 必須時常保持高度警惕,並能預測所潛在的問題

  • 採取預防措施以避免任何損失,損壞或意外

  • 向管理層報告所有緊急情況及侵權行為

  • 須協助和履行系統監察值班主任及系統監察值班經理所安排的工作


  • 工作經驗:無需相關工作經驗

  • 技能 / 證書:熟悉澳門博彩條例和娛樂場各部門的工作程序或具編寫報告技巧優先考慮

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或以上程度

  • 語言能力:操良好廣東話及英語

  • 電腦應用:熟悉MS Office及監察系統軟件操作

Job Purpose

Responsible to protect the company’s assets, including all employees by ensuring the proactive CCTV monitoring of employees, rules and procedures and patrons through efficient and effective usage of the CCTV system and associated information gathering systems and equipment.

Key Responsibilities

  • Be aware of and follow all department confidentiality procedures

  • Operate CCTV / digital equipment to conduct surveillance of all casino gaming areas.

  • Conduct routine surveillance monitoring and reviewing CCTV footage and completing all associated documentation to detect suspicious and illegal activity throughout casino and gaming areas

  • Adhere to company and department policies and procedures

  • Detect inaccuracies and illegal activities

  • Maintain evidence by dubbing and saving video files

  • Delivering outcomes because of application to Surveillance duties undertaken

  • Undertake project work and reviews to a high standard

  • Use associated software to complete documentation

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: New graduates are also welcome

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Knowledge of Macau gaming regulations or all casino departments’ procedures is preferred

  • Education: High school diploma or above

  • Language Abilities: Good command in spoken and written Cantonese and English

  • Computer Skills: Proficiency in MS office and other associated computer packages

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電(853)8889 1188

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm

社交媒體經理 Manager - Social Media (ID:3960BR)



  • 支持社交媒體總監制定並實施整體中國社交媒體內容和運營策略,以確保永利在中國社交媒體領域處於並保持市場領先地位

  • 領導及開發符合公司戰略目標的社交媒體內容

  • 定期策劃主題性和戰術性內容,以支持公司的品牌建設和商業工作

  • 計劃和執行社交媒體活動,創造引人入勝的線上到線下用戶體驗,以吸引客流到永利

  • 與各個內部部門就內容創建和材料準備進行協調和溝通

  • 管理和支持代理機構製作超出預期的創意和高質量內容

  • 管理內容創作以及與外部視頻團隊、網紅和名人等第三方合作


  • 工作經驗: 具最少5-7年在數位行銷、平台運營、數據分析及社交媒體活動管理的經驗。具奢侈品牌、設計、藝術與文化以及酒店業的工作經驗者優先考慮。

  • 教育程度: 具學士學位畢業或以上程度

  • 技能 / 證書:

  • 了解中國社交媒體平台及這些平台所帶來的市場機會

  • 具備良好的文案寫作和審美分析能力

  • 語言能力: 能操流利廣東話、普通話及英語,具良好中英文書寫能力

  • 電腦應用:

  • 精通在線設計、視頻編輯工具、桌上出版及MS Office

  • 熟悉移動通信和在線廣告技術,如響應式設計、移動支付等

Job Purpose: Responsible for the planning and successful execution of the social media content and operation for the China market

Key Responsibilities

  • Support social media Director to formulate and implement an overall China social media content and operation strategy to ensure that Wynn has a top-notch presence in the China social media landscape and stays ahead of the market

  • Lead the effort to develop social media content in alignment with the company’s strategic objectives

  • Curate both topical content and tactical content regularly to support the company’s brand building and commercial efforts

  • Plan and execute social media campaigns to create an engaging online-to-offline user experience to drive footfall to the Wynn properties

  • Liaise with various internal departments on content creation and material preparation

  • Manage and support agencies to produce creative and quality content that beats expectations

  • Manage content creation and collaboration with third parties such as external video crew, influencers and celebrities

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Minimum 5 - 7 years of relevant experience, Experience in digital marketing, platform operation, data analysis, managing social media campaigns. Experience working in luxury brands, design, art and culture, and hospitality is a plus

  • Education: bachelor’s degree or above

  • Knowledge/Certificates:

  • knowledge of popular social media platforms in China and the marketing opportunities these platforms present

  • Strong copywriting skills and strong sense of aesthetics

  • Language Ability: Good written and spoken in English, Mandarin, and Cantonese

  • Computer Skills:

  • Proficient in the use of online design and video editing tools, desktop publishing and MS Office

  • Familiar with mobile technologies, e.g. responsive design, mobile payments, etc

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電(853)8889 1188

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm

社交媒體副經理 Assistant Manager - Social Media (ID:3961BR)



  • 支持社交媒體總監制定並實施整體中國社交媒體內容和運營策略,以確保永利在中國社交媒體領域處於並保持市場領先地位

  • 領導及開發符合公司戰略目標的社交媒體內容

  • 定期策劃主題性和戰術性內容,以支持公司的品牌建設和商業工作

  • 計劃和執行社交媒體活動,創造引人入勝的線上到線下用戶體驗,以吸引客流到永利

  • 與各個內部部門就內容創建和材料準備進行協調和溝通

  • 管理和支持代理機構製作超出預期的創意和高質量內容

  • 管理內容創作以及與外部視頻團隊、網紅和名人等第三方合作


  • 工作經驗: 具最少4 -5年在數位行銷、平台運營、數據分析及社交媒體活動管理的經驗。具奢侈品牌、設計、藝術與文化以及酒店業的工作經驗者優先考慮。

  • 教育程度: 具學士學位畢業或以上程度

  • 技能 / 證書:

  • 了解中國社交媒體平台及這些平台所帶來的市場機會

  • 具備良好的文案寫作和審美分析能力

  • 語言能力: 能操流利廣東話、普通話及英語,具良好中英文書寫能力

  • 電腦應用:

  • 精通在線設計、視頻編輯工具、桌上出版及MS Office

  • 熟悉移動通信和在線廣告技術,如響應式設計、移動支付等

Job Purpose: Responsible for the planning and successful execution of the social media content and operation for the China market

Key Responsibilities

  • Support social media Director to formulate and implement an overall China social media content and operation strategy to ensure that Wynn has a top-notch presence in the China social media landscape and stays ahead of the market

  • Lead the effort to develop social media content in alignment with the company’s strategic objectives

  • Curate both topical content and tactical content regularly to support the company’s brand building and commercial efforts

  • Plan and execute social media campaigns to create an engaging online-to-offline user experience to drive footfall to the Wynn properties

  • Liaise with various internal departments on content creation and material preparation

  • Manage and support agencies to produce creative and quality content that beats expectations

  • Manage content creation and collaboration with third parties such as external video crew, influencers and celebrities

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Minimum 4 - 5 years of relevant experience, Experience in digital marketing, platform operation, data analysis, managing social media campaigns. Experience working in luxury brands, design, art and culture, and hospitality is a plus

  • Education: bachelor’s degree or above

  • Knowledge/Certificates:

  • knowledge of popular social media platforms in China and the marketing opportunities these platforms present

  • Strong copywriting skills and strong sense of aesthetics

  • Language Ability: Good written and spoken in English, Mandarin, and Cantonese

  • Computer Skills:

  • Proficient in the use of online design and video editing tools, desktop publishing and MS Office

  • Familiar with mobile technologies, e.g. responsive design, mobile payments, etc

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電(853)8889 1188

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm

帳房出納員 Cashier – Cage (ID:1217BR)




  • 履行各項帳房出納事務,包括籌碼兌換、外幣交易、存款及信用卡安排等事宜

  • 處理現金﹑支票﹑信用卡等有關交易程序

  • 有效管理帳房文件及收據,按部門守則執行各項籌碼及現金兌換等行政程序

  • 負責以傳送員身份協助賓客在娛樂場內轉碼或執行各項 帳戶交易


  • 工作經驗:具帳房出納員、外幣兌換或銀行出納員工作經驗者為佳 (具外幣信用卡交易經驗者優先考慮)

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或以上程度(具會計或財務學士學位者優先)

  • 技能 / 證書:須具現金交易處理和流動現金結算知識及經驗

  • 語言能力:操流利廣東話,普通話及簡單英語

  • 電腦應用:熟識MS Office操作

Job Purpose

Perform various financial transactions promptly and accurately incompliance with gaming regulations and legal requirements. Responsible for assisting guests in performing relevant rolling and account transactions.

Key Responsibilities

  • Perform Cage transactions, such as, sale and redemption of gaming chips, foreign currency transactions, deposits and credit card arrangement, etc

  • Handle cash, cheque, credit card and other transactions effectively

  • Manage department documents and receipts according to company policy and transactions procedures

  • Responsible for assisting guests to perform rolling/account transactions as a delivery person

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Cage cashier, foreign exchange counter, or bank teller experience preferred (foreign currency and credit card transactions experience an advantage)

  • Education: Secondary school diploma or above (Bachelor degree in Finance and Accounting an advantage)

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Knowledge on cash payment handling and float reconciliation procedures

  • Language Ability: Fluent Cantonese and Mandarin, conversational English

  • Computer Skills: Proficient in MS Office

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電(853)8889 1188

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm

推廣營運副經理 Assistant Manager - Campaign Operations (ID:3946BR)


  • 執行及監控永利澳門及永利皇宮娛樂場的所有活動策劃


  • 日常運作

  • 對所有通訊管道進行樓層審核和現場檢查,並通知相關方進行更新

  • 每日報告-簡訊計畫、庫存控制、庫存物品清倉

  • 新紀念品提案並與採購部門合作採購

  • 競爭對手檢查及競爭對手研究報告

  • 整合並確保活動行事曆是最新的

  • 活動前

  • 與行銷品牌團隊密切合作,確保將促銷細節很好地傳達給客人,並提出建議以增強整體體驗。

  • 準備所有AV、設備、場地佈置、獎品、文件和遊戲道具

  • 如有必要,與老虎機、賭博台、俱樂部、保全、監控、營運團隊合作確定工作分配

  • 排練/UAT(如果需要)

  • 活動期間

  • MC、遊戲助理、檔案控制、人群控制並在必要時處理臨時問題

  • 活動後

  • 拆除場地佈置

  • 庫存控制、獎品記錄、與收入控制部門合作

  • 開始重新訂購物品

  • 與各團隊聯絡,檢視活動SOP,以改善賓客體驗


  • 工作經驗:至少 5 年在大型酒店從事娛樂場場活動和宣傳活動的經驗。 需要至少 2 年管理經驗。

  • 教育程度:學士學位或同等學歷

  • 語言能力:流利粵語和國語; 英語優先

  • 電腦應用:精通MS Office和打字技巧(英文和中文)

Job Purpose

Execution & Monitor on all resort promotions at Wynn Macau and Wynn Palace

Key Responsibilities

  • Daily Operations

  • Floor audit and site check for all comms channel and inform relevant parties for updating

  • Daily reports –SMS plan, inventory control, stock clearance on stock items

  • Proposal on new souvenirs and work with Procurement for sourcing

  • Competitor check and competitor research report

  • Consolidate and make sure the Marketing Calendar is up to date

  • Pre-Promotions

  • Work closely with the Marketing Branding Team to make sure the promotions details are well delivered to the guests, give recommendation to enhance the overall experience.

  • Prepare all the AV, equipment, venue setup, prize, documents and game props

  • Work with Tables, Club, Security, Surveillance, operations team to identify the job allocation if necessary

  • Rehearsal / UAT if required

  • During the Promotion

  • MC, game assistant, documents control, crowd control and handle ad hoc issues if necessary

  • Post-Promotions

  • Dismantle on the venue setup

  • Inventory control, prize record, work with Income Control

  • Initiate reorder of items

  • Liaise with various teams to review a promotion SOP in order to improve customer experience

Competencies and Requirements:

  • Experience: Minimum of 5 years Casino Events & Promotions experience in a large hotel. At least 2 year of management experience required

  • Education: Bachelor degree or equivalent

  • Language: Good Cantonese and Mandarin; English an advantage

  • Computer Skills: Proficient in MS Office and typing skills (English and Chinese)

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電(853)8889 1188

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm

收益監控審計員 Auditor - Income Control (ID:1582BR)



  • 主要負責娛樂場及賬房的收入進行日常審計工作

  • 按部門及政府條例規管下為各項娛樂場收益進行審核及匯報

  • 須製作日記賬、每日運作報告、調節表及審核文件(看實際收益是否與數據吻合)等


  • 工作經驗:具會計或金融業工作經驗者優先考慮

  • 教育程度:須持會計學、經濟學學士或相關商科學歷優先考慮

  • 技能 / 證書:熟悉審計工作

  • 語言能力:操及寫流利英語、廣東話及普通話

  • 電腦應用:熟識MS Office操作

Job Purpose: Responsible to compile and audit all income related issue, ensure all revenue records are accurate and discrepancies reported on a timely basis, control documents, consolidate shift reports and prepare regular revenue report against the monetary transaction.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Perform daily audit on Table games, Slots, Cage, VIP Services and Promotion.

  • Audit and report all Revenue in accordance with Departmental and Regulatory Standards.

  • Prepare journals, daily operating report, reconciliation and review documentation for compliance.

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Experience in accounting, finance or related business field experience preferred

  • Education: Bachelor degree in Accounting, Finance or related business field preferred

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Proficient in auditing knowledge and techniques

  • Language Ability: Good written and spoken English and Chinese

  • Computer Skills: Proficient in MS Office

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電(853)8889 1188

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm

餐飲市場推廣經理 Manager - Food and Beverage Marketing (ID: 3099BR)

Job Purpose: The Food & Beverage Marketing Manager will support the Food & Beverage Marketing Director in executing comprehensive marketing strategies aimed at enhancing the visibility and appeal of the company's dining outlets. This role will focus on driving customer engagement, loyalty, and revenue through innovative marketing campaigns and strategic partnerships.

Key Responsibilities

  • Assist in Developing Marketing Strategies: Collaborate with the F&B Marketing Director to formulate and implement marketing and promotional strategies for each outlet, ensuring alignment with overall brand goals.

  • Manage Communications Plans: Help develop an annual communications plan and activation calendar that includes specific objectives and budgets for all restaurants.

  • Campaign Execution: Create and implement targeted campaigns that enhance guest value and drive revenue for individual outlets, working closely with the culinary team to highlight unique dining experiences.

  • Stakeholder Collaboration: Act as a liaison between various business units to understand their needs and design effective promotional programs or tactical actions.

  • Integrated Marketing Approach: Work with PR, digital marketing, and F&B teams to generate creative content and ensure a consistent brand image across all platforms.

  • Influencer Engagement: Build and maintain relationships with key influencers, bloggers, and media outlets to promote the company’s F&B offerings.

  • Award Participation: Assist in securing industry awards and expanding the company’s presence in relevant award arenas.

  • Partnership Development: Identify and develop partnerships with distribution platforms (e.g., Dianping, Ctrip) and luxury brands for promotional opportunities.

  • Performance Analysis: Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of ongoing promotional activities, setting KPIs for future initiatives.

  • Market Research: Conduct regular updates on market trends, competitor analysis, and customer preferences to identify growth opportunities.

Competencies and Requirements

  • Education: bachelor’s degree in marketing, Business Administration, or a related field.

  • Experience: Minimum of 6 years of experience in F&B marketing or related fields, preferably within a luxury hotel or established restaurant group.

  • Market Knowledge: Strong understanding of consumer preferences within the Chinese market.


  • Excellent communication and negotiation abilities.

  • Proactive mindset with the capability to work independently under pressure.

  • Proven track record in developing successful marketing campaigns.

  • Ability to manage complex projects effectively.

  • Proficiency in written and spoken English and Mandarin; knowledge of French or Cantonese is a plus.



  • 協助制定行銷策略:與餐飲市場推廣總監合作,制定和實施每家餐廳的營銷和推銷策略,確保與整體品牌目標保持一致。

  • 管理傳訊計畫:協助制定年度傳訊計畫和啟動日曆,其中包括所有餐廳的具體目標和預算。

  • 活動執行:創建並實施有針對性的活動,以提高賓客價值並為各餐廳增加收入,並與烹飪團隊密切合作,突出獨特的用餐體驗。

  • 利害關係人協作:作為各個業務部門之間的聯絡人,了解他們的需求並設計有效的營銷計劃或策略行動。

  • 整合營銷方法:與公關、數碼營銷和餐飲團隊合作,創造內容並確保所有平台上的品牌形像一致。

  • 網紅參與:與有影響力的網紅、部落客和媒體建立並維持關係,以推廣公司的餐飲產品。

  • 獎項參與:協助爭取產業獎項並擴大公司在相關獎項領域的影響力。

  • 合作夥伴關係發展:尋找並發展與分銷平台(如大眾點評、攜程)和奢侈品牌的合作夥伴關係,以獲得營銷機會。

  • 績效分析:監控和評估正在進行的營銷活動的有效性,為未來措施設定關鍵績效指標 (KPI)。

  • 市場研究:定期更新市場趨勢、競爭對手分析和顧客偏好,以確定成長機會。


  • 工作經驗:具至少 6 年餐飲營銷或相關領域經驗,最好是在豪華飯店或知名餐飲集團工作。

  • 教育程度:市場學、工商管理或相關領域的學士學位。

技能 / 證書:

  • 對中國市場消費者偏好有深入的了解。

  • 優秀的溝通和談判能力。

  • 具有積極主動的思維,能夠在壓力下獨立工作。

  • 在進行成功的行銷活動方面擁有良好的記錄。

  • 能夠有效管理複雜的專案。

  • 語言能力:具有熟練的英語和普通話書寫和口語能力;懂法語或粵語者優先。

  • 電腦應用:熟識Ms Office 軟件操作(中文及英文)

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電(853)8889 1188

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm

企業傳訊經理 Manager - Corporate Communications (ID:3393BR)

Job Purpose: Implement media relations strategies to ensure the company image as well as corporate messages are publicized positively through connections and relationships with the media.

Key Responsibilities

  • Work closely with internal teams and relevant parties to develop, formulate and execute comprehensive media relations strategies to help achieve business goals.

  • Contribute to effective corporate communications including handling media inquiries, organizing media interviews and press conferences, and maintaining positive relationships with media outlets across local, regional, and international markets.

  • Proven experience in liaising with and having access to certain China’s mainstream/state-run media resources.

  • Engage in executive communications & writing (both English and Chinese) such as CEO speeches, management messaging (external & internal), press releases, etc.

  • Develop and edit communication materials including press releases, advertorials/editorials and other corporate literature.

  • Able to independently conceive, plan and effectively implement promotional proposals is a plus. Flexibly incorporate current events and hot topics to create promotional content for brands and management, generating opportunities for promotion through different media channels.

  • Ensuring consistent and positive company image in all media interactions. Maximize company media exposure in all aspects.

  • Manage the public relations agency to meet business objectives, reach targeted markets and convey accurate messages.

  • Monitor and analyze media coverage.

  • Prepare special news alert in case of issue/crisis.

Competencies and Requirements

  • Minimum 5 years of experience in corporate communication and/or public relations.

  • Bachelor’s degree in Communications, Public Relations, Journalism or related disciplines.

  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English, Mandarin and Chinese. Strong communication, writing and editing skills.

  • Broad knowledge of China’s media landscape and a strong news sense.

  • Strong executive communications experience, speech write-up and key messaging preparations.

  • Proactive, detail-oriented and able to work under tight schedule and pressure.

  • Candidates with less experience will be considered for the position of Assistant Corporate Communications Manager.



  • 與內部團隊和相關方密切合作,制定、制定和執行全面的媒體關係策略,以協助實現業務目標。

  • 促進有效的企業溝通,包括處理媒體詢問、組織媒體採訪和新聞發布會,以及與本地、區域和國際市場的媒體保持良好的關係。

  • 具備與中國主流媒體/國營媒體資源聯絡及取得資源的經驗。

  • 參與高階主管溝通及寫作(英文和中文),如行政總裁演講、管理層資訊(對外和對內)、新聞稿等。

  • 開發和編輯通訊資料,包括新聞稿、軟文/社論和其他公司文獻。

  • 能獨立構思、規劃並有效實施促銷方案者優先。靈活結合時事熱門話題,為品牌及管理階層打造宣傳內容,創造透過不同媒體管道推廣的機會。

  • 確保在所有媒體互動中保持一致且正面的公司形象。全方位最大化提升公司媒體曝光度。

  • 管理公共關係機構以滿足業務目標、進入目標市場並傳達準確的訊息。

  • 監控並分析媒體報導。

  • 為出現問題/危機時準備特別新聞警報。


  • 工作經驗:具最少五年企業溝通和/或公共關係經驗

  • 教育程度:擁有傳播學、公共關係學、新聞學或相關專業的學士學位

技能 / 證書:

  • 熟悉中國媒體格局,具有較強的新聞意識

  • 具備豐富的主管溝通經驗、演講稿撰寫和關鍵資訊準備經驗

  • 積極主動、注重細節,並且能夠在緊張的時間安排和壓力下工作

  • 語言能力:國語和中文的書寫和口語。較強的溝通、寫作和編輯能力

  • 電腦應用:熟識Ms Office 軟件操作(中文及英文)

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電(853)8889 1188

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm

北方點心主廚 Northern Dim Sum Chef (ID: 1760BR)



  • 根據食譜生產高品質的北方點心菜餚以滿足各食店需要

  • 協助處理點心的成本控制

  • 按部門財政預算範圍內,訂購所需的食材以應付銷售需求

  • 監控點心消耗量及大幅地提高資源容量和器械設備

  • 充分利用過剩及剩餘的食物

  • 不斷地改善健康和安全指標

  • 須協助和履行廚師長委派的工作


  • 工作經驗:具最少十五年從事點心烹飪之工作經驗

  • 技能 / 證書:對中式點心瞭如指掌

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或等同學歷

  • 語言能力:能操流利廣東話及普通話;懂英語者優先考慮

  • 電腦應用:基本電腦

Job Purpose: Manage the high-quality production and efficient daily operations of the northern dim sum station in the kitchen.

Key Responsibilities

  • Produce high quality northern dim sum dishes to fulfil guests’ orders according to recipe specifications

  • Control costs of producing northern dim sum dishes

  • Order food stock to meet sales demand, while remaining within budget

  • Monitor dim sum consumption and maximise capacity of resources and equipment

  • Utilise food surpluses and leftovers

  • Continuously improve health and safety standards

  • Accept any other duties and responsibilities assigned by the Chef de Cuisine 

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Minimum of 15 years’ experience in dim sum cooking

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Excellent product knowledge of Chinese dim sum cuisine

  • Education: Secondary school or equivalent

  • Language Abilities: Fluent Cantonese and Mandarin; English an advantage

  • Computer Skills: Basic


如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電(853)8889 1188

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm


北方點心助理主廚 Assistant Northern Dim Sum Chef (ID: 1731BR)



  • 根據食譜生產高品質的北方點心菜餚以滿足各食店需要

  • 協助廚師長處理點心的成本控制

  • 按部門財政預算範圍內,訂購所需的食材以應付銷售需求

  • 以 HACCP 的標準儲存及冷食品,保持點心廚房及用具的清潔衛生

  • 須作出倉儲管理,以確保供應充足,並在有需要時安排送貨服務

  • 監控點心消耗量及大幅地提高資源容量和器械設備

  • 充分利用過剩及剩餘的食物

  • 不斷地改善健康和安全指標

  • 須協助和履行點心廚師長委派的工作


  • 工作經驗:具最少十二年從事點心烹飪之工作經驗

  • 技能 / 證書:對中式點心瞭如指掌

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或等同學歷

  • 語言能力:能操流利廣東話及普通話;懂英語者優先考慮

  • 電腦應用:基本程度 

Job Purpose: Assist the Northern Dim Sum Chef to produce high quality northern dim sum and efficiently manage the daily operations of the northern dim sum station.

Key Responsibilities

  • Produce high quality dim sum dishes to fulfil guests’ orders according to recipe specifications

  • Support the Northern Dim Sum Chef and control costs

  • Order food stock to meet sales demand, while remaining within budget

  • Maintain HACCP standards for dry and cold storage, and clean and tidy northern dim sum stations

  • Store food supplies correctly, monitor inventory levels and arrange deliveries when needed

  • Monitor dim sum consumption and maximise capacity of resources and equipment

  • Utilise food surpluses and leftovers

  • Continuously improve health and safety standards

  • Accept any other duties and responsibilities assigned by the Northern Dim Sum Chef

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Minimum of 12 years’ experience in dim sum cooking

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Excellent product knowledge of dim sum cuisine

  • Education: Secondary school or equivalent

  • Language Abilities: Fluent Cantonese and Mandarin; English an advantage

  • Computer Skills: Basic

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電(853)8889 1188

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm


星馬菜助理主廚 Chef de Partie – Singaporean & Malaysian Cuisine (ID: 3947BR)



  • 為每位賓客提供高品質的出品和服務

  • 監督及協助廚房的工作流程

  • 監測原料和配料的質量

  • 按公司的標準儲存及冷藏食品,以保證新鮮衛生

  • 定期監察食物的準備工作,廚房成本,庫存水平和控制質量


  • 工作經驗:具最少八年於四、五星級星馬菜餐廳的廚房工作經驗

  • 技能 / 證書:對星馬菜餚瞭如指掌;了解HACCP的標準和準則

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或等同學歷

  • 語言能力:能操良好英語及廣東話或普通話

  • 電腦應用:基本程度

Job Purpose: Manage the efficiency of kitchen workstations by scheduling rosters, assigning work to team members, and controlling costs.

Key Responsibilities

  • Deliver high quality products to every guest

  • Monitor and assist with the kitchen workflow

  • Requisition raw materials and monitor ingredients for quality control purposes

  • Guarantee food is fresh, hygienic, and chilled and stored according to Company standards

  • Monitor food preparation, kitchen costs, inventory levels, and portion and quality control regularly

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Minimum of 8 years’ culinary experience in a 4 to 5 star Singaporean & Malaysian restaurant

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Excellent product knowledge of Singaporean & Malaysian cuisine; accurate knife skills; understanding of HACCP standards and guidelines

  • Education: Secondary school diploma or equivalent

  • Language Ability: Good in English and Cantonese or Mandarin

  • Computer Skills: Basic

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電(853)8889 1188

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm


粥麵助理主廚 Chef de Partie – Noodles & Congee (ID:3949BR)



  • 為每位賓客提供高品質的出品和服務

  • 監督及協助廚房的工作流程

  • 監測原料和配料的質量

  • 按公司的標準儲存及冷藏食品,以保證新鮮衛生

  • 定期監察食物的準備工作,廚房成本,庫存水平和控制質量


  • 工作經驗:具最少八年於四、五星級中餐廳的廚房工作經驗

  • 技能 / 證書:對廣東粥麵瞭如指掌;了解HACCP的標準和準則

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或等同學歷

  • 語言能力:能操良好廣東話或普通話,簡單英語

  • 電腦應用:基本程度

Job Purpose: Manage the efficiency of kitchen workstations by scheduling rosters, assigning work to team members, and controlling costs.

Key Responsibilities

  • Deliver high quality products to every guest

  • Monitor and assist with the kitchen workflow

  • Requisition raw materials and monitor ingredients for quality control purposes

  • Guarantee food is fresh, hygienic, and chilled and stored according to Company standards

  • Monitor food preparation, kitchen costs, inventory levels, and portion and quality control regularly

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Minimum of 8 years’ culinary experience in a 4-to-5-star Chinese restaurant

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Excellent product knowledge of Cantonese Noodles & Congee; understanding of HACCP standards and guidelines.

  • Education: Secondary school diploma or equivalent

  • Language Ability: Good in Cantonese or Mandarin, basic English

  • Computer Skills: Basic

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電(853)8889 1188

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm


台灣菜助理主廚 Chef de Partie – Taiwanese Cuisine (ID: 3948BR)



  • 為每位賓客提供高品質的出品和服務

  • 監督及協助廚房的工作流程

  • 監測原料和配料的質量

  • 按公司的標準儲存及冷藏食品,以保證新鮮衛生

  • 定期監察食物的準備工作,廚房成本,庫存水平和控制質量


  • 工作經驗:具最少八年於四、五星級台灣菜餐廳的廚房工作經驗

  • 技能 / 證書:對台灣菜餚瞭如指掌;了解HACCP的標準和準則

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或等同學歷

  • 語言能力:能操良好英語及廣東話或普通話

  • 電腦應用:基本程度

Job Purpose: Manage the efficiency of kitchen workstations by scheduling rosters, assigning work to team members, and controlling costs. 

Key Responsibilities

  • Deliver high quality products to every guest

  • Monitor and assist with the kitchen workflow

  • Requisition raw materials and monitor ingredients for quality control purposes

  • Guarantee food is fresh, hygienic, and chilled and stored according to Company standards

  • Monitor food preparation, kitchen costs, inventory levels, and portion and quality control regularly

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Minimum of 8 years’ culinary experience in a 4 to 5 star Taiwanese restaurant

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Excellent product knowledge of Taiwanese cuisine; accurate knife skills; understanding of HACCP standards and guidelines

  • Education: Secondary school diploma or equivalent

  • Language Ability: Good in English and Cantonese or Mandarin

  • Computer Skills: Basic

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電(853)8889 1188

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm


火鍋助理主廚 Chef de Partie – Hot Pot (ID:3952BR)



  • 為每位賓客提供高品質的出品和服務

  • 監督及協助廚房的工作流程

  • 監測原料和配料的質量

  • 按公司的標準儲存及冷藏食品,以保證新鮮衛生

  • 定期監察食物的準備工作,廚房成本,庫存水平和控制質量


  • 工作經驗:具最少八年於四、五星級火鍋餐廳的廚房工作經驗

  • 技能 / 證書:對廣東及四川火鍋瞭如指掌;刀工精確熟練;了解HACCP的標準和準則

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或等同學歷

  • 語言能力:能操良好英語及廣東話或普通話

  • 電腦應用:基本程度 

Job Purpose: Manage the efficiency of kitchen workstations by scheduling rosters, assigning work to team members, and controlling costs.

Key Responsibilities

  • Deliver high quality products to every guest

  • Monitor and assist with the kitchen workflow

  • Requisition raw materials and monitor ingredients for quality control purposes

  • Guarantee food is fresh, hygienic, and chilled and stored according to Company standards

  • Monitor food preparation, kitchen costs, inventory levels, and portion and quality control regularly 

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Minimum of 8 years’ culinary experience in a 4 to 5 star Hot Pot restaurant

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Excellent product knowledge of Hot Pot; accurate knife skills; understanding of HACCP standards and guidelines

  • Education: Secondary school diploma or equivalent

  • Language Ability: Good in English and Cantonese or Mandarin

  • Computer Skills: Basic

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電(853)8889 1188

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm


日本餐助理主廚 Chef de Partie – Japanese Cuisine (ID:1770BR)



  • 為每位賓客提供高品質的出品和服務

  • 監督及協助廚房的工作流程

  • 監測原料和配料的質量

  • 按公司的標準儲存及冷藏食品,以保證新鮮衛生

  • 定期監察食物的準備工作,廚房成本,庫存水平和控制質量


  • 工作經驗:具最少八年於四、五星級日本餐廳的廚房工作經驗

  • 技能 / 證書:對日式料理瞭如指掌;刀工精確熟練;了解HACCP的標準和準則

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或等同學歷

  • 語言能力:能操良好英語及廣東話或普通話

  • 電腦應用:基本程度

Job Purpose: Manage the efficiency of kitchen workstations by scheduling rosters, assigning work to team members, and controlling costs.

Key Responsibilities

  • Deliver high quality products to every guest

  • Monitor and assist with the kitchen workflow

  • Requisition raw materials and monitor ingredients for quality control purposes

  • Guarantee food is fresh, hygienic, and chilled and stored according to Company standards

  • Monitor food preparation, kitchen costs, inventory levels, and portion and quality control regularly

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Minimum of 8 years’ culinary experience in a 4 to 5 star Japanese restaurant

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Excellent product knowledge of Japanese cuisine; accurate knife skills; understanding of HACCP standards and guidelines

  • Education: Secondary school diploma or equivalent

  • Language Ability: Good in English and Cantonese or Mandarin

  • Computer Skills: Basic

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電(853)8889 1188

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm


北方製麵主廚 Northern Noodle Chef (ID:1759BR)



  • 生產不同樣式的麵類、餃類及經過處理的食品,以滿足賓客的需要

  • 監控食品生產過程以確保品質優質新鮮及供應充足

  • 監控粥麵類食品的消耗量及大幅地提高資源容量和器械設備

  • 以HACCP的標準去保存冷凍食品,並經常保持粥麵製造工場衛生清潔

  • 保證食品和原材料的新鮮衛生

  • 須作出倉儲管理,以確保供應充足

  • 確保廚房及器皿清潔衛生

  • 不斷地改善健康和安全指標

  • 須協助和履行廚師長的工作


  • 工作經驗:具最少十五年於高人流量的餐廳的粥麵製造工場工作之相關經驗

  • 技能 / 證書:對中式粥麵瞭如指掌

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或同等學歷

  • 語言能力:能操流利廣東話;基本英語

  • 電腦應用:基本電腦 

Job Purpose: Manage the daily operations of the kitchen and deliver high quality noodles that exceed guests’ expectations.

Key Responsibilities

  • Produce northern-style noodles, dumplings and semi-processed ingredients for noodle and congee dishes to fulfil guests’ orders

  • Monitor the production process to ensure quality, freshness and sufficient supply of noodles and congee

  • Monitor noodles consumption and maximise capacity of resources and equipment

  • Maintain HACCP standards for dry and cold storage, and clean and tidy the kitchen and work stations

  • Guarantee food and ingredients are fresh and hygienic

  • Monitor stockroom storage levels to ensure sufficient supplies

  • Ensure the kitchen and utensils are clean and hygienic

  • Continuously improve health and safety standards

  • Accept any other duties and responsibilities assigned by the Chef de Cuisine

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Minimum of 15 years’ experience in noodles and congee production in a high volume restaurant

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Excellent product knowledge of Chinese cuisine

  • Education: Secondary school diploma or equivalent

  • Language Abilities: Fluent Cantonese or Mandarin; fair English

  • Computer Skills: Basic


如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電(853)8889 1188

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm


北方製麵助理主廚 Assistant Northern Noodle Chef (ID:1728BR)



  • 生產不同樣式的麵類、餃類及經過半處理的食品

  • 監控食品生產過程以確保品質優質新鮮及供應充足

  • 以HACCP的標準去保存冷凍食品,並經常保持粥麵製造工場衛生清潔

  • 保證食品和原材料的新鮮衛生

  • 須作出倉儲管理,以確保供應充足

  • 確保廚房及器皿清潔衛生

  • 不斷地改善健康和安全指標

  • 須協助和履行廚師長的工作


  • 工作經驗:具最少十年於高人流量的餐廳的粥麵製造工場工作之相關經驗

  • 技能 / 證書:對中式粥麵瞭如指掌

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或等同學歷

  • 語言能力:能操流利廣東話;基本英語

  • 電腦應用:基本程度

Job Purpose: Produce high quality northern-style noodles and congee for restaurant guests.

Key Responsibilities

  • Produce different varieties of northern noodles, dumplings and semi-processed ingredients for noodle and congee dishes

  • Monitor the production process to ensure quality, freshness and sufficient supply of noodles and congee

  • Maintain HACCP standards for dry and cold storage, and clean and tidy noodle and congee stations

  • Guarantee food and ingredients are fresh and hygienic

  • Monitor stockroom storage levels to ensure sufficient supplies

  • Ensure the kitchen and utensils are clean and hygienic

  • Continuously improve health and safety standards

  • Accept any other duties and responsibilities assigned by the Northern Noodle Chef

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Minimum of 10 years’ experience in noodles and congee production in a high-volume Chinese restaurant

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Excellent product knowledge of Chinese cuisine

  • Education: Secondary school or equivalent

  • Language Abilities: Fluent Cantonese; basic English

  • Computer Skills: Basic


如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電(853)8889 1188

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm

網絡安全工程師 Engineer - Cyber Security (ID:3706BR)

Job Purpose: Responsible for monitoring and reviewing the information security related products status and logs, ensures that IT divisional systems and services address security threats, risks, and attacks directed toward Wynn's business operations, staff, customers, and business partners.

Key Responsibilities

  • Works with information security leadership to develop strategies and plans to enforce security requirements and address identified risks

  • Act as a technical Subject Matter Expert (SME) on information security system development and best practices. Provides second support and analysis during and after a security incident

  • Assists with risk assessment activities, including analyzing the results of audits to produce recommendations of acceptable risk and risk mitigation strategies

  • Collaborates with Information Technology staff to develop remediation plans addressing identified vulnerabilities

  • Review and analyze the reports and logs from security devices and computers to identify the legitimate uses vs. malicious activities and misuse of information and data

  • Researches, evaluates, tests and recommends the implementation of new or updated information security technologies

  • Participates in security investigations and compliance reviews, as requested by internal or external auditors

  • Work directly with the Criminal Investigations team at Wynn and understand the importance and sensitivity of data collected

  • Commonly used information security and cyber security tools, SIEM, SOAR, etc.

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Minimum 2+ years’ experience directly related to the duties and responsibilities specified

  • Knowledge/Certificates:

  • Strong analytical skills to analyze security requirements and relate them to appropriate security controls.

  • Strong understanding of cyber security concepts, common information security tools, IP, TCP/IP, and other network administration protocols.

  • Experience with planning, deployment, and operation of large enterprise security management tools such as IDS/IPS (network and host), advanced anti-malware (network and endpoint), DLP, encryption, anti-virus, SIEM, firewalls, identity management, NAC, etc.

  • Specific knowledge of authentications technologies such as AD, LDAP, RADIUS, TACACS+, 802.1x, NAC, Microsoft Certificate Services, and PKI in general.

  • Education: Diploma or degree in Information Technology field

  • Language Ability: Good written and spoken English and Chinese

  • Computer Skills: Familiar with hospitality systems management an advantage. CISP, CEH, OSCP, CPT, GCFA , CISSP, Security+ or equivalent certification preferred

主要職責:網路安全工程師負責監控和審查資訊安全相關產品狀態和日誌,確保 IT 部門系統和服務解決針對永利業務營運、員工、客戶和業務的安全威脅、風險和攻擊夥伴。


  • 與資訊安全領導層合作制定策略和計劃,以執行安全要求並解決已識別的風險

  • 擔任資訊安全系統開發和最佳實務的技術主題專家 (SME)。 在安全事件期間和之後提供第二次支援和分析

  • 協助風險評估活動,包括分析審計結果以提出可接受的風險和風險緩解策略的建議

  • 與資訊科技人員合作制定針對已識別漏洞的補救計畫

  • 審查和分析來自安全設備和電腦的報告和日誌,以識別資訊和資料的合法使用與惡意活動以及濫用

  • 研究、評估、測試並建議實施新的或更新的資訊安全技術

  • 根據內部或外部審計師的要求,參與安全調查和合規性審查

  • 直接與永利刑事調查團隊合作,以了解所收集資料的重要性和敏感度

  • 常用的資訊安全與網路安全工具,SIEM、SOAR等


  • 工作經驗:至少 2 年以上與指定職責直接相關的經驗

  • 技能 / 證書:

  • 強大的分析能力,能夠分析安全需求並將其與適當的安全控制相關聯。

  • 對網路安全概念、常用資訊安全工具、IP、TCP/IP 和其他網路管理協定有深入的了解

  • 具備規劃、部署和操作大型企業安全管理工具的經驗,例如 IDS/IPS(網路和主機)、進階反惡意軟體(網路和端點)、DLP、加密、防毒、SIEM、防火牆、身分管理、NAC等

  • 具備特定的驗證技術知識,例如AD、LDAP、RADIUS、TACACS+、802.1x、NAC、Microsoft 憑證服務和PKI

  • 教育程度:資訊科技領域的文憑或學位

  • 語言能力:良好的中英文書寫與口語能力

  • 電腦應用:熟悉酒店系統管理優先。 CISP、CEH、OSCP、CPT、GCFA、CISSP、Security+ 或同等認證優先

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電(853)8889 1188

客戶關係管理副經理Assistant Manager - CRM (Campaign Automation and Development) (ID:3896BR)

Job Purpose

The ideal candidate will not only possess technical expertise in Python, SQL, and Airflow but also demonstrate a keen understanding of business needs and the ability to apply sound judgment in workflow development. This role includes mentoring junior developers and collaborating with cross-functional teams to ensure successful project delivery.

Key Responsibilities

  • Code development: Analyze business requirements and apply critical thinking to develop optimized campaign workflows. Write clean, efficient, scalable and maintainable code for new campaign workflows and features using Python and SQL. Set up and configure Airflow environments to streamline workflow management. Document workflow processes and maintain comprehensive technical specifications.

  • Quality assurance: Conduct thorough testing of workflows and collaborate with QA teams to ensure all workflow meets functional and performance requirement. Review code from team members to ensure quality and adherence to best practices.

  • Continuous monitoring: Continuously monitor and optimize workflow performance to ensure maximum efficiency.

  • Problem solving: Troubleshoot and resolve complex workflow-related issues. Proactively identify areas for process improvement and propose data-driven solutions

  • CRM software design and implementation: Participate in the design phase of projects, creating detailed specifications and architecture plans. Implement solutions based on project requirements.

  • Mentorship: Provide expert guidance and recommendations to stakeholders based on business needs and technical feasibility

  • Cross functional work: Collaborate with cross-functional teams to gather insights and align workflow development with business objectives

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: 3-5 years of experience in software development or developing workflows and data pipelines, with a focus on business process optimization

  • Education: Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Engineering, Business Information, or a related field


Strong proficiency in Python programming and SQL

  • Experience with Airflow setup, configuration, and optimization

  • Familiarity with Linux operating systems and development tools like VSCode

  • Knowledge of DevOps platforms and practices

  • Exceptional business acumen and ability to understand and align with organizational goals

  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to think critically and develop innovative solutions

  • Excellent communication and collaboration skills to effectively work with cross-functional teams

  • Flexibility and adaptability to handle changing priorities and meet deadlines in a fast-paced environment

  • Strong organizational skills and meticulous attention to detail

  • Strong ownership and servicing mind-set to ensure efficient and effective program delivery

  • Experience with marketing automation platforms and data visualization tools

  • Experience with database management (e.g., SQL)

  • Knowledge of agile development methodologies and experience working in a Scrum environment

  • Proven track record of driving process improvements and delivering measurable business results

  • Experience in developing applications for high-load environments

  • Work experience in Integrated Resort strongly preferred

  • Language Ability: Proficiency in English and Cantonese/ Mandarin

食品安全高級主任Senior Officer – Food Safety (ID:3110BR)


  • 以有效和可持續發展的方式管理和維護食品安全系統。帶領、改進、解决食品安全和品質檢測問題。以確保其處理過程遵守澳門的食品安全法規。


  • 對公司各種處理食品的設施進行食品安全規管、評估和調查

  • 為每日執行的前提方案(PRPs)和內部食品安全規管機制進行監管、記錄審查、校準和驗證,以確保方案得到執行並被準確、完整地記錄在案

  • 負責執行常規微生物分析方案以及對實驗室庫存進行維護和管理

  • 協助監控原材料和所有食品處理過程,以確保符合本地法規和食品安全標準

  • 有系統地保存和歸檔食品安全管理文件,監控和評估食品製備區域和過程的清潔和衛生


  • 工作經驗:具至少兩年於酒店業、餐飲服務業或大型食品生產廠的食品安全相關工作經驗

  • 技能 / 證書:具食品安全培訓和實驗室操作經驗者優先考慮

  • 教育程度:需持有食品科學或相關學科的學士學位

  • 語言能力:操流利廣東話及英語

  • 電腦應用:精通MS Office

Job Purpose

  • Manage and maintain the food safety system in an effective and sustainable manner. Lead process improvements and resolution of food safety and quality issues. Ensure fully compliance with food safety laws and regulations of Macau.

Key Responsibilities

  • Daily implementation of all prerequisite program and internal food safety requirements monitoring, record reviews, calibrations and verifications to ensure programs are executed and document correctly, completely and accurately.

  • Review inspections and ensure corrective and preventative actions are taken in effective and timely fashion

  • Organize and conduct food safety compliance inspections and evaluations on property at a wide variety of food facilities

  • Ensure the practicing food safety and hygiene standards compliance with local regulations and the food safety management system requirements

  • Strengthens food safety understanding throughout the organization through training and other knowledge management activities

  • Conducts microbiological and hazard analysis on food ingredients and manufacturing processes to determine effectiveness of hazard mitigation steps

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Minimum of 2 years’ experience at a similar level of hospitality industry, catering services or at a large food production plant

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Knowledge of training and laboratory operations an advantage

  • Education: bachelor’s degree in food science or a related field

  • Language Abilities: Fluent English and Chinese

  • Computer Skills: Proficient in MS Office

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours

from Monday to Friday between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm

食品安全主任Officer – Food Safety (ID:3160BR)


  • 以有效和可持續發展的方式管理和維護食品安全系統。帶領、改進、解决食品安全和品質檢測問題。以確保其處理過程遵守澳門的食品安全法規。


  • 對公司各種處理食品的設施進行食品安全規管、評估和調查

  • 為每日執行的前提方案(PRPs)和內部食品安全規管機制進行監管、記錄審查、校準和驗證,以確保方案得到執行並被準確、完整地記錄在案

  • 負責執行常規微生物分析方案以及對實驗室庫存進行維護和管理

  • 協助監控原材料和所有食品處理過程,以確保符合本地法規和食品安全標準

  • 有系統地保存和歸檔食品安全管理文件,監控和評估食品製備區域和過程的清潔和衛生


  • 工作經驗:具至少一年於酒店業、餐飲服務業或大型食品生產廠的食品安全相關工作經驗

  • 技能 / 證書:具食品安全培訓和實驗室操作經驗者優先考慮

  • 教育程度:需持有食品科學或相關學科的學士學位

  • 語言能力:操流利廣東話及英語

  • 電腦應用:精通MS Office

Job Purpose

  • Manage and maintain the food safety system in an effective and sustainable manner. Lead process improvements and resolution of food safety and quality issues. Ensure full compliance with food safety laws and regulations of Macau.

Key Responsibilities

  • Organize and conduct food safety compliance inspections and evaluations on the property at a wide variety of food facilities

  • Daily implementation of all prerequisite program and internal food safety requirements monitoring, record reviews, calibrations, and verifications to ensure programs are executed and document correctly, completely, and accurately.

  • Perform and maintain routine microbiological analysis scheme and lab stock management

  • Assist on raw materials and all process monitoring to assure compliance with local regulations and food safety standards

  • Maintain food safety management documentation, keep and file records in a systematic manner. Monitor and assess cleaning and sanitation of food preparation area and process

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Minimum of 1 year’ experience at a similar level of the hospitality industry, catering services, or at a large food production plant

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Knowledge of training and laboratory operations is an advantage

  • Education: bachelor’s degree in food science or a related field

  • Language Abilities: Fluent English and Chinese

  • Computer Skills: Proficient in MS Office

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours

from Monday to Friday between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm

策略規劃及分析員 Analyst - Strategic Planning and Analysis (ID:2539BR)


  • 負責透過提取及分析各種數據來支援不同的市場推廣及效益,從而評估項目的有效性並提出相應的策略。


  • 對活動推廣、會員註冊和營業額進行分析,以協助制定行銷策略

  • 以活動推廣的收入、支出和參與率來準備相關的數據及評估活動推廣的有效性

  • 須準備數據報告並用作為績效評估的基準,協助管理層的決策及發掘具潛質的客戶和提拱創新的市場推廣方案

  • 根據管理層的要求去製定相關的報告


  • 工作經驗:具至少2年資料庫分析經驗,並具娛樂場的工作經驗優先考慮

  • 教育程度:須持資訊系統、經濟學、電腦資訊科學士學位或相關商科學歷優先考慮

  • 語言能力:能流利地操與寫作廣東話/普通話及英語

  • 電腦應用:須精通MS Excel。具SQL、SAS或其他分析工具經驗者優先

Job Purpose

  • Supports marketing campaigns and performance by extracting and analyzing various data. Through detailed data analysis, you will evaluate campaigns effectiveness and recommend strategies for making offers.

  • Key Responsibilities

  • Conduct statistical analysis on promotion campaigns, member registration and turnover to aid the development of marketing strategies

  • Prepare pro-forma and evaluate the effectiveness of promotion campaigns and events in terms of revenue, expenses and participation rate

  • Create statistical reports to be used as a reliable benchmark for performance evaluation, and to aid management’s decision for exploring new potential guest pool and innovative marketing campaigns

  • Generate relevant reports requested by management

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: 2 years experience of data analysis, preferably in entertainment industry

  • Education: Bachelor degree or above in Actuarial Science, Business, Economics or Computer Science

  • Language Ability: Proficiency in English and Cantonese / Mandarin

  • Computer Skills: Proficiency in MS Excel is a MUST. Prior experience working with SQL, SAS, or other statistical tool are preferred

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8986 6222 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm

永利臻享專員(數碼營銷推廣和電子商務) Specialist - Wynn Rewards (Digital Marketing and E-Commerce) (ID:3600BR)


  • 執行公司日常的數碼營銷推廣項目;支持永利網站、移動應用程序、信息亭和其他數碼平台的內容、整體外觀、功能以及活動方案的制定與執行


  • 支持高級經理 - 數字營銷執行和啟動數字營銷計劃

  • 與內部和外部設計團隊合作設計網站和活動創意

  • 準備和策劃活動方案文件和創意,進行內容副本審查、校對和合同準備

  • 支持網站和移動網站的日常運營,同時保持每個網站的整體外觀、內容和功能。 主動發現增強和改善客戶體驗的機會

  • 在各種瀏覽器中對網站和/或其應用程序進行質量測試和故障排除


  • 工作經驗:至少 2-3 年在網站建設、電子郵件營銷、社交媒體、移動通信和在線廣告等數字營銷渠道的相關經驗

  • 技能 / 證書:

    • 具與供應商的談判技巧和經驗

    • 基本了解在線渠道指標、如何優化所有在線渠道的績效、詳細分析客戶行為數據以推動在線營銷策略和溝通改進

    • 良好的執行力關於網站維護、活動準備、日常運營和績效分析

    • 搜索引擎優化 (SEO) 知識

    • 有使用 HTML 和 CSS 建立網站的知識者優先

    • 有Photoshop等圖像編輯軟件實踐經驗者優先

  • 教育程度:具學士學位畢業或以上程度

  • 語言能力:能操流利廣東話、普通話及英語,具良好中英文書寫能力

  • 電腦應用:熟識Ms Office軟件操作,以及Photoshop 和AI並了解現有的社交媒體平台以及這些平台所提供的營銷機會

Job Purpose: Execute the company’s daily digital marketing initiatives and programs; support the daily operation of Wynn’s website, mobile apps, kiosks, and other digital assets on their content, overall appearance and functional, as well as campaign execution

Job description:

  • Support Senior Manager - Digital Marketing to execute and launch digital marketing initiatives

  • Work with internal and external design team on website and campaign creative

  • Prepare and plan campaign program documents and creative, conduct content copy review, proof reading and contract preparation

  • Support daily operation of the website and mobile site while maintaining the overall appearance, content, and functionality of each. Proactively identify opportunities to enhance and improve the customer experience

  • Perform quality-test and troubleshoot the website and/or its applications in various browsers

Competencies and Requirements:

  • Experience: Minimum 2 year of relevant experience in digital marketing channels of website building, email marketing, social media, mobile communications, and online advertising


  • Strong negotiating skills and experience with strategic vendors

  • Basic understanding of online channel metrics, how to optimize performance in all online channels, detailed analysis of customer behavioral data to drive online marketing strategies & communication improvements

  • Good execution on website maintenance, campaign preparation, daily operation, and performance analysis.

  • Knowledge of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  • Knowledge of website building using HTML and CSS is preferred

  • Hands-on experience with image editing software such as Photoshop is preferred

  • Education: Bachelor’s degree or above

  • Language Abilities: Good written and spoken English, Cantonese and Mandarin

  • Computer Skills:

  • Good at MS Office, Photoshop & AI

  • Aware of existing social media platforms and the marketing opportunities these platforms provide

  • Familiar with online applications and smartphone platforms

數碼營銷推廣主任 (社交媒體營銷)Officer - Digital Marketing (social media) (ID:2908BR)


  • 執行公司的日常數碼營銷舉措和計劃和從事媒體投資和活動執行工作


  • 參與數碼營銷項目和活動從策劃到執行,尤其是付費媒體、媒體渠道公司等媒體項目

  • 獨立開展基本活動並處理日常運營

  • 聯絡和管理各方以確保及時、準確的實施

  • 確保交付成果具有高質量並符合指導方針

  • 協助廣告計劃準備、數據跟踪和報告

  • 協助開展活動前分析和活動後評估

  • 執行臨時任務


  • 工作經驗:具至少 2-3 年數碼營銷渠道、社交媒體、移動通信和在線廣告相關經驗

  • 技能 / 證書:

  • 對在線渠道指標的基本了解,如何優化所有在線渠道的績效,詳細分析客戶行為數據以推動在線營銷策略和溝通改進。

  • 熟悉媒體和市場分析,包括消費者行為研究、競爭對手分析

  • 對新媒體趨勢敏感

  • 了解現有的社交媒體平台以及這些平台提供的營銷機會

  • 數據分析知識

  • 教育程度:具學士學位畢業或以上程度

  • 語言能力:能操流利廣東話、普通話及英語,具良好中英文書寫能力

  • 電腦應用:精通MS Office,尤其是PPT和Excel

Job Purpose: Execute company’s daily digital marketing initiatives and programs; work on media investment and campaign execution

Key Responsibilities

  • Work with internal and external design team on social platform and campaign creative

  • Prepare and plan campaign program documents and creative; conduct content copy review, proofreading and contract preparation.

  • Support daily operation of the social platform while maintaining the overall appearance, content and functionality of each. Proactively identify opportunities to enhance and improve the customer experience

  • Liaise and manage different parties to ensure timely and accurate implementation

  • Develop and produce monthly reporting for social platform, including data performance and analysis

  • Work with agency on social platform daily operations.

  • Maintain consistency of creative in line with the brand standard

  • Perform ad hoc assignment

Competencies and Requirements:

  • Experience: Minimum 2-3 year of relevant experience in digital marketing channels, social media, mobile communications, and online advertising

  • Knowledge / Certificate:

  • Basic understanding of online channel metrics, how to optimize performance in all online channels, detailed analysis of customer behavioural data to drive online marketing strategies & communication improvements.

  • Familiar with media and market analysis, including consumer behaviour study, competitor’s analysis

  • New media trend sensitive

  • Aware of existing social media platforms and the marketing opportunities these platforms provide

  • Knowledge of data analysis

  • Education: Bachelor’s degree or above

  • Language: Good written and spoken English, Mandarin and Cantonese

  • Computer Skills: Proficient in MS Office, especially in PPT and Excel

Sous Chef – Southeast Asian東南亞餐副主廚 (ID: 3891BR)


  • 協助主廚管理廚房的日常運作,同時亦須對廚房隊伍作出指導及激勵性工作,以確保廚房隊伍不只出產高品質的菜餚,更期望讓賓客體驗超乎所想的感受


  • 協助管理廚房的日常運作

  • 監控消耗並最大化資源和設備的容量

  • 與主廚合作創建每周行政午餐,每月,促銷和季節性菜單

  • 監控廚房製作的菜餚的質量

  • 確保廚房和用具清潔衛生


  • 工作經驗: 具最少十年於四、五星級東南亞餐廳的廚房工作經驗

  • 技能 / 證書: 具有東南亞美食方面的優秀產品知識

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或等同學歷

  • 語言能力:良好廣東話,普通話及英語

  • 電腦應用:基本程度

Job Purpose:

  • Assist the Chef de Cuisine to manage the daily operations of the kitchen and lead, motivate and coach the kitchen team to produce high-quality food.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Monitor consumption and maximise capacity of resources and equipment

  • Create monthly and seasonal menus in cooperation with the Chef de Cuisine

  • Monitor the quality of dishes produced in the kitchen

  • Monitor inventory and order food stock to meet demand, within budget

  • Accept deliveries and store food according to Company requirements

Competencies and Requirements:

  • Experience: Minimum of 10 years’ culinary experience in a 4 to 5 star Southeast Asian kitchen

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Excellent product knowledge of Southeast Asian Cuisine

  • Education: Secondary school diploma or equivalent

  • Language Abilities: Good English, Cantonese and Mandarin

  • Computer Skills: Basic

Chef de Partie – Southeast Asian東南亞餐助理主廚 (ID: 3892BR)


  • 須管理廚房各工作崗位的效率,控制成本,為團隊成員作編更安排及分配工作。

  • 同時,亦須指導及激勵廚房隊伍,確保廚房隊伍不只出產高品質的菜餚,更期望讓賓客享有超乎所想的體驗。


  • 為每位賓客提供高品質的出品和服務

  • 監督及協助廚房的工作流程

  • 監測原料和配料的質量

  • 按公司的標準儲存及冷藏食品,以保證新鮮衛生

  • 定期監察食物的準備工作,廚房成本,庫存水平和控制質量


  • 工作經驗:具最少八年於四、五星級東南亞餐廳的廚房工作經驗

  • 技能 / 證書:對東南亞菜餚瞭如指掌;刀工精確熟練;了解HACCP的標準和準則

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或等同學歷

  • 語言能力:能操良好英語

  • 電腦應用:基本程度

Job Purpose

  • Manage the efficiency of kitchen workstations by scheduling rosters, assigning work to team members, and controlling costs.

  • Motivate and coach the kitchen team to exceed guests’ expectations for high-quality food.

Key Responsibilities

  • Deliver high quality products to every guest

  • Monitor and assist with the kitchen workflow

  • Requisition raw materials and monitor ingredients for quality control purposes

  • Guarantee food is fresh, hygienic, and chilled and stored according to Company standards

  • Monitor food preparation, kitchen costs, inventory levels, and portion and quality control regularly

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Minimum of 8 years’ culinary experience in a 4 to 5 star Southeast Asian kitchen

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Excellent product knowledge of Southeast Asian cuisine; accurate knife skills; understanding of HACCP standards and guidelines

  • Education: Secondary school diploma or equivalent

  • Language Ability: Good English

  • Computer Skills: Basic

Chef de Cuisine – Chinese 中餐主廚 (ID:1387BR)


  • 控制廚房的運作,確保按時供應優質菜餚。 修改和創建新的菜單和菜餚。 最大限度地提高廚房同事的工作效率,並為團隊成員樹立榜樣。


  • 按財政預算範圍內,施行經濟高效的日常運營

  • 監控消耗量及大幅地提高資源容量和器械設備

  • 與行政總廚合作設計月度和季節性菜單

  • 確保廚房和設備的整潔及衛生,不斷提高健康和安全標準

  • 監督廚房管理,並向管理層提交定期報告


  • 工作經驗:具至少十年五星級中餐廚房管理經驗

  • 技能 / 證書:對中菜瞭如指掌及熟悉供應品定價

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或等同學歷

  • 語言能力:能操良好的廣東話及普通話

  • 電腦應用:基本MS Office電腦軟件操作

Job Description :

Job Purpose: Control operations in the Wing Lei Palace kitchen and ensure high quality dishes are served on schedule. Modify and create new menus and dishes. Maximise the productivity of all kitchen staff, and set a good example to Team Members.

Key Responsibilities

  • Manage the kitchen’s daily operations cost-effectively and efficiently within budget

  • Monitor consumption and maximise capacity of resources and equipment

  • Create monthly and seasonal menus in cooperation with the Executive Chef

  • Ensure the kitchen and utensils are clean and hygienic, continuously improve health and safety standards

  • Oversee kitchen administration and prepare and present regular reports to management

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Minimum of 10 years’ experience in a Chinese restaurant of 4 to 5 star hotel

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Excellent product knowledge of Chinese cuisine and pricing of supplies

  • Education: Secondary school diploma or equivalent

  • Language Abilities: Good Cantonese and Mandarin

  • Computer Skills: Basic MS Office skills

Chef de Cuisine – Japanese 日本餐主廚(ID:1390BR)


  • 控制廚房的運作,確保按時供應優質菜餚。 修改和創建新的菜單和菜餚。 最大限度地提高廚房同事的工作效率,並為團隊成員樹立榜樣。


  • 按財政預算範圍內,施行經濟高效的日常運營

  • 監控消耗量及大幅地提高資源容量和器械設備

  • 與行政總廚合作設計月度和季節性菜單

  • 確保廚房和設備的整潔及衛生,不斷提高健康和安全標準

  • 監督廚房管理,並向管理層提交定期報告


  • 工作經驗:具至少十年五星級日本餐廚房管理經驗

  • 技能 / 證書:對日本菜瞭如指掌及熟悉供應品定價

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或等同學歷

  • 語言能力:能操良好的廣東話及普通話

  • 電腦應用:基本MS Office電腦軟件操作

Job Purpose

  • Manage the daily operations of the kitchen and ensure guests receive excellent food on time by leading, motivating and coaching the kitchen team to exceed guests’ expectations.

Key Responsibilities

  • Manage the kitchen’s daily operations cost-effectively and efficiently within budget

  • Monitor consumption and maximise capacity of resources and equipment

  • Create monthly and seasonal menus in cooperation with the restaurant manager

  • Monitor the quality of dishes produced in the kitchen

  • Establish and monitor food quality goals

  • Ensure the kitchen and utensils are clean and hygienic

  • Prepare and present regular reports to management

  • Oversee kitchen administration

  • Continuously improve health and safety standards

  • Accept any other duties and responsibilities assigned by management

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Minimum of 10 years’ culinary management experience in a Japanese restaurant of 4 to 5 star hotel

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Excellent product knowledge of 5-star Japanese cuisine

  • Education: Secondary school diploma or equivalent

  • Language Abilities: Good English and Cantonese and Mandarin

  • Computer Skills: Basic

Sous Chef – Japanese 日本餐副主廚(ID:1402BR)


  • 協助主廚管理廚房的整體運作,同時亦須對廚房隊伍作出指導及激勵性工作,以確保廚房團隊出產高品質的菜餚。


  • 監控消耗量並最大限度地使用資源和設備

  • 與主廚協調,制定每月及每季的菜單

  • 監控菜餚的出品質量

  • 定期監察食物的準備工作,廚房成本,庫存水平和質量控制部分

  • 按公司的標準輸送、儲存及冷藏食品,以保證新鮮衛生


  • 工作經驗: 具最少十年於四、五星級日式餐廳的廚房工作經驗

  • 技能 / 證書:瞭解對日式菜餚

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或等同學歷

  • 語言能力: 能操良好廣東話、普通話及英語

  • 電腦應用: 基本程度

Job Purpose

  • Assist the Chef de Cuisine to manage the daily operations of the kitchen and lead, motivate and coach the kitchen team to produce high-quality food.

Key Responsibilities

  • Monitor consumption and maximise capacity of resources and equipment

  • Create monthly and seasonal menus in cooperation with the Chef de Cuisine

  • Monitor the quality of dishes produced in the kitchen

  • Monitor inventory and order food stock to meet demand, within budget

  • Accept deliveries and store food according to Company requirements

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Minimum of 10 years’ culinary experience in a 4 to 5 star Japanese kitchen

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Excellent product knowledge of Japanese Cuisine

  • Education: Secondary school diploma or equivalent

  • Language Abilities: Good English, Cantonese and Mandarin

  • Computer Skills: Basic

BBQ Sous Chef 燒臘副主廚(ID:1777BR)


  • 負責協助燒臘廚師長處理燒臘製造工場的日常運作;同時亦須對製造工場的團隊成員作出領導、激勵及指導性工作,以確保團隊成員能提供優質的食品。


  • 監控燒臘的消耗量及大幅地提高資源容量和器械設備

  • 監控燒臘的生產過程以保證質量,新鮮度及有充分的供應

  • 須作出倉儲管理,以確保供應充足,並在有需要時安排送貨服務

  • 以HACCP的標準去保存冷凍食品,並經常保持燒臘製造工場衛生清潔

  • 保證食品和原材料的新鮮和衛生


  • 工作經驗:具最少十五年於中式燒臘烹飪之工作經驗

  • 技能 / 證書:熟悉中式燒臘菜餚

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或等同學歷

  • 語言能力:能操流利廣東話及普通話;普通英語

  • 電腦應用:基本電腦

Job Purpose

  • Assist the No. 1 BBQ Chef to run the daily operations of the BBQ Production kitchen and lead, motivate and coach the BBQ Production team to exceed guests’ expectations for high-quality BBQ.

Key Responsibilities

  • Monitor BBQ consumption and maximise capacity of resources and equipment

  • Monitor the production process to ensure quality, freshness and sufficient supply of BBQ

  • Monitor stockroom storage and inventory levels to ensure sufficient supply and arrange deliveries when needed

  • Maintain HACCP standards for dry and cold storage, and clean and tidy BBQ stations

  • Guarantee food and ingredients are fresh and hygienic

  • Continuously improve health and safety standards

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Minimum of 15 years’ experience in Chinese BBQ cooking

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Excellent product knowledge of Chinese BBQ cuisine

  • Education: Secondary school diploma or equivalent

  • Language Abilities: Fluent Cantonese and Mandarin; fair English

  • Computer Skills: Basic

度假村訂房部接待員 Resort Reservations Agent (ID:3570BR)



  • 以殷勤有禮的態度迅速接聽賓客的電話

  • 清楚了解客房優惠方案及推廣計劃的細節,以及永利皇宮的所有產品、設施及服務

  • 須熟悉市場情況、相關公司房價情況及分銷渠道(互聯網和全球分銷系統)

  • 把握銷售機會,以提升客房優惠方案及推廣計劃的銷售率

  • 輸入信用卡及禮卷資料到預訂系統

  • 通過電話、傳真和電郵等辦理短暫逗留、娛樂場、度假及團體賓客的客房預定

  • 熟悉客房價格升跌及部門的收益管理,包括價格限制、可供入住率、預測及預算

  • 拓展從團體訂購至酒店營業部的銷售機會

  • 當情況許可或有機會時,可協助銷售公司的餐廳及水療服務

  • 須及時處理所有信件,並保持電子及手動存檔系統運作良好

  • 保持PMS系統運作準確

  • 須協助和履行訂房服務主任委派的工作


  • 工作經驗:具客戶服務工作經驗者優先考慮

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或以上程度

  • 技能 / 證書:優質的電話銷售及服務技巧

  • 語言能力:能操及書寫流利的英語、廣東話及普通話

  • 電腦應用:熟識MS Office及Outlook電腦軟件操作,能操作Opera電腦軟件系統者優先考慮

Job Purpose: Answer incoming calls without delay. Convert hotel sales opportunities and upsell when possible. Address guests’ requests promptly and accurately and handle reservations efficiently.

Key Responsibilities

  • Answer all incoming calls promptly and courteously

  • Know and understand details about room packages and promotions, and all Wynn Palace’s products, facilities and services

  • Be familiar with all market segments and corresponding rate plans across marketing and distribution channels (internet and global distribution system)

  • Identify sales opportunities and convert and upsell into sales of packages and promotions

  • Input credit card and voucher details into the reservations system

  • Handle all transient, gaming, wholesale and group reservations by phone, fax and email, etc.

  • Be familiar with pricing strategies and revenue management for the segments, including rate restrictions and availability, and forecasts and budgets

  • Channel sales opportunities from group bookings to the Hotel Sales Department

  • Cross-sell and process restaurant and spa reservations when opportunities arise

  • Handle correspondence promptly and maintain the electronic and manual filing systems

  • Maintain accuracy of Property Management System (PMS) database

  • Assist and perform duties assigned by the Supervisor – Room Reservations

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Previous customer service experience an advantage

  • Education: Secondary school diploma or above

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Telephone sales and service

  • Language Ability: Fluent spoken and written Cantonese, Mandarin and English

  • Computer Skills: Proficient in MS Office and Outlook; intermediate in Opera an advantage

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電(853)8889 1188

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8986 6222 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm

意大利餐副主廚 Sous Chef - Italian Cuisine (永利皇宮)(ID:3865BR)




  • 協助管理廚房的日常運作

  • 監控消耗並最大化資源和設備的容量

  • 與主廚合作創建每月、促銷和季節性菜單

  • 監控廚房製作的菜餚的質量

  • 確保廚房和用具清潔衛生


  • 工作經驗:具最少十年於四、五星級意大利餐廳的廚房工作經驗

  • 技能 / 證書: 具有意大利美食方面的優秀產品知識

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或等同學歷

  • 語言能力:良好廣東話,普通話及英語

  • 電腦應用:基本程度

Job Purpose

Assist the Chef de Cuisine to manage the daily operations of the kitchen and lead, motivate and coach the kitchen team to exceed guests’ expectations for high-quality food.

Key Responsibilities

  • Assist in the management of the kitchen’s daily operations

  • Monitor consumption and maximize capacity of resources and equipment

  • Create monthly, promotional and seasonal menus in cooperation with the Chef de Cuisine

  • Monitor the quality of dishes produced in the kitchen

  • Ensure the kitchen and utensils are clean and hygienic

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Minimum of 10 years’ experience in a 4-to-5-star Italian cuisine kitchen

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Excellent product knowledge of Italian cuisine and pricing of supplies

  • Education: Secondary school diploma or equivalent

  • Language Abilities: Good English, Cantonese and Mandarin

  • Computer Skills: Basic

司膳員Butler - VIP Services (ID:1296BR)




  • 確保貴賓能感受難忘及超越期望的住宿體驗

  • 各方面都能為貴賓提供高標準質量的服務,以達到賓客的滿意度,並遵照已定立的政策及程序

  • 為賓客的到臨準備貴賓服務區域、套房及擺放所需的用品,以創建豪華的氣氛

  • 須透徹瞭解整個渡假村的設施、服務及所有的餐飲服務

  • 針對賓客的喜惡,製作個人的檔案,並須不斷保持更新


  • 工作經驗:曾在五星級酒店或餐廳從事客戶服務工作經驗者優先考慮

  • 教育程度:學士學位或同等學歷為佳

  • 語言能力:能操流利的廣東話及普通話;良好英語溝通者優先考慮

Job Purpose

Provide professional, personalised service to Wynn Palace’s VIP guests. Respond promptly to guests’ requests and do everything possible to make their stay enjoyable.

Key Responsibilities

  • •Ensure the VIP guest experience in the Villa and Penthouse is memorable by exceeding guest’s expectations

  • Deliver Wynn Palace’s high standards of quality, service and guest satisfaction in every aspect of the VIP guest experience, adhering to established policies and procedures

  • Prepare VIP Services areas and suites for guests’ arrival by creating a luxurious atmosphere and setting up amenities

  • Know and understand the resort’s facilities and services and all F&B items on the menu

  • Maintain guests’ preference profiles and track their likes and dislikes

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Previous customer service experience at a five-star hotel or fine-dining restaurant preferred

  • Education: Bachelor degree or equivalent preferred

  • Language Abilities: Fluent spoken Cantonese and Mandarin; good English communication is an advantage

會計及固定資產文員 Clerk - General Ledger and Fixed Assets Accounting (永利澳門) (ID:730BR)



  • 負責整理有關會計收支記錄,準備財務報表和銀行對帳等工作

  • 檢查財務記錄並處理不一致之賬項記錄

  • 協助會計及固定資產部的日常運作

  • 更新並準備月結財務報表

  • 須同時妥善管理及處理多個項目


  • 工作經驗:於大型機構從事會計或應付賬工作經驗者優先考慮

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或以上程度

  • 技能 / 證書:持有會計相關證書者優先考慮

  • 語言能力:能書寫及操流利廣東話及英語

  • 電腦應用:熟識Ms Office軟件操作(中英文版本)和會計軟件應用

Job Purpose:

Responsible for editing journal entries, preparing month-end closing reports and Bank Reconciliation

Key Responsibilities:

  • Prepare journal entries, review supporting, calculate balances and prepare accounts reconciliation.

  • Investigate any discrepancies in accounts balances and generate financial reports

  • Assist in the smooth operation of the General Ledger office

  • Update and prepare monthly reports

  • Manage multiple projects simultaneously, priorities work and follow through on issues in a timely manner

Competencies and Requirements:

  • Experience: Previous General Ledger or Accounts Payable experience in a large organisation

  • Education: Secondary school diploma

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Accounting certificates an advantage

  • Language Ability: Good written and spoken English and Chinese

  • Computer Skills: Intermediate MS Office (Chinese and English) and accounting software applications

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8686 6222 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm

資訊科技發展副總監 Assistant Director - IT Development

Job Purpose:

IT application development assistant director is responsible for planning, coordinating, supervising all activities related to the design, development, implementation of the application development department and analysis function. He/She manages multiple development teams supporting different applications of business areas. Being an application development assistant director directs and guides the managers, reviews different project requests, timeline and cost. He/She develops, distributes, supports, enforces, and integrates best practices and technology standards across the organization. He/She creates functional strategies and specific objectives for the teams and develops polices, procedures to support the functional infrastructure. He/She has deep knowledge of the management and solid knowledge of the overall departmental function.

IT software development department is commonly using Microsoft .NET core, C#, Angular JavaScript framework, Xamarin mobile framework, Git Repository and SQL Server database. Most of the in-house developed applications are web applications and mobile applications. In addition, Scrum development methodology is used for the development process, product backlog and issue log are kept in Azure DevOps platform. IT software developer is playing an important part in making a business more efficient and helping to provide a better IT service.

Key Responsibilities

  • Assist director to direct the strategic development.

  • Provide technology blueprints, roadmaps, optimization and migration strategies for future systems.

  • Evaluates the viability of new technology product ideas and 3rd party systems/tools for implementation/use in future roadmap.

  • Ensure application design to manage and maintain data security and integrity.

  • Refine the development processes/practices to achieve better performance and deliver higher quality application from time to time.

  • Mentor managers to implement best practices to motivate and organize their teams, enhance their works.

  • Assure all deliveries are on-time, on-budget, high-quality and consistency.

  • Adopt and implement the scrum development methodologies.

  • Oversee the whole system design, integration, deployment and other technical aspects.

  • Represent IT development team to assist requirement gathering and development of user stories.

  • Analyze the business requirement, break down into development work items and estimate the efforts.

  • Lead the discussion on how to implement the system features and design its implementation detail.

  • Research, design, code, test, build and debug applications or integrations according to business requirements and specifications.

  • Identify areas for modification in existing applications and enhance new features or system performance.

  • Develop software prototypes that demonstrate the key features of the applications.

  • Troubleshoot software issues and provide bug fix in timely fashion.

  • Develop quality assurance procedures, test and evaluate new applications.

  • Maintain and upgrade existing applications.

  • Able to think alternative ways to accomplish the goals and evaluate solution that yield the best result. Keep trying if the solution is not yet identified.

  • Have compassion to help others and work as a team tackles the challenges together.

  • Liaise with project managers / end-users / operation teams to understand and define user requirements and system specifications.

  • Recommend system changes, enhancements, and operational practicality.

  • Document software specification, implementation guide, release notes and train users.

  • Follow high standard development and security policies and procedures.

  • Produce efficient code and high-quality deliverables based on thorough understanding of business requirements.

  • Provide technical support during system development and production roll-out.

  • Accomplishes organization goals by accepting ownership for accomplishing new and different requests; exploring opportunities to add value to job accomplishments.

  • Able to work under pressure and tight timeframes to meet project deadlines.

  • Able to work effectively both independently and as part of a team.

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Minimum 8+ years of software development experience in C#, .NET core, Angular JavaScript framework or Xamarin mobile technologies.

  • Education: Diploma or degree in Information Technology field

  • Knowledge/Certificates:

  • Experience with Microsoft .NET core, C#, ASP.NET, Entity Framework core code first, LINQ, Web API, Active Directory authentication programming technologies.

  • Experience with Web programming technologies - Angular, Typescript, JavaScript, Bootstrap, CSS, HTML, JSON, XML Schema, Open ID Connect, OAuth2, RESTful Web Service, Swagger.

  • Familiar with Microsoft SQL Server Database Programming.

  • Good object-oriented programming concepts.

  • Experience on enterprise-scale and team-based development environment.

  • Proven abilities to take initiative and be innovative.

  • Willing to learn new technology.

  • Basic understanding of Hotel and Gaming processes.

  • Analytical mind with a problem-solving aptitude.

  • Familiar with IT processes and procedures.

  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills.

  • Language Ability: Multilingual English/Mandarin/Cantonese preferred.

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm

餐飲領班 Server Team Leader (永利皇宮) (ID:3004BR)


  • 須對團隊成員作出監督、訓練及指導性工作,以確保團隊成員為賓客帶來五星級的禮遇及有效率的服務。


  • 為賓客提供優質的客戶服務,包括以冷靜及有效率的態度為客人介紹當日菜式、落單、端送食物及飲品等

  • 為賓客介紹當日的菜式和飲品,包括其製作過程及方法等,並提出推薦

  • 針對賓客的要求,及時處理投訴,令他們感到滿意


  • 具最少5年於餐廳之工作的經驗,具五星級酒店或渡假村工作經驗者優先考慮

  • 中學畢業或以上程度

  • 能操流利廣東話及普通話;良好英語

  • 熟悉MS Office及POS電腦軟件操作,懂Micros電腦軟件操作者優先考慮

Job PurposeSupervise, train and guide service staff and ensure guests receive courteous and efficient five-star service.

Daily Operations:

  • Provide excellent customer service and introduce available dishes, take orders, and deliver dishes and drinks calmly

  • Introduce available dishes and beverages, including the method of preparation, and make recommendations

  • Address guests’ requests and handle complaints promptly and to their satisfaction

Competencies and Requirements:

  • Minimum of 5 years of customer service experience; experience in a five-star hotel is an advantage

  • Secondary school diploma or above

  • Fluent Cantonese and Mandarin, good English

  • Proficient in MS Office and POS software; knowledge of Micros is an advantage

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電(853)8889 1188

市場業務代表 Mass Marketing Host (ID:1219BR)



  • 為度假村發掘具潛質的客戶,招攬新賓客並邀請入會

  • 協助規劃娛樂場的推廣活動,負責相關執行工作並安排會員參與

  • 根據公司程序向符合資格的會員致送禮品,主動與賓客維持良好及緊密聯繫

  • 無需工作經驗,但須操流利的廣東話、普通話及懂基本英語


  • 工作經驗:具娛樂場市場業務代表及客戶服務工作經驗者優先考慮

  • 教育程度:學士學位或同等學歷

  • 技能 / 證書:須熟悉賭枱遊戲的玩法及規例

  • 語言能力:操流利的廣東話和普通話,懂英語者優先考慮

  • 電腦應用:熟悉Ms Office軟件操作及中英文打字技巧

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電 (853) 8889 1188

中餐資深廚師 Master Cook - Chinese (1773BR)


  • 烹調高品質的菜餚,以滿足賓客的需求

  • 須作出供應需求的預測及監控貨倉的存貨

  • 以 HACCP 的標準儲存及冷藏食品,保持廚房及用具的清潔衛生

  • 須不斷改善健康及安全標準

  • 須履行廚師長委派的工作


  • 工作經驗:具最少五年於四、五星級酒店的中餐工作經驗

  • 技能 / 證書:對國際菜餚瞭如指掌;精通刀切技術者優先考慮

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或等同學歷

  • 語言能力:良好廣東話,普通話及英語

Key Responsibilities

  • Produce high quality dishes to fulfil the orders

  • Forecast supply needs for the stock room and manage inventory levels

  • Maintain HACCP standards for dry and cold storage, and cleaning and tidying the kitchen and utensils

  • Continuously improve health and safety standards

  • Perform duties assigned by the 1st Wok

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Minimum of 5 years’ Chinese kitchen experience in a 4 to 5 star hotel

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Excellent product knowledge of international cuisine; accurate knife skills and proven cooking abilities

  • Education: Secondary school or equivalent

  • Language Abilities: Good Cantonese, Mandarin and English

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電 (853) 8889 1188

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm

調酒員 Bartender (1732BR)


  • 介紹飲品款式,並提出建議

  • 為賓客準備飲品,包括紅酒、雞尾酒、烈酒和非酒精飲品

  • 為每位賓客提供優質的產品及服務

  • 制定每月及每季的飲品餐單

  • 經常保持酒吧及所有硬件設備的清潔整齊

  • 須作出倉存管理及控制每月存貨

  • 針對賓客的要求,及時處理投訴,讓他們感到滿意


  • 具最少五年於酒店及餐廳,從事客戶服務和相關的酒吧服務工作經驗

  • 熟悉各類飲品及酒吧運作,具簡單現金處理經驗

  • 中學畢業或以上程度

  • 能操流利英語、廣東話及普通話

  • 懂 POS 操作

Key Responsibilities

  • Introduce beverages to guests and make recommendations

  • Prepare and server beverages for guests, including wine, cocktails, spirits and non-alcoholic drinks

  • Deliver high quality products and services to every guest

  • Create monthly and seasonal drinks menus

  • Clean and tidy the bar and equipment frequently

  • Maintain stock levels and control monthly inventory

  • Address guests’ requests and handle complaints promptly and to their satisfaction

Competencies and Requirements

  • Minimum of 5 years’ customer service and related Bartender experience in a hotel or restaurant

  • Good product knowledge of beverages and bar operations; cash handling

  • Secondary school diploma or above

  • Fluent Cantonese, Mandarin and English

  • Knowledge of POS Software

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電 (853) 8889 1188

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm

Job Descriptions:

  • Perform daily audit on Table games, Slots, Cage, VIP Gaming and Promotion

  • Audit and report all Gaming Revenue in accordance with Departmental and Regulatory Standards

  • Prepare journals, daily operating report, reconciliation and review documentation for compliance

Competencies and Requirements:

  • Experience: 1 year of experience in auditing, finance or related business field experience preferred

  • Education: Bachelor degree in Accounting, Finance or related business field

  • Language Abilities: Good written and spoken English and Chinese

  • Computer Skills: Proficient in MS Office

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm

Butler 司膳員

Job Purpose:

Provide professional, personalised service to Wynn Palace’s VIP guests. Respond promptly to guests’ requests and do everything possible to make their stay enjoyable.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Ensure the VIP guest experience in the Villa and Penthouse is memorable by exceeding guest’s expectations

  • Deliver Wynn Palace’s high standards of quality, service and guest satisfaction in every aspect of the VIP guest experience, adhering to established policies and procedures

  • Prepare VIP Services areas and suites for guests’ arrival by creating a luxurious atmosphere and setting up amenities

  • Know and understand the resort’s facilities and services and all F&B items on the menu

  • Maintain guests’ preference profiles and track their likes and dislikes

Competencies And Requirements:

  • Experience: Previous customer service experience at a five-star hotel or fine-dining restaurant preferred

  • Education: Bachelor degree or equivalent preferred

  • Language Abilities: Fluent spoken Cantonese and Mandarin; good English communication is an advantage




  • 確保貴賓能感受難忘及超越期望的住宿體驗

  • 各方面都能為貴賓提供高標準質量的服務,以達到賓客的滿意度,並遵照已定立的政策及程序

  • 為賓客的到臨準備貴賓服務區域、套房及擺放所需的用品,以創建豪華的氣氛

  • 須透徹瞭解整個渡假村的設施、服務及所有的餐飲服務

  • 針對賓客的喜惡,製作個人的檔案,並須不斷保持更新


  • 工作經驗:曾在五星級酒店或餐廳從事客戶服務工作經驗者優先考慮

  • 教育程度:學士學位或同等學歷為佳

  • 語言能力:能操流利的廣東話及普通話;良好英語溝通者優先考慮

Club Representative 會籍會務代表 (2184 BR)


  • 以專業有禮的態度與賓客互動溝通,並招募新會員

  • 安排及協調新會員招募計劃,會員優惠回贈方案,贈品發送及相關推廣活動事宜

  • 向賓提供會員優惠資訊和執行相關會員事務


  • 具娛樂場市場業務及客戶服務工作經驗者優先考慮

  • 學士學位或同等學歷

  • 操流利的廣東話、普通話及英語

  • 熟悉Ms Office軟件操作及中英文打字技巧

Assistant Duty Engineer 副值班工程師 (1490BR)

Job Descriptions:

  • Knowledge of a range of engineering activities, tools and equipment. These include but not limited to HVAC, Electrical, Fire Services, plumbing and drainage, water supply, BMS, UPS and lighting control system

  • Supervise installations, repairs, renovations and maintenance works. Ensure high-quality maintenance works and work orders are carried out on schedule and in accordance with procedures.

  • Conduct daily inspections of all buildings, plants and facilities and execute correction action if needed

  • Implement and monitor quality control mechanisms for Engineering, including health and safety, repairs and maintenance, service standards, use of chemicals and tools, equipment maintenance and handling

Competencies And Requirements:

  • Experience: Minimum of 3 years’ engineering experience

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Knowledge of a range of engineering activities, tools and equipment

  • Education: Secondary school diploma or above

  • Language Abilities: Good English, Cantonese and Mandarin

  • Computer Skills: Proficient in MS Office (Various Control Systems such as PMS, BMS and AFA systems is an advantage)


  • 熟識工程部的運作及工作範圍,以及有關工具及設備運用。 這些包括但不限於暖通空調、電器、消防、水管及排水系統、供水、BMS、UPS和照明控制系統。

  • 監督安裝、維修、翻新及保養工程,確保高品質的維修工程,並確保工程如期及按照程序進行。

  • 須負責大樓的日常巡查工作,包括廠房和設施,並於有需要時執行所需工程

  • 執行和監督工程的質量控制機制,包括健康和安全、維修和保養、服務標準、化學品和工具的使用、設備的維修和處理


  • 工作經驗:具最少三年工程維修工作經驗

  • 技能 / 證書:熟識工程部運作及工作範圍,以及有關工具及設備運用

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或以上程度

  • 語言能力:能操良好英語、廣東話及普通話

  • 電腦應用:熟識MS Office ,(熟識各種控制系統如PMS, BMS和AFA系統者優先)

Wine Sommelier 品酒師 (1418BR)

Job description:

  • Serve wines according to five-star best practice

  • Compile the wine list, buy and store the wines, and restock the cellar

  • Taste all purchased wines to ensure their quality

  • Practice wine and food matching according to the characteristics of wines and dishes

  • Coordinate with restaurants and F&B outlets to develop wine lists that match menus and promotions

Competencies and Requirements:

  • Experience: Minimum of 3 years’ wine and beverage experience in a 5-star hotel an advantage

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Excellent product knowledge of international wines and characteristics, and food and wine pairing; Wine and Spirit Education Trust (WSET) certificate or Court of Master Sommelier (CMS) certificate or International Sommelier Guild (ISG) certificate an advantage;

  • Education: Secondary school diploma or above

  • Language Ability: Good English, Cantonese and Mandarin an advantage

  • Computer Skills: Proficient in MS Office


  • 按五星級的最佳方法向賓客提供餐酒服務

  • 匯編酒單,購買和儲存葡萄酒,並再存入酒窖

  • 為了購貨而須親嚐葡萄酒,以確認其品質

  • 根據葡萄酒和菜餚的特點,作出相搭配的嘗試

  • 須與餐廳及各餐飲營業點溝通協調,以便可研發與菜牌及推廣菜餚相配合的酒單


  • 工作經驗:具最少三年於五星級酒店從事餐酒及餐飲的經驗者優先考慮

  • 技能 / 證書:須對各國酒類的特點和應用瞭如指掌;善於把美酒與佳餚相配搭;具WSET/CMS/ISG葡萄酒課程證書者或優先考慮

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或以上程度

  • 語言能力:良好英語、懂廣東話及普通話者優先考慮

  • 電腦應用:熟悉MS Office電腦軟件操作


Food & Beverage Server 餐飲服務員 (1151BR)


  • 為賓客提供優質的餐飲服務

  • 以熱誠及有禮的態度接待賓客並端送食物及飲品

  • 無須餐飲經驗(具客戶服務工作經驗者優先考慮)


  • 能操流利廣東話或普通話

  • 須輪班工作


To apply or enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours from Monday to Friday between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm or by email:

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午 9 時至下午 6 時致電 (853) 8889 1188 或電郵至

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, Hotel 酒店業, $40k - 50k, Urgent Hiring 急聘職位, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂, Design 設計, Marketing 市場行銷及傳播, GM 綜合管理, F-JSCM1, M07CJ

Macau Fisherman's Wharf 澳門漁人碼頭招聘

Be Our Best Talent 卓越精英由此起

$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, $40k - 50k, Beauty 美容, Construction 建築業, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂, Freelance 兼職, JSCMPT3, HR 人力資源, Design 設計, GM 綜合管理, M06DJ

HN GROUP LIMITED 殷理基集團有限公司澳門招聘


集團始創於 1920 年,前身為殷理基洋行有限公司,最初以經營進口葡萄牙產品為核心業務,再由零售逐步擴展至不同的服務行業。面對澳門的急速發展,集團化後的殷理基以進一步發展業務覆蓋為目標,專注發掘不同領域的投資及合作機會。多年積累的經驗參與管理,在每個業務上竭力改善澳門居民的生活,並以支持地區的經濟發展為貢獻,締結集團“立足澳門,服務民生”的使命。



  • 高中畢業或以上。

  • 熟悉電腦操作及能處理一般文書工作。

  • 能書寫和能說流利的廣東話、 普通話及略懂英語。

  • 有旅遊業經驗者優先考慮。

有意者請將個人履歷、近照、工作經驗、要求待遇等電郵至 (電郵上請註明申請之職位)。


Responsibilities / Requirements:

  • Manage full spectrum of daily office administration and procurement functions.

  • Provide a full range of administrative support.

  • Review and set up administration workflow and execute internal document control.

  • Provide other administrative support to the office and retail outlets.

  • Perform ad hoc assignments as required.

  • Degree holder in any discipline.

  • At least 2-4 years of relevant working experience.

  • Good command of spoken and written English and Chinese.

  • Excellent in the use of MS Office, especially in Excel and PowerPoint.

  • Detail-minded with 'Can Do' attitude.

Interested parties are invited to send your full resume with current to

Administrative Supervisor / Assistant Administrative Manager

Responsibilities / Requirements:

  • Manage full spectrum of daily office administration and procurement functions.

  • Provide a full range of administrative support.

  • Review and set up administration workflow and execute internal document control.

  • Provide other administrative support to the office and retail outlets.

  • Perform ad hoc assignments as required.

  • Degree holder in any discipline.

  • At least 2-4 years of relevant working experience.

  • Good command of spoken and written English and Chinese.

  • Excellent in the use of MS Office, especially in Excel and PowerPoint.

  • Detail-minded with 'Can Do' attitude.

Interested parties are invited to send your full resume with current to



  • 接載公司管理人員或客人,配合管理人員用車需要

  • 持有澳門及大陸輕型駕駛執照,需要駕駛往來澳門香港、具良好駕駛紀錄,熟識澳門街道及有豐富駕駛經驗

  • 具5年以上專業司機工作經驗

  • 誠實有禮、積極主動、有責任心

有意者請將個人履歷、近照、工作經驗、要求待遇等電郵至 (電郵上請註明申請之職位)。

行政助理 / 公司司機


  • 協助處理公司一般日常行政事務

  • 接載公司管理人員或客人,配合管理人員用車需要

  • 持有澳門及大陸輕型駕駛執照,需要駕駛往來澳門香港、具良好駕駛紀錄,熟識澳門街道及有豐富駕駛經驗

  • 具5年以上專業司機工作經驗

  • 誠實有禮、積極主動、有責任心

  • 略懂英文優先

有意者請將個人履歷、近照、工作經驗、要求待遇等電郵至 (電郵上請註明申請之職位)。

外勤文員 / 公司司機


負責處理文件存放, 收集及派送文件





有意者請將個人履歷、近照、工作經驗、要求待遇等寄往澳門宋玉生廣場258號建興龍廣場21樓人力資源及行政部收或電郵至 (信封上或電郵上請註明申請之職位)。

Assistant Sales Manager / Senior Sales Representative

Responsibilities / Requirements:

  • To meet business targets assigned by company.

  • To follow up new business, handling outgoing sales work, maintaining existing clients and approach new clients to achieve sales targets.

  • To deliver Sales objectives and drive Sales Growth, promote product portfolio in assigned projects.

  • Explore all business opportunities to aid market expansion and to ensure business growth.

  • Unique and exquisite products to mid to high end customers.

  • 3 - 5 years experience in brand or product management.

  • Broad sales and marketing experience, self-motivated, aggressive, excellent interpersonal and communication skill, and good exposure in the property development market.

  • Good command of written and spoken English and Chinese, proficiency in Mandarin.

  • Willing to travel and periodic stationing.

Interested parties are invited to send your full resume with current to

All applications will be treated in strict confidential and used for recruitment purpose only.

Business Development Director (Base in Macau)

Responsibilities / Requirements:

  • As a member of the Company’s top management,

    a) participate in the management of existing businesses, with emphasis on business expansion and performance enhancement;

    b) participate in new business development including: identifying new opportunities, devising strategic plans, financial analysis and feasibility studies; and setting up new operations;

  • A combined experience in the fields of finance, accounting and business management or business development is preferred as the job requires, in addition to business experience, basic knowledge of accounting and finance.

  • Degree holder in finance or related discipline(s),holder of CPA is preferred though not necessary.

  • China experience is preferred as the Company’s business development focuses on China and thus basic understanding of Chinese business regulations, tax regulations and legal requirements is highly preferred.

  • Good interpersonal skills, strong negotiation abilities with clients and government bodies.

  • Excellent command of written and spoken English and Chinese, proficiency in Mandarin.

  • Candidate with hospitality experience is preferable.

Interested parties are invited to send your full resume with current to

All applications will be treated in strict confidential and used for recruitment purpose only.

Management Trainee

  • We are looking for an enthusiastic, versatile trainee who is keen to learn, willing to undertake challenges and eager to develop new skills. The trainee will assist in many administrative, operational and business development-related tasks.

  • Examples of Responsibilities:

  • Support staff in daily administrative tasks

  • Basic translation of documents into English/Chinese

  • Assist in devising marketing materials for various departments

  • Conduct simple market research and analysis

  • Assist staff in maintaining the day-to-day operations of departments


  • Bachelor’s degree (in any area)

  • Proficient in Chinese and English

  • Familiar with basic computer applications including Excel, Word, Powerpoint

  • Honest and attentive to details

  • Willing to take challenges and is able to multitask and work under pressure

  • Good communication and problem-solving skills

Interested parties are invited to send your full resume with current to

All applications will be treated in strict confidential and used for recruitment purpose only.

Sales Director/ Manager

Responsibilities / Requirements:

  • Report to Senior Management.

  • To lead the sales/professional team to meet business targets assigned from Senior Management.

  • To develop new business, handling outgoing sales work, maintaining existing clients, and approach new clients to achieve sales targets.

  • To deliver Sales objectives and drive Sales Growth, promote product portfolio in assigned projects.

  • Explore all business opportunities to aid market expansion and to ensure business growth.

  • Unique and exquisite products to mid to high and customer.

  • Results-based compensation scheme included.

  • Degree holder in Marketing, Business Administration or related disciplines.

  • 8 years or above solid experience in brand or product management.

  • Broad sales and marketing experience, self-motivated, aggressive, excellent interpersonal and communication skill, and good exposure in the property development market.

  • Experience in brand building and brand management through proactive and strategic communication and public relations programs.

  • Excellent command of written and spoken English and Chinese, proficiency in Mandarin.

  • Willing to travel and periodic stationing.

Interested parties are invited to send your full resume with current to

All applications will be treated in strict confidential and used for recruitment purpose only.

Assistant HR Manager/HR officer

Responsibilities & Requirements:

  • Responsible for a full spectrum of Training & Development function including delivery of in-house training and seminars (such as team building, management skill, etc.), coordinating with external consultant on training & development events

  • Responsible for the development and implementation of effective training strategies & personnel training

  • Reporting to the Head of HR, responsible to provide professional advice and solutions to the full spectrum of HR functions

  • Work closely with business partners to implement talent engagement strategy

  • Handle a full spectrum of HR functions and activities including recruitment, coaching, performance management, and employee relationship

  • Keep abreast of local legislation’s update and ensure HR policies and practices are complying to local legislation’s

  • Degree in Human Resources Management, Business Administration or related disciplines

  • Minimum 3 years of relevant working experience

  • Proactive, presentable and self-motivated

  • Proficient in both written and spoken English and Chinese

  • Proficiency in MS office especially Excel, Word and PowerPoint

Interested parties are invited to send your full resume with current to

All applications will be treated in strict confidential and used for recruitment purpose only.







有意者請將個人履歷、近照、工作經驗等電郵至 (電郵上請註明申請之職位)或可致電28719450查詢



  • 有客底,拆賬高(面議)。


  • 需有相關經驗,負責洗頭及協助髮型師妥善完成工作。


  • 熟練洗頭吹頭,掌握頭部穴位經絡按摩等相關知識及技能,需有相關工作經驗。


  • 為客人提供皮膚護理,美容美體服務,熟悉美容知識及操作程式,掌握各種美容用品,用具的性能,保持工作環境的衛生及整潔。


  • 有經驗/冇經驗均可,需對工作有熱誠及有責任感,守時有禮。


有意者請將個人履歷、近照、工作經驗、要求待遇等電郵至 (電郵上請註明申請之職位)。



  • 中學程度,具銷售美容護膚品或健康產品經驗者優先

  • 性格開朗,親切有禮

  • 積極進取,具良好溝通技巧

  • 操流利粵語,基本英語及普通話

有意者請將個人履歷、近照、工作經驗、要求待遇等電郵至 susanna@GRUPOPOPULAR.COM.MO (電郵上請註明申請之職位)。




  • 協助統籌及協調各分判施工項目

  • 負責監控工程進度,推動各項施工步驟以確保工程能依計劃完成

  • 負責識別及協調所有問題事項並能獨立處理和解決現場各種問題

  • 五年或以上相關工作經驗

  • 熟悉地盤運作及統籌工作,能獨立處理地盤工程

  • 具備基本中文書寫能力

有意請電郵履歷至 或者致電:853-8395 6588 陸小姐



  • 大學畢業

  • 勤奮、富責任心

  • 懂 AutoCad及 MS Offcie

  • 協助項目工程師處理日常工作

  • 協助投標和排解技術問題

有意請電郵履歷至 或者致電:853-8395 6588 陸小姐

高級機電項目工程師 (電機 / 空調)


  • 大學本科畢業

  • 七年或以上相關工作經驗

  • 熟悉機電系統安裝和相關規範

  • 熟悉進度的監控和與各方協調工作

  • 具良好溝通技巧

  • 負責執行機電安裝工程項目

  • 協助投標和排解技術問題


有意請電郵履歷至 或者致電:853-8395 6588 陸小姐


  • 大專本科程度或以上,3 ~ 5 年或以上相關工作經驗

  • 懂得使用AUTO-CAD繪圖

  • 擁有處理及管理大型工程項目的經驗

  • 能操英語及普通話

  • 良好的溝通技巧及人際關係

  • 負責與工程師,建築師,顧問及其他相關聯絡

  • 負責處理項目一般日常事項,監督及管理項目隊伍

  • 如相關工作經驗不足者,可申請機電項目工程師

有意者請將個人履歷電郵至 。(電郵上請註明申請之職位)




  • 大專程度學歷,具有3至5年以上工作經驗

  • 負責診所日常運作及行政管理,對外與客戶及保險公司溝通協調等工作

  • 有責任心,自律能力及帶領團隊合作精神

  • 具有醫療機構,診所或醫院等行政管理經驗者優先

  • 相關經驗不足者可考慮申請副主管

有意者請將個人履歷、近照、工作經驗、要求電郵至 (電郵上請註明申請之職位)。



  • 持有澳門衛生局認可的有效的中醫牌照

  • 具備針灸、拔罐、艾灸、推拿等中醫技能

  • 具有5年或以上獨立診症經驗

  • 精通粵語,英語,國語,具有良好的溝通能力


  • 負責中醫日常診療工作

  • 為病人提供專業的中醫意見及解答相關疑問

  • 根據病人自身的情況,為病人制定全面的中醫健康管理方案,提升病人的滿意度。



  • 持有澳門衛生局認可的有效醫生牌照

  • 具備婦科,耳鼻喉科等相關經驗優先

  • 具 3 年或以上獨立診症經驗

  • 工作細心及對病人有耐性

  • 工作積極主動、具團隊精神及責任感

  • 精通粵語,英語,國語,具良好服務態度及溝通能力


  • 負責日常診療工作,提供全科以及特別門診服務

  • 為客戶提供專業意見及解答相關咨詢

  • 具備客戶健康管理意識,為客戶提供針對性的健康管理方案。



  • 持有澳門居民身份證

  • 具澳門政府相關物理治療師牌照。

  • 有實際醫院或診所工作經驗者優先

  • 工作細心及對病人有耐性。

  • 工作積極主動、具團隊精神及責任感

  • 具良好服務態度及溝通能力

  • 薪資福利,具體面議。



  • 需持有澳門政府註冊護士牌照

  • 熟練運用電腦,流利英語,粵語,普通話.

  • 工作認真,有耐心

  • 有診所或醫院工作經驗優先

  • 福利薪資面談


有意者請將個人履歷、近照、工作經驗、要求待遇等寄往澳門宋玉生廣場258號建興龍廣場21樓人力資源及行政部收或電郵至 (信封上或電郵上請註明申請之職位)。

查詢電話:2852 4468 / 2882 0127



  • 負責協助工程隊伍處理文書工作

  • 跟進地盤材料送貨事宜

  • 處理工人相關事宜

  • 熟悉 MsOffice軟伴

  • 有地盤經驗和職安咭更佳


  • 大學畢業

  • 勤奮、富責任心

  • 懂 AutoCad及 MS Offcie

  • 協助項目工程師處理日常工作

  • 協助投標和排解技術問題


  • 協助統籌及協調各分判施工項目

  • 負責監控工程進度,推動各項施工步驟以確保工程能依計劃完成

  • 負責識別及協調所有問題事項並能獨立處理和解決現場各種問題

  • 五年或以上相關工作經驗

  • 熟悉地盤運作及統籌工作,能獨立處理地盤工程

  • 具備基本中文書寫能力

高級機電項目工程師 (電機 / 空調)

  • 大學本科畢業

  • 七年或以上相關工作經驗

  • 熟悉機電系統安裝和相關規範

  • 熟悉進度的監控和與各方協調工作

  • 具良好溝通技巧

  • 負責執行機電安裝工程項目

  • 協助投標和排解技術問題

  • (如相關工作經驗不足者,可申請機電項目工程師)

有意者請將個人履歷、近照、工作經驗、要求待遇電郵至 (電郵上請註明申請之職位)。