[ 10 月 3 日 ] 永利招聘日




日期 : 2024年10月3日(星期四)

時間 : 上午10時至下午6時

地點 : 永利皇宮招聘中心

是次招聘會只招待本澳居民,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電(853) 8986 6222 / (853) 8889 1188預約面試。


$10k - 20k, $20k - 30k, $30k - 40k, $40k - 50k, Hotel 酒店業, Gaming & Entertainment 博彩及娛樂, Design 設計, CS 客戶服務, GM 綜合管理, Marketing 市場行銷及傳播, M07BJ






(853) 8889 1188



(853) 8986 6222



Wynn is hiring positions under Finance. If you thrive for joining a team where you can grow and achieve your ambition, please do not hesitate to apply!

Please contact our Recruitment Hotline between 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., or forward your CV to our Recruitment Email:

Wynn Palace Recruitment Center

(853) 8889 1188


Wynn Macau Recruitment Center

(853) 8986 6222


To learn more about the opportunities at Wynn, please visit: wynncareersmacau.com

度假村訂房部接待員 Resort Reservations Agent (ID:3570BR)



  • 以殷勤有禮的態度迅速接聽賓客的電話

  • 清楚了解客房優惠方案及推廣計劃的細節,以及永利皇宮的所有產品、設施及服務

  • 須熟悉市場情況、相關公司房價情況及分銷渠道(互聯網和全球分銷系統)

  • 把握銷售機會,以提升客房優惠方案及推廣計劃的銷售率

  • 輸入信用卡及禮卷資料到預訂系統

  • 通過電話、傳真和電郵等辦理短暫逗留、娛樂場、度假及團體賓客的客房預定

  • 熟悉客房價格升跌及部門的收益管理,包括價格限制、可供入住率、預測及預算

  • 拓展從團體訂購至酒店營業部的銷售機會

  • 當情況許可或有機會時,可協助銷售公司的餐廳及水療服務

  • 須及時處理所有信件,並保持電子及手動存檔系統運作良好

  • 保持PMS系統運作準確

  • 須協助和履行訂房服務主任委派的工作


  • 工作經驗:具客戶服務工作經驗者優先考慮

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或以上程度

  • 技能 / 證書:優質的電話銷售及服務技巧

  • 語言能力:能操及書寫流利的英語、廣東話及普通話

  • 電腦應用:熟識MS Office及Outlook電腦軟件操作,能操作Opera電腦軟件系統者優先考慮

Job Purpose: Answer incoming calls without delay. Convert hotel sales opportunities and upsell when possible. Address guests’ requests promptly and accurately and handle reservations efficiently.

Key Responsibilities

  • Answer all incoming calls promptly and courteously

  • Know and understand details about room packages and promotions, and all Wynn Palace’s products, facilities and services

  • Be familiar with all market segments and corresponding rate plans across marketing and distribution channels (internet and global distribution system)

  • Identify sales opportunities and convert and upsell into sales of packages and promotions

  • Input credit card and voucher details into the reservations system

  • Handle all transient, gaming, wholesale and group reservations by phone, fax and email, etc.

  • Be familiar with pricing strategies and revenue management for the segments, including rate restrictions and availability, and forecasts and budgets

  • Channel sales opportunities from group bookings to the Hotel Sales Department

  • Cross-sell and process restaurant and spa reservations when opportunities arise

  • Handle correspondence promptly and maintain the electronic and manual filing systems

  • Maintain accuracy of Property Management System (PMS) database

  • Assist and perform duties assigned by the Supervisor – Room Reservations

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Previous customer service experience an advantage

  • Education: Secondary school diploma or above

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Telephone sales and service

  • Language Ability: Fluent spoken and written Cantonese, Mandarin and English

  • Computer Skills: Proficient in MS Office and Outlook; intermediate in Opera an advantage

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電(853)8889 1188

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8986 6222 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm

倉務員(場外) Attendant - Warehouse (Offsite) (ID:2172BR)



  • 確保貨物儲存於受控制的適當溫度及安全和衛生的環境

  • 貯存和搬運貨物,核實貨物的數量,質量和規格

  • 處理收貨和發貨的申請單

  • 負責維護倉庫設施和內務管理

  • 須接受由收貨主任所委派的其他工作


  • 工作經驗:具倉庫工作經驗者優先考慮

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或以上程度

  • 語言能力:操寫流利廣東話;懂簡單英語者優先考慮

  • 電腦應用:具電腦軟件MS Office (中英文版本) 中級程度知識

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電(853)8889 1188

Research Analyst - Corporate Investigations 企業調查分析員 (1078BR)

Job Descriptions

  • Responsible for processing all employee background investigations and due diligence

  • Conduct re-vetting background checks on employees who have been in the company over four years

  • Verifying police clearances in Macau and liaise with the authority

  • Answering and assisting the team members with any queries about police clearance applications

  • Conducting research and analyzing data for any ad-hoc projects

  • Maintaining the relevant in-house data and filing system

Competencies and Requirements

  • Minimum 1 years’ experience in administrative field; previous work experience in related field preferred

  • Bachelor’s degree or above

  • Fluent in written and spoken English and Chinese

  • Knowledgeable in MS Office, especially Excel and Word. Fast typist in both English and Chinese

意大利餐副主廚 Sous Chef - Italian Cuisine (永利皇宮)(ID:3865BR)




  • 協助管理廚房的日常運作

  • 監控消耗並最大化資源和設備的容量

  • 與主廚合作創建每月、促銷和季節性菜單

  • 監控廚房製作的菜餚的質量

  • 確保廚房和用具清潔衛生


  • 工作經驗:具最少十年於四、五星級意大利餐廳的廚房工作經驗

  • 技能 / 證書: 具有意大利美食方面的優秀產品知識

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或等同學歷

  • 語言能力:良好廣東話,普通話及英語

  • 電腦應用:基本程度

Job Purpose

Assist the Chef de Cuisine to manage the daily operations of the kitchen and lead, motivate and coach the kitchen team to exceed guests’ expectations for high-quality food.

Key Responsibilities

  • Assist in the management of the kitchen’s daily operations

  • Monitor consumption and maximize capacity of resources and equipment

  • Create monthly, promotional and seasonal menus in cooperation with the Chef de Cuisine

  • Monitor the quality of dishes produced in the kitchen

  • Ensure the kitchen and utensils are clean and hygienic

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Minimum of 10 years’ experience in a 4-to-5-star Italian cuisine kitchen

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Excellent product knowledge of Italian cuisine and pricing of supplies

  • Education: Secondary school diploma or equivalent

  • Language Abilities: Good English, Cantonese and Mandarin

  • Computer Skills: Basic

意大利餐助理主廚 Chef de Partie - Italian Cuisine (ID:3505BR)




  • 為每位賓客提供高品質的出品和服務

  • 監督及協助廚房的工作流程

  • 監測原料和配料的質量

  • 按公司的標準儲存及冷藏食品,以保證新鮮衛生

  • 定期監察食物的準備工作,廚房成本,庫存水平和控制質量


  • 工作經驗:具最少八年於四、五星級意大利餐廳的廚房工作經驗

  • 技能 / 證書:對意大利式菜餚瞭如指掌;刀工精確熟練;了解HACCP的標準和準則

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或等同學歷

  • 語言能力:能操良好英語

  • 電腦應用:基本程度

Job Purpose

Manage the efficiency of kitchen workstations by scheduling rosters, assigning work to team members, and controlling costs.

Motivate and coach the kitchen team to exceed guests’ expectations for high-quality food.

Key Responsibilities

  • Deliver high quality products to every guest

  • Monitor and assist with the kitchen workflow

  • Requisition raw materials and monitor ingredients for quality control purposes

  • Guarantee food is fresh, hygienic, and chilled and stored according to Company standards

  • Monitor food preparation, kitchen costs, inventory levels, and portion and quality control regularly

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Minimum of 8 years’ culinary experience in a 4 to 5 star Western kitchen

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Excellent product knowledge of Italian cuisine; accurate knife skills; understanding of HACCP standards and guidelines

  • Education: Secondary school diploma or equivalent

  • Language Ability: Good English

  • Computer Skills: Basic

點心熟籠 Dim Sum Steamer

主要職責: 負責管理各點心蒸站的日常運作,以及準備足夠的點心給各餐飲食店


  • 準備所需的點心食材

  • 準備好已經處理過的相關醬汁

  • 準備煮熟的粘貼以作點心菜餚

  • 監察蒸籠食品及食材的質量,及其烹調時間

  • 以HACCP的標準儲存乾製及冷凍食品,並需負責保持點心製作地方整齊清潔

  • 須不斷改善健康及安全標準

  • 須履行廚師長委派的工作


  • 工作經驗:具最少三年於高人流量餐廳製作點心的工作經驗

  • 技能 / 證書:對中國菜餚及食品瞭如指掌

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或等同學歷

  • 語言能力:能操良好廣東話

  • 電腦應用:基本程度

會籍會務親善大使 Club Ambassador (ID:3675BR)

主要職責: 負責以專業及有禮的態度與賓客互動;為賓客檢查會員權限、提供會員優惠資訊和執行其他會員事務。


  • 以專業及親切的態度與賓客提供優質服務

  • 於永利臻享櫃檯歡迎及迎接賓客,並為賓客檢查會員權限

  • 負責新會員招募計劃,協助新會員辦理會籍註冊流程

  • 向賓客推廣各項會員優惠資訊及回贈方案,安排獎賞換領事宜

  • 熟悉並了解永利度假村的所有設施和服務


  • 工作經驗:具娛樂場市場業務及客戶服務工作經驗者優先考慮

  • 教育程度:學士學位或同等學歷

  • 語言能力:操流利的廣東話、普通話及英語

  • 電腦應用: 熟悉Ms Office軟件操作及中英文打字技巧

司膳員Butler - VIP Services (ID:1296BR)




  • 確保貴賓能感受難忘及超越期望的住宿體驗

  • 各方面都能為貴賓提供高標準質量的服務,以達到賓客的滿意度,並遵照已定立的政策及程序

  • 為賓客的到臨準備貴賓服務區域、套房及擺放所需的用品,以創建豪華的氣氛

  • 須透徹瞭解整個渡假村的設施、服務及所有的餐飲服務

  • 針對賓客的喜惡,製作個人的檔案,並須不斷保持更新


  • 工作經驗:曾在五星級酒店或餐廳從事客戶服務工作經驗者優先考慮

  • 教育程度:學士學位或同等學歷為佳

  • 語言能力:能操流利的廣東話及普通話;良好英語溝通者優先考慮

Job Purpose

Provide professional, personalised service to Wynn Palace’s VIP guests. Respond promptly to guests’ requests and do everything possible to make their stay enjoyable.

Key Responsibilities

  • •Ensure the VIP guest experience in the Villa and Penthouse is memorable by exceeding guest’s expectations

  • Deliver Wynn Palace’s high standards of quality, service and guest satisfaction in every aspect of the VIP guest experience, adhering to established policies and procedures

  • Prepare VIP Services areas and suites for guests’ arrival by creating a luxurious atmosphere and setting up amenities

  • Know and understand the resort’s facilities and services and all F&B items on the menu

  • Maintain guests’ preference profiles and track their likes and dislikes

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Previous customer service experience at a five-star hotel or fine-dining restaurant preferred

  • Education: Bachelor degree or equivalent preferred

  • Language Abilities: Fluent spoken Cantonese and Mandarin; good English communication is an advantage

會計及固定資產文員 Clerk - General Ledger and Fixed Assets Accounting (永利澳門) (ID:730BR)



  • 負責整理有關會計收支記錄,準備財務報表和銀行對帳等工作

  • 檢查財務記錄並處理不一致之賬項記錄

  • 協助會計及固定資產部的日常運作

  • 更新並準備月結財務報表

  • 須同時妥善管理及處理多個項目


  • 工作經驗:於大型機構從事會計或應付賬工作經驗者優先考慮

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或以上程度

  • 技能 / 證書:持有會計相關證書者優先考慮

  • 語言能力:能書寫及操流利廣東話及英語

  • 電腦應用:熟識Ms Office軟件操作(中英文版本)和會計軟件應用

Job Purpose:

Responsible for editing journal entries, preparing month-end closing reports and Bank Reconciliation

Key Responsibilities:

  • Prepare journal entries, review supporting, calculate balances and prepare accounts reconciliation.

  • Investigate any discrepancies in accounts balances and generate financial reports

  • Assist in the smooth operation of the General Ledger office

  • Update and prepare monthly reports

  • Manage multiple projects simultaneously, priorities work and follow through on issues in a timely manner

Competencies and Requirements:

  • Experience: Previous General Ledger or Accounts Payable experience in a large organisation

  • Education: Secondary school diploma

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Accounting certificates an advantage

  • Language Ability: Good written and spoken English and Chinese

  • Computer Skills: Intermediate MS Office (Chinese and English) and accounting software applications

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8686 6222 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm

客戶關係管理高級經理 Senior Manager - Customer Relationship Management (ID:3837BR)

Job Purpose

We are seeking a strategic and visionary Campaign Development and ML Application Senior Manager to lead our team in developing sophisticated, data-driven campaign solutions. The ideal candidate will have a proven track record of driving process improvements and delivering measurable business results, as well as deep expertise in SQL, Python, Airflow, Linux server management, and data architecture principles.

Key Responsibilities

  • Lead and manage the Campaign Development Team, providing technical guidance, code reviews, and mentorship to team members

  • Oversee the development and implementation of marketing campaigns, ensuring they are delivered on time, within budget, and to the highest quality standards

  • Provide technical guidance and review the team's work to ensure adherence to best practices, quality standards, and business objectives

  • Deploy and manage technical workflows, ensuring scalability, reliability, and efficiency

  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including Marketing, IT, and Innovation, to align campaign development efforts with overall business strategies

  • Drive the adoption of best practices in campaign development, including the use of agile methodologies, automation, and data-driven decision making

  • Manage project timelines, resources, and budgets, ensuring efficient utilization and optimal performance

  • Contribute to the development of the team's technical roadmap, identifying opportunities for innovation and improvement

  • Foster a culture of continuous learning, encouraging team members to expand their skills and knowledge in marketing technology and campaign development

  • Provide thought leadership and guidance to cross-functional teams on workflow best practices, emerging trends, and the effective translation of business requirements into technical solutions

  • Manage stakeholder expectations, communicate progress, and escalate issues as needed to ensure project success

  • Demonstrate strong ownership and accountability for the success of the Campaign Development Team and its initiatives

Competencies and Requirements

  • Education:

  • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or a related technical or quantitative field (Master's degree preferred)

  • Experience:

  • 8+ years of experience in technical workflow development, automation, and optimization

  • 3+ years of experience in a senior developer or technical leadership role

  • Knowledge/Certificates:

  • Expertise in SQL, Python, and other relevant programming languages

  • Hands-on experience with Airflow or similar workflow management tools and deploying technical workflows in a production environment

  • Knowledge of DevOps platforms and practices

  • Knowledge and experience in applying ML techniques, such as predictive modeling, clustering, and anomaly detection, in business context

  • Knowledge of agile development methodologies and experience working in a Scrum environment

  • Experience with marketing automation platforms and data visualization tools

  • Strong experience with Linux server management and data architecture principles

  • Strong strategic thinking and long-term planning skills

  • Proven track record of developing and executing successful campaign strategies at an enterprise level

  • Proven track record of driving process improvements and delivering measurable business results

  • Strong business acumen and understanding of marketing strategies and best practices

  • Strong ability to communicate with stakeholders, effectively translating between business requirements and technical solutions

  • Strong ownership and servicing mind-set to ensure efficient and effective program delivery

  • Work experience in Integrated Resort strongly preferred

  • Language Ability:

  • Proficiency in English and Cantonese/ Mandarin

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm

企業資訊管理高級開發員Senior Developer - Enterprise Information Management (ID:3146BR)

Job Purpose

Responsible for designing, developing and maintaining Business Intelligence (BI) solutions, crafting and executing queries upon request for data, presenting information through reports and visualization, supporting data warehouse/data lake performance by planning and delivering data integrations. He/She needs to understand business requirements, develops Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) solutions to extract insightful information for making business decision or assisting business operations, develops reports/visualization, provides support for data platform and assists the team to enhance data management solutions.

Key Responsibilities

  • Assist Supervisor – Enterprise Information Management to plan data integration process by developing common definitions of sourced data

  • Designing common keys in physical data structure; establishing data integration specifications

  • Validates data integration by developing and executing test plans and scenarios including data design, tool design, data extract/transform, networks, and hardware

  • Maintains data warehouse/data lake performance by identifying and resolving data conflicts

  • Manage multiple projects simultaneously, prioritize work and follow through on issues in a timely manner

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Minimum 2 years working in an IT related position

  • Education: Diploma or degree in Information Technology field

  • Language Ability: Multilingual English/Mandarin/Cantonese preferred

  • Additional skills required: Familiar with gaming/hospitality systems management is an advantage.

  • Experience on some of the below technologies are also an advantage:

  • Knowledge of SQL queries, SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) and SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)

  • Familiarity with BI technologies (e.g. Tableau or SAS Visual Analytics)

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm

資訊科技基建工程師 Engineer - IT Infrastructure (ID:920BR)

Job Purpose:

The Support Engineer of IT Infrastructure is responsible for smooth running of the Company’s network, telecommunications, servers, and storage systems. She/he provides first level support and daily maintenance to infrastructure systems in collaboration with various system providers.

Key Responsibilities

  • Responsible for smooth running of the Company’s network, telecommunications, servers, and storage systems

  • Provides first level support and daily maintenance to infrastructure systems in collaboration with various system providers

  • Experience in computer systems support, designing and maintaining enterprise-class, highly-available LANs, WANs, and/or PABX in Casino and/or Hotel industry preferred

  • Demonstrated understanding of computer systems, networked operating environments, and SQL database skill are required

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Minimum of 3 years management experiences in Casino and/or Hotel industry directly related to the duties and responsibilities specified. Experience in computer systems support and service desk an advantage

  • Education: Diploma or Degree in Information Technology field

  • Language Abilities: Multilingual English/Mandarin/Cantonese preferred.

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm

資訊科技發展副總監 Assistant Director - IT Development

Job Purpose:

IT application development assistant director is responsible for planning, coordinating, supervising all activities related to the design, development, implementation of the application development department and analysis function. He/She manages multiple development teams supporting different applications of business areas. Being an application development assistant director directs and guides the managers, reviews different project requests, timeline and cost. He/She develops, distributes, supports, enforces, and integrates best practices and technology standards across the organization. He/She creates functional strategies and specific objectives for the teams and develops polices, procedures to support the functional infrastructure. He/She has deep knowledge of the management and solid knowledge of the overall departmental function.

IT software development department is commonly using Microsoft .NET core, C#, Angular JavaScript framework, Xamarin mobile framework, Git Repository and SQL Server database. Most of the in-house developed applications are web applications and mobile applications. In addition, Scrum development methodology is used for the development process, product backlog and issue log are kept in Azure DevOps platform. IT software developer is playing an important part in making a business more efficient and helping to provide a better IT service.

Key Responsibilities

  • Assist director to direct the strategic development.

  • Provide technology blueprints, roadmaps, optimization and migration strategies for future systems.

  • Evaluates the viability of new technology product ideas and 3rd party systems/tools for implementation/use in future roadmap.

  • Ensure application design to manage and maintain data security and integrity.

  • Refine the development processes/practices to achieve better performance and deliver higher quality application from time to time.

  • Mentor managers to implement best practices to motivate and organize their teams, enhance their works.

  • Assure all deliveries are on-time, on-budget, high-quality and consistency.

  • Adopt and implement the scrum development methodologies.

  • Oversee the whole system design, integration, deployment and other technical aspects.

  • Represent IT development team to assist requirement gathering and development of user stories.

  • Analyze the business requirement, break down into development work items and estimate the efforts.

  • Lead the discussion on how to implement the system features and design its implementation detail.

  • Research, design, code, test, build and debug applications or integrations according to business requirements and specifications.

  • Identify areas for modification in existing applications and enhance new features or system performance.

  • Develop software prototypes that demonstrate the key features of the applications.

  • Troubleshoot software issues and provide bug fix in timely fashion.

  • Develop quality assurance procedures, test and evaluate new applications.

  • Maintain and upgrade existing applications.

  • Able to think alternative ways to accomplish the goals and evaluate solution that yield the best result. Keep trying if the solution is not yet identified.

  • Have compassion to help others and work as a team tackles the challenges together.

  • Liaise with project managers / end-users / operation teams to understand and define user requirements and system specifications.

  • Recommend system changes, enhancements, and operational practicality.

  • Document software specification, implementation guide, release notes and train users.

  • Follow high standard development and security policies and procedures.

  • Produce efficient code and high-quality deliverables based on thorough understanding of business requirements.

  • Provide technical support during system development and production roll-out.

  • Accomplishes organization goals by accepting ownership for accomplishing new and different requests; exploring opportunities to add value to job accomplishments.

  • Able to work under pressure and tight timeframes to meet project deadlines.

  • Able to work effectively both independently and as part of a team.

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Minimum 8+ years of software development experience in C#, .NET core, Angular JavaScript framework or Xamarin mobile technologies.

  • Education: Diploma or degree in Information Technology field

  • Knowledge/Certificates:

  • Experience with Microsoft .NET core, C#, ASP.NET, Entity Framework core code first, LINQ, Web API, Active Directory authentication programming technologies.

  • Experience with Web programming technologies - Angular, Typescript, JavaScript, Bootstrap, CSS, HTML, JSON, XML Schema, Open ID Connect, OAuth2, RESTful Web Service, Swagger.

  • Familiar with Microsoft SQL Server Database Programming.

  • Good object-oriented programming concepts.

  • Experience on enterprise-scale and team-based development environment.

  • Proven abilities to take initiative and be innovative.

  • Willing to learn new technology.

  • Basic understanding of Hotel and Gaming processes.

  • Analytical mind with a problem-solving aptitude.

  • Familiar with IT processes and procedures.

  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills.

  • Language Ability: Multilingual English/Mandarin/Cantonese preferred.

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm

數碼營銷推廣高級經理 (中國社交媒體) Senior Manager - Digital Marketing (Social Media China)(ID:2931BR)

Job Purpose: Responsible for the planning and successful execution of the social media content and operation for the China market

Key Responsibilities:

  • Support Director, Digital Marketing and E-Commerce to formulate and implement an overall China social media content and operation strategy to ensure that Wynn has a top-notch presence in the China social media landscape and stays ahead of the market

  • Lead the effort to develop and maintain a China social media content and operation calendar in alignment with the company’s strategic objectives

  • Curate both topical content and tactical content regularly to support the company’s brand building and commercial efforts

  • Plan and execute social media campaigns to create an engaging online-to-offline user experience to drive footfall to the Wynn properties

  • Liaise with various internal departments on content creation and material preparation

  • Manage and support agencies to produce creative and quality content that beats expectations

  • Grow the fan bases, maintain a high level of fan engagement, and ensure that fan enquiries are responded to in a timely manner

Competencies and Requirements:


  • Minimum 8 ~ 10 years of relevant experience, including at least 5 years developing a social media presence and managing social media campaigns for the China market

  • Experience with successfully growing a fan base, and managing content and campaigns resulting in exceptional results

  • Prefer to have planning, copywriting, basic shooting and production capabilities, platform operation, and data analysis skills.

  • Education: Bachelor’s degree or above

  • Language Ability: Good written and spoken English, Mandarin and Cantonese

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Deep knowledge of popular social media platforms in China and the marketing opportunities these platforms present

Computer Skills:

  • Proficient in the use of online design and video editing tools, desktop publishing and MS Office

  • Familiar with mobile technologies, e.g. responsive design, mobile payments, etc.

工作說明 :

主要職責: 負責中國市場社交媒體內容和營運的規劃和成功執行


  • 支持數碼營銷及電子商務總監制定並實施整體中國社交媒體內容和營運策略,以確保永利在中國社交媒體領域處於領先地位並保持市場領先地位

  • 領導開發和維護符合公司策略目標的中國社交媒體內容和營運行事曆

  • 定期策劃主題內容和戰術內容,以支持公司的品牌建立和商業工作

  • 規劃執行社交媒體活動,打造引人入勝的線上線下使用者體驗,進而增加永利酒店的賓客流量

  • 與各個內部部門就內容創建和材料準備進行聯絡溝通

  • 管理和支援機構製作超乎預期的創意和優質內容

  • 擴大粉絲群,維持高水準的粉絲參與度,並確保及時回覆粉絲的詢問



  • 至少8至10年相關經驗,包括至少5年在中國市場開發社交媒體和管理社交媒體活動的經驗

  • 成功擴大粉絲群以及管理內容和活動並取得卓越成果的經驗

  • 具備策劃、文案、基本拍攝製作能力、平台營運、資料分析能力者更佳

  • 教育程度:具大學畢業或同等程度學歷

  • 語言能力:良好的英語、國語和粵語書寫和口語能力

  • 知識/證書:深入了解中國流行的社交媒體平台以及這些平台帶來的營銷機會


  • 熟練使用線上設計和影片編輯工具、桌面出版和MS Office

  • 熟悉移動技術,例如響應式設計、行動支付等

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電(853)8889 1188

收益監控審計員 Auditor – Income Control (永利皇宮)(ID:1582BR)



  • 主要負責娛樂場及賬房的收入進行日常審計工作

  • 按部門及政府條例規管下為各項娛樂場收益進行審核及匯報

  • 須製作日記賬、每日運作報告、調節表及審核文件(看實際收益是否與數據吻合)等


  • 工作經驗:具會計或金融業工作經驗者優先考慮

  • 教育程度:須持會計學、經濟學學士或相關商科學歷優先考慮

  • 技能 / 證書:熟悉審計工作

  • 語言能力:操及寫流利英語、廣東話及普通話

  • 電腦應用:熟識MS Office操作

  • 如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電(853)8889 1188

Job Purpose: Responsible to compile and audit all income related issue, ensure all revenue records are accurate and discrepancies reported on a timely basis, control documents, consolidate shift reports and prepare regular revenue report against the monetary transaction.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Perform daily audit on Table games, Slots, Cage, VIP Services and Promotion.

  • Audit and report all Revenue in accordance with Departmental and Regulatory Standards.

  • Prepare journals, daily operating report, reconciliation and review documentation for compliance.

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Experience in accounting, finance or related business field experience preferred

  • Education: Bachelor degree in Accounting, Finance or related business field preferred

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Proficient in auditing knowledge and techniques

  • Language Ability: Good written and spoken English and Chinese

  • Computer Skills: Proficient in MS Office

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電(853)8889 1188

餐飲領班 Server Team Leader (永利皇宮) (ID:3004BR)


  • 須對團隊成員作出監督、訓練及指導性工作,以確保團隊成員為賓客帶來五星級的禮遇及有效率的服務。


  • 為賓客提供優質的客戶服務,包括以冷靜及有效率的態度為客人介紹當日菜式、落單、端送食物及飲品等

  • 為賓客介紹當日的菜式和飲品,包括其製作過程及方法等,並提出推薦

  • 針對賓客的要求,及時處理投訴,令他們感到滿意


  • 具最少5年於餐廳之工作的經驗,具五星級酒店或渡假村工作經驗者優先考慮

  • 中學畢業或以上程度

  • 能操流利廣東話及普通話;良好英語

  • 熟悉MS Office及POS電腦軟件操作,懂Micros電腦軟件操作者優先考慮

Job PurposeSupervise, train and guide service staff and ensure guests receive courteous and efficient five-star service.

Daily Operations:

  • Provide excellent customer service and introduce available dishes, take orders, and deliver dishes and drinks calmly

  • Introduce available dishes and beverages, including the method of preparation, and make recommendations

  • Address guests’ requests and handle complaints promptly and to their satisfaction

Competencies and Requirements:

  • Minimum of 5 years of customer service experience; experience in a five-star hotel is an advantage

  • Secondary school diploma or above

  • Fluent Cantonese and Mandarin, good English

  • Proficient in MS Office and POS software; knowledge of Micros is an advantage

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電(853)8889 1188

可持續發展報告經理 Manager - Sustainability Reporting (永利皇宮)(ID:3473BR)

Job Purpose:

Responsible for preparing and processing external non-financial/ Sustainability reports for Wynn Macau, Limited

Key Responsibilities:

  • Manage the development and implementation of sustainability reporting strategies and initiatives in accordance with the Hong Kong Exchange (HKEX) Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Reporting Guide and the IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards.

  • Stay up to date with the latest developments in IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards and ensure compliance with relevant regulations and guidelines.

  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including finance, legal and operations to gather ESG data and information necessary for sustainability reporting.

  • Design and maintain a robust ESG data collection and management system to track key sustainability metrics and indicators with data quality control.

  • Analyze sustainability data to identify trends, risks, and opportunities for improvement.

  • Prepare accurate and comprehensive sustainability reports, ensuring compliance with reporting frameworks, standards, and guidelines.

  • Liaise with internal and external stakeholders, including auditors, to ensure the accuracy and integrity of sustainability data and reports.

  • Partner with internal and external partners to create the content, layout and translation of the sustainability reports.

  • Provide guidance and training to internal teams on sustainability reporting requirements and best practices.

  • Act as a subject matter expert on the integration of IFRS accounting and sustainability standards, providing insights and recommendations to senior management.

  • Monitor industry trends and benchmarking initiatives to identify areas for improvement and innovation in sustainability reporting.

Competencies and Requirements


  • At least 5 years of accounting, auditing, or reporting experience.

  • Knowledge of ESG Reporting Standards, including Appendix C2 of HKEX ESG Reporting Guide, IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards, GRI, SASB, etc., SDGs and collection of relevant data.

  • Knowledge of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues and trends.

  • Demonstrated expertise in data analysis and reporting, with the ability to interpret complex data sets and present findings in a clear and concise manner.

  • Excellent project management and problem-solving skills, with the ability to prioritize tasks, meet deadlines, and manage multiple projects simultaneously.

  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills, with the ability to collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams and stakeholders at all levels.

  • Ability to see both the big picture and the details, and a commitment to accuracy and data integrity.

  • Highly self-motivated and directed.

  • Familiarity with sustainability software and data management tools would be advantageous.

  • Education: Bachelor’s degree in accounting, Finance or Sustainability-related fields

  • Language Ability: Good written and spoken English and Cantonese

  • Computer Skills: Excellent in MS Office and Excel

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm

國際市場業務代表 Host - Premium Marketing (永利皇宮)(ID:1223BR)


  • 須負責為永利臻享會賓客提供親切及專業的優質客戶服務,讓賓客感到滿意。


  • 識別並吸引永利內外的高級度假村客人

  • 協助和支持規劃和參與賓客推廣活動

  • 根據公司規定發放免費禮品,以幫助建立和保持客人忠誠度

  • 參加定期的部門簡報會並分享相關信息

  • 須履行總監所委派的工作


  • 工作經驗:需具娛樂場市場業務代表及客戶服務工作經驗者為佳

  • 教育程度:學士學位或等同學歷

  • 技能 / 證書:熟悉娛樂場遊戲的運作及玩法

  • 語言能力:良好廣東話及普通話;懂英語者優先考慮(日文及韓文皆適用)

  • 電腦應用: 熟悉Ms Office軟件操作及打字技巧(中文及英文)

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電 (853) 8889 1188

高級製麵師 Senior Noodle Chef (永利皇宮) (ID:1761BR)

主要職責: 生產高品質的粥麵給賓客。


  • 製作各種高品質的麵條、餃煩及經過處理的粥麵類

  • 監控粥麵生產過程以確保品質優質新鮮

  • 以HACCP的標準去保存冷凍食品,並經常保持粥麵製造工場衛生清潔

  • 須確保所有食品都新鮮衛生

  • 須作出倉儲管理,以確保供應充足

  • 確保廚房及器皿清潔衛生

  • 不斷地改善健康和安全指標

  • 須協助和履行北方製麵主廚所委任的工作


  • 工作經驗:具最少十年於高人流量的餐廳的粥麵製造工場工作之相關經驗

  • 技能 / 證書:對中式粥麵瞭如指掌

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或等同學歷

  • 語言能力:能操流利廣東話;基本英語

  • 電腦應用:基本程度

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電 (853) 8889 118

市場業務代表 Mass Marketing Host (ID:1219BR)



  • 為度假村發掘具潛質的客戶,招攬新賓客並邀請入會

  • 協助規劃娛樂場的推廣活動,負責相關執行工作並安排會員參與

  • 根據公司程序向符合資格的會員致送禮品,主動與賓客維持良好及緊密聯繫

  • 無需工作經驗,但須操流利的廣東話、普通話及懂基本英語


  • 工作經驗:具娛樂場市場業務代表及客戶服務工作經驗者優先考慮

  • 教育程度:學士學位或同等學歷

  • 技能 / 證書:須熟悉賭枱遊戲的玩法及規例

  • 語言能力:操流利的廣東話和普通話,懂英語者優先考慮

  • 電腦應用:熟悉Ms Office軟件操作及中英文打字技巧

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電 (853) 8889 1188

中餐資深廚師 Master Cook - Chinese (1773BR)


  • 烹調高品質的菜餚,以滿足賓客的需求

  • 須作出供應需求的預測及監控貨倉的存貨

  • 以 HACCP 的標準儲存及冷藏食品,保持廚房及用具的清潔衛生

  • 須不斷改善健康及安全標準

  • 須履行廚師長委派的工作


  • 工作經驗:具最少五年於四、五星級酒店的中餐工作經驗

  • 技能 / 證書:對國際菜餚瞭如指掌;精通刀切技術者優先考慮

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或等同學歷

  • 語言能力:良好廣東話,普通話及英語

Key Responsibilities

  • Produce high quality dishes to fulfil the orders

  • Forecast supply needs for the stock room and manage inventory levels

  • Maintain HACCP standards for dry and cold storage, and cleaning and tidying the kitchen and utensils

  • Continuously improve health and safety standards

  • Perform duties assigned by the 1st Wok

Competencies and Requirements

  • Experience: Minimum of 5 years’ Chinese kitchen experience in a 4 to 5 star hotel

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Excellent product knowledge of international cuisine; accurate knife skills and proven cooking abilities

  • Education: Secondary school or equivalent

  • Language Abilities: Good Cantonese, Mandarin and English

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電 (853) 8889 1188

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm

調酒員 Bartender (1732BR)


  • 介紹飲品款式,並提出建議

  • 為賓客準備飲品,包括紅酒、雞尾酒、烈酒和非酒精飲品

  • 為每位賓客提供優質的產品及服務

  • 制定每月及每季的飲品餐單

  • 經常保持酒吧及所有硬件設備的清潔整齊

  • 須作出倉存管理及控制每月存貨

  • 針對賓客的要求,及時處理投訴,讓他們感到滿意


  • 具最少五年於酒店及餐廳,從事客戶服務和相關的酒吧服務工作經驗

  • 熟悉各類飲品及酒吧運作,具簡單現金處理經驗

  • 中學畢業或以上程度

  • 能操流利英語、廣東話及普通話

  • 懂 POS 操作

Key Responsibilities

  • Introduce beverages to guests and make recommendations

  • Prepare and server beverages for guests, including wine, cocktails, spirits and non-alcoholic drinks

  • Deliver high quality products and services to every guest

  • Create monthly and seasonal drinks menus

  • Clean and tidy the bar and equipment frequently

  • Maintain stock levels and control monthly inventory

  • Address guests’ requests and handle complaints promptly and to their satisfaction

Competencies and Requirements

  • Minimum of 5 years’ customer service and related Bartender experience in a hotel or restaurant

  • Good product knowledge of beverages and bar operations; cash handling

  • Secondary school diploma or above

  • Fluent Cantonese, Mandarin and English

  • Knowledge of POS Software

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午9時至下午6時致電 (853) 8889 1188

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm

Job Descriptions:

  • Perform daily audit on Table games, Slots, Cage, VIP Gaming and Promotion

  • Audit and report all Gaming Revenue in accordance with Departmental and Regulatory Standards

  • Prepare journals, daily operating report, reconciliation and review documentation for compliance

Competencies and Requirements:

  • Experience: 1 year of experience in auditing, finance or related business field experience preferred

  • Education: Bachelor degree in Accounting, Finance or related business field

  • Language Abilities: Good written and spoken English and Chinese

  • Computer Skills: Proficient in MS Office

For enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours

From Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 6:00 pm

Butler 司膳員

Job Purpose:

Provide professional, personalised service to Wynn Palace’s VIP guests. Respond promptly to guests’ requests and do everything possible to make their stay enjoyable.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Ensure the VIP guest experience in the Villa and Penthouse is memorable by exceeding guest’s expectations

  • Deliver Wynn Palace’s high standards of quality, service and guest satisfaction in every aspect of the VIP guest experience, adhering to established policies and procedures

  • Prepare VIP Services areas and suites for guests’ arrival by creating a luxurious atmosphere and setting up amenities

  • Know and understand the resort’s facilities and services and all F&B items on the menu

  • Maintain guests’ preference profiles and track their likes and dislikes

Competencies And Requirements:

  • Experience: Previous customer service experience at a five-star hotel or fine-dining restaurant preferred

  • Education: Bachelor degree or equivalent preferred

  • Language Abilities: Fluent spoken Cantonese and Mandarin; good English communication is an advantage




  • 確保貴賓能感受難忘及超越期望的住宿體驗

  • 各方面都能為貴賓提供高標準質量的服務,以達到賓客的滿意度,並遵照已定立的政策及程序

  • 為賓客的到臨準備貴賓服務區域、套房及擺放所需的用品,以創建豪華的氣氛

  • 須透徹瞭解整個渡假村的設施、服務及所有的餐飲服務

  • 針對賓客的喜惡,製作個人的檔案,並須不斷保持更新


  • 工作經驗:曾在五星級酒店或餐廳從事客戶服務工作經驗者優先考慮

  • 教育程度:學士學位或同等學歷為佳

  • 語言能力:能操流利的廣東話及普通話;良好英語溝通者優先考慮

Club Representative 會籍會務代表 (2184 BR)


  • 以專業有禮的態度與賓客互動溝通,並招募新會員

  • 安排及協調新會員招募計劃,會員優惠回贈方案,贈品發送及相關推廣活動事宜

  • 向賓提供會員優惠資訊和執行相關會員事務


  • 具娛樂場市場業務及客戶服務工作經驗者優先考慮

  • 學士學位或同等學歷

  • 操流利的廣東話、普通話及英語

  • 熟悉Ms Office軟件操作及中英文打字技巧

Assistant Duty Engineer 副值班工程師 (1490BR)

Job Descriptions:

  • Knowledge of a range of engineering activities, tools and equipment. These include but not limited to HVAC, Electrical, Fire Services, plumbing and drainage, water supply, BMS, UPS and lighting control system

  • Supervise installations, repairs, renovations and maintenance works. Ensure high-quality maintenance works and work orders are carried out on schedule and in accordance with procedures.

  • Conduct daily inspections of all buildings, plants and facilities and execute correction action if needed

  • Implement and monitor quality control mechanisms for Engineering, including health and safety, repairs and maintenance, service standards, use of chemicals and tools, equipment maintenance and handling

Competencies And Requirements:

  • Experience: Minimum of 3 years’ engineering experience

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Knowledge of a range of engineering activities, tools and equipment

  • Education: Secondary school diploma or above

  • Language Abilities: Good English, Cantonese and Mandarin

  • Computer Skills: Proficient in MS Office (Various Control Systems such as PMS, BMS and AFA systems is an advantage)


  • 熟識工程部的運作及工作範圍,以及有關工具及設備運用。 這些包括但不限於暖通空調、電器、消防、水管及排水系統、供水、BMS、UPS和照明控制系統。

  • 監督安裝、維修、翻新及保養工程,確保高品質的維修工程,並確保工程如期及按照程序進行。

  • 須負責大樓的日常巡查工作,包括廠房和設施,並於有需要時執行所需工程

  • 執行和監督工程的質量控制機制,包括健康和安全、維修和保養、服務標準、化學品和工具的使用、設備的維修和處理


  • 工作經驗:具最少三年工程維修工作經驗

  • 技能 / 證書:熟識工程部運作及工作範圍,以及有關工具及設備運用

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或以上程度

  • 語言能力:能操良好英語、廣東話及普通話

  • 電腦應用:熟識MS Office ,(熟識各種控制系統如PMS, BMS和AFA系統者優先)

Wine Sommelier 品酒師 (1418BR)

Job description:

  • Serve wines according to five-star best practice

  • Compile the wine list, buy and store the wines, and restock the cellar

  • Taste all purchased wines to ensure their quality

  • Practice wine and food matching according to the characteristics of wines and dishes

  • Coordinate with restaurants and F&B outlets to develop wine lists that match menus and promotions

Competencies and Requirements:

  • Experience: Minimum of 3 years’ wine and beverage experience in a 5-star hotel an advantage

  • Knowledge/Certificates: Excellent product knowledge of international wines and characteristics, and food and wine pairing; Wine and Spirit Education Trust (WSET) certificate or Court of Master Sommelier (CMS) certificate or International Sommelier Guild (ISG) certificate an advantage;

  • Education: Secondary school diploma or above

  • Language Ability: Good English, Cantonese and Mandarin an advantage

  • Computer Skills: Proficient in MS Office


  • 按五星級的最佳方法向賓客提供餐酒服務

  • 匯編酒單,購買和儲存葡萄酒,並再存入酒窖

  • 為了購貨而須親嚐葡萄酒,以確認其品質

  • 根據葡萄酒和菜餚的特點,作出相搭配的嘗試

  • 須與餐廳及各餐飲營業點溝通協調,以便可研發與菜牌及推廣菜餚相配合的酒單


  • 工作經驗:具最少三年於五星級酒店從事餐酒及餐飲的經驗者優先考慮

  • 技能 / 證書:須對各國酒類的特點和應用瞭如指掌;善於把美酒與佳餚相配搭;具WSET/CMS/ISG葡萄酒課程證書者或優先考慮

  • 教育程度:中學畢業或以上程度

  • 語言能力:良好英語、懂廣東話及普通話者優先考慮

  • 電腦應用:熟悉MS Office電腦軟件操作


Food & Beverage Server 餐飲服務員 (1151BR)


  • 為賓客提供優質的餐飲服務

  • 以熱誠及有禮的態度接待賓客並端送食物及飲品

  • 無須餐飲經驗(具客戶服務工作經驗者優先考慮)


  • 能操流利廣東話或普通話

  • 須輪班工作


To apply or enquiries, please contact us at (853) 8889 1188 during office hours from Monday to Friday between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm or by email: jobs@wynnpalace.com

如有查詢,請於辦公時間星期一至五上午 9 時至下午 6 時致電 (853) 8889 1188 或電郵至 jobs@wynnpalace.com